ICCC-14 Preview, Ep. 4: Roy Spencer on “What Recent Ocean Warming Suggests About Future Warming”

The warming predicted by the latest climate models in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 averages close to 4C. Using an updated model – and even assuming all warming…

What it is like to be a climate realist

Some people like the herd mentality, it gives them a feeling of fitting in, or belonging. It also saves them the trouble of having to think for themselves. Definition of herd…

Washington Examiner: Climate activists invest in property on beaches they say are disappearing

Utterly shameless – Washington Examiner has produced a list of climate hypocrites who spend millions buying exclusive beachfront properties, while telling everyone else that such properties will soon be destroyed…

Claim: An acceleration of coastal overtopping around the world

[editor’s note. It’s really hard to take this press release seriously if they consider the Katrina flooding an indicator of sea level rise. Unmaintained levies break. Absolutely nothing to do…

World Report Card: The Inexorable March Toward Zero Carbon Emissions (Not!)

As we all know, the most important task currently facing the world is the elimination of carbon emissions from energy consumption in order to save the planet from the existential…

Greta’s Movement Is Imploding

It appears School Strike 4 Climate has hit a crossroads. A New Zealand chapter recently shut itself down to to it being an overwhelmingly white movement. Is this the beginning…

Global fossil fuel use similar to decade ago in energy mix

The authors of the report don’t seem to have worked out that countries such as China and India don’t want them for the simple reason that they don’t work. They…

Polar bear habitat update and the progress of breakup on Hudson Bay

From Polar Bear Science Posted on June 17, 2021  At mid-month, there is still an abundance of thick first year ice over much of Hudson Bay, suggesting that – yet again…

Sulfur enhances carbon storage in the Black Sea

They found that almost a fifth of the organic molecules in the anoxic areas of the Black Sea contained sulfur – significantly more than in other seas. In addition, the…

Models In Turmoil: Underestimation Of Satellite-Based Cloud-Aerosol Interaction “Hampering Climate Change Projections”

By acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), aerosols act as cloud condensation nuclei and thus can alter cloud properties and precipitation. This influences the Earth’s radiation budget and hence climate…

Texas to divest from oil & gas divestors… And trolling North Face

Guest “God blessed Texas” by David Middleton Boycott Texas oil, and Texas will boycott you, says Gov. Abbott with new lawBy RACHEL ADAMS-HEARD on 6/15/2021 (Bloomberg) –Texas is drawing battle…

Bright Green California Dreaming

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In my recent post yclept Bright Green Impossibilities, I showed that it is not humanly possible to eliminate fossil fuel CO2 emissions by 2050. I…

China Puts Economy First, Climate Last

What it tells us is that the environmental lobby in China is toothless, the proverbial paper tiger.

Dark matter is slowing the spin of the Milky Way’s galactic bar

For 30 years, astrophysicists have predicted such a slowdown, but this is the first time it has been measured.

Lomborg: Climate change panic causes public distrust, bad decisions

Watch the latest video at foxbusiness.com HT/Marc Morano

Icebergs drifting from Canada to Southern Florida

 These 3D perspective views of the seafloor bathymetry from multibeam sonar offshore of South Carolina show numerous grooves carved by drifting icebergs. As iceberg keels plow into the seafloor, they…

Biden’s oil & gas leasing ban ruled unlawful by federal judge

Guest “What took so long?” by David Middleton Biden’s oil lease ban lifted by federal judgeBy JENNIFER A. DLOUHY AND ROBERT BURNSON on 6/16/2021 WASHINGTON (Bloomberg) –A federal judge lifted…

Celebrate: We’ve Finally Hit an “Irreversible” Climate Tipping Point

According to Professor Markus Rex, we have finally crossed the line – though years of well funded research are required to confirm that we have messed up the planet.

Japan’s Canon Institute For Global Studies (CIGS) Presents New Working Paper On Climate Science Data Inconsistencies

A new working paper has been released, in Japanese – authored by KiryeNet – and it reports that climate change goes well beyond one trace gas running the climate show…

General Atomics to ship world’s most powerful magnet to ITER global fusion energy project

San Diego, June 15 – After a decade of design and fabrication, General Atomics is ready to ship the first module of the Central Solenoid, the world’s most powerful magnet.…

Climate Activist Europe Firing Up Coal Plants as Gas Shortage Bites

As Europe emerges from a harsh winter with depleted gas reserves, desperate European governments are increasingly firing up old coal plants to bridge the energy supply gap.

Good news for Australia’s Barrier Reef you’ll likely not hear about in the media

Dr. Peter Ridd writes on his Facebook page: In 2016, there was a major bleaching event in the northern section of the Reef. There were doom headlines around the world…

ERCOT issues conservation alert… Media blames natural gas

Guest “Of course they did” by David Middleton ERCOT = Electric Reliability Council of Texas H/T to David Youatt for this suggested topic. June 14 ERCOT News Release News ReleaseJune…

Storing Energy

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been reading some folks’ claims about how batteries are the key to a bright green renewable future. Of course, we wouldn’t need batteries if…

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