Australian Comedy Hour: Net Zero Pledge Will Not Impose New Taxes or Kill Jobs

According to Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Australia can embrace entirely painless Net Zero 2050 commitments without closing coal mines or imposing new taxes.

Texas to United Nations: Pound Sand

The world is reeling from spiraling fuel costs caused by premature over-reliance on renewable energy. High fuel costs punish middle class families & stoke the supply chain crisis. Texas oil…

Chinese President: COP26 a “wake-up call … to mankind”

The Australian newspaper has praised President Xi Jinping, though the reporter admits China’s policy of churning out coal plants and mining coal as quickly as possible is undermining China’s credibility…

Climate Alarmist Deception Distorting Long Established U.S. Heat Wave Data

Biden and the Democrat’s Administration scientifically unsupported “extreme heat” politics is promoting climate alarmist advocates to manufacture politically contrived  deceptive propaganda schemes using graphically devised presentations that are both misleading…

CCC’s Net Zero Plans Rely On Dramatic Rise In Windy Days

The Committee on Climate Change have been caught cheating:

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #476

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. …” – Richard Feynman

Best of WUWT

Looking for longtime readers and Internet search wizards to help us identify our “best of category” posts for the following items:

Aussie COP26 Net Zero: Junior Coalition Nationals Cave

Australia looks set to take a Net Zero by 2050 pledge to COP26. But the mostly rural based National Party have a lot of explaining to do, to supporters who…

Oregon State: The Ancient Greeks Caused Climate Change by Killing Belief in Dryads

According to an Oregon State Professor of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, if we re-embraced the ancient indigenous worldview of living spiritual life in every tree and rock, we would be…

More Embarrassment: COP26 Luxury EVs to be Recharged Using Diesel Generators

A shortage of coal powered EV charging points has allegedly forced COP26 organisers to deploy diesel generators, though they plan to fuel the generators using recycled chip fat.

German Energy Prices “Going Through The Roof”, Supply Tightens As Leaders Botch Energy Policy

Electricity prices for industry have tripled, and household electricity will rise from 31 euro-cent/kWh to around 40 euro cent/kwh. Well over half of the electricity price is taxes, surcharges and…

Hubble Snapshot of ‘Molten Ring’ Galaxy Prompts New Research

In this particular snapshot, a science discovery followed the release of a Hubble observation of a striking example of a deep-space optical phenomenon dubbed an “Einstein ring.” The photo was released in…

The Lancet Makes False Climate Change Death Claims, Media Swallows Them

Neither illnesses nor deaths related to climate change are increasing. Shame on The Lancet and the mainstream media for lying about this.

Challenges of the clean energy transition

The Energy Transition will be one of the most capital- and resource- intensive undertakings in the history of mankind.  It is essential for business and industry to provide a reality…

Claim: Climate change lowers nutrition, increases toxicity at base of food web

HANOVER, N.H. – October 25, 2021 – Climate change impacts on freshwater systems can lower nutrition and increase toxicity at the base of the food web, according to research from Dartmouth…

Most Chukchi Sea ice in 20 years means no walrus feasts for polar bears at famous Russian cliffs

After years of hype, including documentary over-reach by David Attenborough and his collaborators at WWF and Netflix, there has been relatively abundant ice in the Chukchi Sea this summer, particulary along the Russian coast and…

Telegraph Calls For Referendum On Net Zero

I know I may sound like a stuck record, but where have the media been for the last 13 years? It’s almost as if they think that Boris plucked these…

Watch: Morano’s full 25 min speech on Climate Lockdowns at Heartland Skeptic Conference in Las Vegas

“If you’ve loved the last year and a half living under covid lockdowns, you’ll LOVE the coming climate lockdowns,” Morano quipped.

Do you rip off your shingles before finding out if new ones are available? It’s painful to watch those that do

To anyone that pays attention to the energy world with any objectivity (i.e., not searching for villains), it was obvious that the world would one day run into a hydrocarbon…

BBC Climate Expert Explains How Australia Could Live Without Coal Exports

Coal is both Australia’s second largest export and something Australia could live without, according to the BBC.

Very Powerful Storm To Impact The West Coast From Sunday Into Monday…Same System Can Result In A Mid-Week Severe Weather Outbreak And An East Coast Storm By Late Next Week

Much of the western US has been experiencing “extreme” or “exceptional” drought conditions in recent weeks, but that is likely to change in a big way in coming days.

Russian President Putin Another COP26 No Show

Perhaps President Putin is too busy arranging more fossil fuel supplies for energy starved Britain, Europe and China?

South Pole’s Winter Weather Record

The Antarctic interior recorded its coldest April-to-September this year since records began in 1957. According to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), the average temperature at the…

“Damage and Destroy” Climate Zealots’ Final Solution?

Andreas Malm claims that property destruction is necessary for the defense of the planet and of humanity. On what moral basis, though, could he object if people were to destroy his…