NASA’s Next Mars Rover Is Ready for the Most Precise Landing Yet

From NASA What to expect when the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover arrives at the Red Planet on Feb. 18, 2021. With about 2.4 million miles (3.9 million kilometers) left to…

Assessment of climate change risk to the insurance sector

Apart from the slow creep of sea level rise which in recent decades has been tracking the low end of the RCP4.5 scenario, there is little justification for expecting a…

Hotel in Austin Texas sends letter to trapped guests: “we are out of food” – “use glowsticks for lighting”!

As we previously reported on the ice-storm Texas frozen wind power – outages ensue, electricity now at unheard of $9000 per megawatt-hour I have friends in Texas that are reporting…

Billionaire Sea Level Hype

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Here’s how billionaire hype works. Without presenting a scrap of evidence to back up his claim, Bill Gates, multi-billionaire inventor of the blue screen of…

Claim: Coal, Gas and Nuclear Plants are Struggling with the Heat of Global Warming

According to climate scientists Ethan Coffel and Justin Mankin, we need to replace coal, gas and nuclear plants with solar and wind, because they are less affected by the heat…

Dr Fauci Spins His Handy Wheel of Science.

Dr. Fauci’s latest press conference reveals the latest virus safety measures according to the science… WHEEL!

Michael Mann Upset WUWT Picked on Greta Thunberg

Despite leaking the secret plans of her revolutionary comrades in India, or triggering a cascade of international airline flights with her frantic personal efforts to avoid flying, Greta really cares…

The vice that is virtue-signaling

One of the reasons why rabbis and priests have generally, and creditably, stood firm against totalitarianism – often at the cost of their lives – is that those who would…

Biden’s Offshore Leasing Moratorium Will Increase GHG Emissions

Guest “I couldn’t make this sort of schist up if I was trying” by David Middleton Reporting From Ice Station Dallas NOIA Statement on BOEM Rescinding Record of Decision for…

Weakest link to EV growth is the material supply chain

The worldwide plans for EV domination of the vehicle population are like having the plans to build a large house without sufficient materials being available to ever finish the house.

The Day After Tomorrow – Dallas Edition

Guest “Ice Station Dallas Report” by David Middleton Ice Station Dallas: 15 February 2021, 0630 Current Weather Conditions: 6 °F (-14 °C), 34 °F (10 °C) below “normal.” [Should have…

Indian Greta Thunberg Follower Arrested for Sedition and Criminal Conspiracy

At the start of February, Greta Thunberg accidentally shared a private climate activist toolkit. The leaked document provoked fury in India, authorities accused Greta of plotting to destabilise the Government.…

WHO and the “Climate Emergency”

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A short post. I read that the World Health Organization (WHO) has made projections of the likely causes of death in the year 2060. I…

Texas frozen wind power – outages ensue, electricity now at unheard of $9000 per megawatt-hour

There’s a saying in the lone star state “Don’t Mess with Texas” which actually started out as an anti-littering campaign but has become sort of a slogan for the rugged,…

Southeast Greenland Sea Surface Temperature 1° – 2°C Warmer In 1940 Than Today, New Study Shows

Today some scientists like claiming the present is warmer than at any time in the past 1000 years and suggest the Greenland ice sheets are rapidly melting. But the results…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #442

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears.…

Winter storm could bring rotating power outages to North Texas through Tuesday

The short, controlled outages will begin as early as Sunday night if demand outpaces supply.

Creepy Children’s Climate Video: What if Humans Disappeared?

Be very careful what your kids watch. The first few minutes of the following educational children’s video seems harmless enough. But then it slowly morphs into radical green propaganda for…

Suspect science threatens US farming – again

It’s the “precautionary principle” at its very worst: always focusing on alleged, highly speculative risks of using chemicals – never on the risks of not using them; always highlighting risks…

Biden’s climate ‘fix’ is fantastically expensive and perfectly useless-Bjorn Lomborg

Climate policies could end up hurting much more by dramatically cutting growth. For rich countries, lower growth means higher risks of protests and political breakdown. This isn’t surprising. If you…

NATO chief suggests battle tanks with solar panels as militaries go green

“Nato should do its part to look into how we can reduce emissions from military operations,” he told the Chatham House event. “We know that heavy battle tanks or fighter…

More trees do not always create a cooler planet, Clark University geographer finds

It is well established that forests soak up carbon dioxide from the air and store it in wood and soils, slowing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; however,…

Himalayan flood disaster exposes risks of India’s rush for green energy

A reckless dash for cheap green energy or the threat of climate change are not at the forefront of rescuers’ thoughts as they search for survivors after a glacier in…

Tree Remnants Show Greta’s Thunberg’s Northern Sweden Was 3°C Warmer 9300 Years Ago…Trees Where There’s Tundra

9300-year old vegetation remnants found under receding glaciers in Northern Sweden show that the trees once grew where tundra exists today, meaning it was warmer.