Ap Index, Neutrons and Climate

  Guest post by David Archibald Figure 1: Ap Index 1932 – 2012 The Ap Index is the weakest of the solar activity indicators and has returned below the floor…

The Ridiculousness Continues – Climate Complexity Compiled

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” With the help of an array of WUWT reader comments on this thread and several others documented within, I’ve been compiling a summary of…

Big CME headed toward Earth

From Spaceweather.com : Active sunspot 1401 erupted yesterday, Jan. 19th around 16:30 UT, producing an M3-class solar flare and a full-halo coronal mass ejection (CME). The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory…

The Birth of CGR Science

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I was reading a study published in November 2011 in Science mag, paywalled of course. It’s called “The Pace of Shifting Climate in Marine and…

Regulatory Czar wants to use copyright protection mechanisms to shut down rumors and conspiracy theories

Guest Post by Alec Rawls As Congress considers vastly expanding the power of copyright holders to shut down fair use of their intellectual property, this is a good time to…

Told ya so: Al Gore + Kilimanjaro = alarmist hype

I’ve said many times that the claims of receding glaciers on Mt. Kilimanjaro by Al Gore in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth, and by extension, the claims of Dr. Lonnie…

Perpetuum Mobile

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Since at least the days of Da Vinci, people have been fascinated by perpetual motion machines. One such “perpetuum mobile” designed around the time of…

NOAA and "climate disasters" – made up words?

I got a chuckle out of this new buzzword that NOAA has created in this press release: “climate disasters”. Personally, I think they’ve been caught up the disaster hype. Why?…

Mann of the people

Tom Nelson spots another Climategate zinger. Email 2743, Sept 2009, Michael “Robust Debate” Mann: “So far, we’ve simply deleted all of the attempts by McIntyre and his minions to draw…

Climate change invites aliens into Canada

From the Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press) Climate change invites alien invaders – Is Canada ready? Ottawa, Ontario – A comprehensive multi-disciplinary synthesis just published in Environmental Reviews reveals…

Global temps in a Crash as AGW proponents Crash the Economy

By Joe Bastardi, Weatherbell Analytics When the PDO turned cold, most of the meteorological and climate community understood that the pattern was turning very similar the last time of the…

Comparing climate skepticism to "creationism" in the classroom

Alternate title: Science education gets Gleicked From AAAS: “Is climate change education the new evolution, threatened in U.S. school districts and state education standards by well-organized interest groups? A growing…

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming

Thanks to all who supported the SOPA/PIPA blackout which was the main page of WUWT for 24 hours. The thread is here, should you wish to comment further. It appears…

CO2 increases to make drunken clownfish

From Nature.com, is there anything trace amounts of CO2 can’t do? As if clownfish (the test subject) don’t already act funny. The New Scientist says: Carbon dioxide in the ocean…

A Response to Skeptical Science’s “Patrick Michaels: Serial Deleter of Inconvenient Data”

Guest post by Patrick Michaels When the battle is being lost, there is a tendency to try to raise a level of distraction to shift the attention away from the…

Phil Jones demonstrates that math is hard

Sure, we’ve all made some doozies (me included) but you have to admit this exchange between top climate scientists Tom Wigley and Phil Jones is downright hilarious. No wonder he…

James Balog's inconvenient glacial canaries

Anytime I see the “canary in the coal mine” phrase being applied to some phenomenon related to climate, I know right away that the person using it hasn’t really put…

Thanks and Apologies

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I have no use for people who censor and ban those who don’t agree with their scientific ideas. I’ve had my simple, on-topic, scientific comments…

Utility-Scale Energy Storage and Zinc-Air Batteries

Apparently, this company (EOS) has overcome the recharge limitation that exists in conventional zinc-air batteries, and supposedly has several patents on the technology. If true, this technology would be a…

La Niña and flu

From the Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health Does the La Niña weather pattern lead to flu pandemics? Worldwide pandemics of influenza caused widespread death and illness in 1918,…

The Myth of Settled Science

Guest post by Donald R. Baucom A key defense of AGW and now climate change is that the science is settled.  Historically and philosophically, this statement is unsustainable.                         Who…

The warm-cold oscillation

From the Institute of Physics Cold winters caused by warmer summers, research suggests Scientists have offered up a convincing explanation for the harsh winters recently experienced in the Northern Hemisphere;…

The behind the scenes bumbling of the hockey stick

Mann oh Mann. Tom Nelson continues to wade through the 5000+ Climategate 2 emails. I’ve selected a few he’s highlighted in the vein of behind the scenes discussion of Dr.…

Sense and Sensitivity II – the sequel

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Joel Shore, who has been questioning my climate-sensitivity calculations, just as a good skeptic should, has kindly provided at my request a reference to a…