Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

In recent years, Dr. Moore has been focused on the promotion of sustainability and consensus building among competing concerns. He founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project, a group that…

Will “Industrial Wind Knew” replace ”ExxonKnew”?

With industrial wind projects literally engulfing homes and rural areas, there is little or no escape

Time to save the Right Whale from the Green-Left

“Save the whales” is more than a slogan. It should be a directive our federal agencies are eager to carry out.

‘The River Is Essentially Dead’: How Enviros’ Push To Save Salmon Ended Up Killing ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Them

It is unfortunately typical that when government actions harm the environment, agencies spend more time deflecting blame than addressing the problem or being held accountable.”

Where are the true environmentalists?

There is no rational reason for what is being forced down the throat of the planet.

New York State Sea Level Rise:  Fantasy as Law

The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) proposes a common source of Sea Level Rise Projections to be used statewide for program planning and decisions making.  This sounds…

Righteous Risks: Introduction

…when the public is persuaded to consider capitalism, innovation and entrepreneurship as moral deficiencies; then righteous risks become a threat to rational policies, democracies and the public.

Saving Santa Catalina

“… the Catalina Island Conservancy, in order to conserve the habitat has decreed that all the island’s non-native mule deer are to be shot and killed, from aircraft if necessary. “

Why the Spike in Pacific Gray Whales Deaths is All Natural

Climate alarmists have pushed the unsupported narrative for a decade that sea-ice-algae provides the critical food for the benthos food web.

Great Barrier Reef: A Story of Activist Histrionics and Genuine Progress

The Great Barrier Reef recorded the highest level of hard coral cover in the northern and central regions in 36 years of monitoring

Retired Officer Exposes How Environmental Policies Hurt The Environment | John Baker

In the name of green energy, we’re sacrificing wildlife species

National Grid Warm Up Coal Plant

Wind was running at 8% at the time, but has dropped since then:

Solar Panels: The Unspoken Environmental Cost

By 2030, we think we’re going to have four million tonnes [of scrap] – which is still manageable – but by 2050, we could end up with more than 200…

“Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ Fails Test of Time” (New York Times verdict in 2007)

…a number of Carson’s major arguments rested on what can only be described as deliberate ignorance.

Column: The climate/energy/environment debate is completely unhinged – here’s why

The media absolutely loves the climate wars, they love misery, they love storms and floods and drought and people crying

The Great Salt Lake — Losing Its Greatness?

For 13,000 years, the lake has existed with no outlet to the sea, her large deposits of salt left behind through evaporation. Lately, evaporation from heat and drought accelerated by…

Willie Soon speaks at the University of Chicago

By Andy May Dr. Willie Soon gave a great presentation at the Federalist Society Chapter at the University of Chicago Law School on November 18, 2022. The title of his…

EU Cuts Green Energy Subsidies for “Environmentally Destructive” Tree Burning

European greens have apparently noticed that chopping down forests causes environmental harm.

Energy and Environmental Review: November 15, 2021

Ed. note: This fortnightly Master Resource post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, published every other week by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for…

The Rat Island Saga

“An Alaskan archipelago once dubbed the “Rat Islands” have provided a stunning example of ecological recovery” or so a new study says.

Endangered Cloud Forests, Clouds and Climate Change

Demagogues trumpet ecosystems are collapsing and allude to scientific assessments. For example, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the Gnarled Mossy Cloud Forest as “critically endangered”.…

How ‘Iron Man’ bacteria could help protect the environment

But Reguera’s team challenged that thinking and found Geobacter to be effective cobalt “miners,” extracting the metal from rust without letting it penetrate their cells and kill them. Rather, the…

The Great American Outdoors Act

To the surprise of most Americans, and the consternation of many in the “mainstream” media, Vice President Mike Pence highlighted the Trump Administration’s environmental record during the recent VP debate.…

Measuring the true cost of conservation

Environmental conservation expert discusses how new research will play a key role in promoting a greener future BOSTON UNIVERSITY Research NewsSHARE PRINT E-MAIL For decades, scientists have been warning about potential future…