UN WMO Head: “From climate perspective, the war in Ukraine may be seen as a blessing”

United Nations World Meteorological Organization head Petteri Taalas seeing the climate change benefits of war in Europe.

“Not fair”: $25 Billion Promised, $55 million Pledged for Climate Adaption

The odds are growing that the cost of hosting the next COP conference will exceed the money actually delivered on all those broken climate promises.

German Government Fears Millions of Furnaces Going Off…Children Now Being Handed Blankets at School

Confidential government conference fears millions losing heat this winter…schools now handing out blankets for children to keep warm. 

Climate Change Risk to Castles? No, Just More BBC Fake News!

The propaganda goes on and on!

What Caused the Energy Crisis We’re in Now? When Did It Start for Real?

It’s not too late to go in a better direction.

WMO: Embrace Renewables to Stabilise the Power Grid

Apparently nuclear plants are out because they require precious water for cooling, or are vulnerable to sea level rise.

Biden Energy Policies Cost $100 BILLION a year, Reports Just the New

“The U.S. would be producing between 2 and 3 million more barrels of oil a day and between 20 and 25 more billion cubic feet of natural gas under the…

Big Brother Says No to Gas Furnaces

Using biased [social cost of carbon] SC-GHG estimates to estimate net benefits is arbitrary and capricious.

3 Myths Debunked: Animal Agriculture’s Real Impact on the Environment

As Dr Mitloehner explains, the global stock of methane in the atmosphere will not increase unless herds increase around the world.

Seasonal Change in Antarctic Ice Sheet Movement Observed for First Time

If true, these seasonal signatures may be uncaptured in some measurements of Antarctic ice-mass loss, with potentially important implications for global sea-level rise estimates

Placing The Blame for Europe’s Energy and Economic Crisis

On the other hand, if you work for the New York Times, it’s possible to look at the exact same set of facts and draw entirely the opposite conclusions.

Paypal: Alleged Threat of Money Seizure from Users who Promote “Misinformation”

Paypal stirred a firestorm over an apparent threat to pull money from the accounts of people whose views they don’t like, before apparently backing down.

AFR: Australia’s Renewable Transition to Drive Up Prices 35% Next Year

Surprise – despite a political promise of cheaper power bills, turns out someone has to pay the trillions of dollars required to “transition” to renewables.

The Southwest Monsoon — More Erratic?

India’s monsoon is the most important meteorological event in India every year — a good monsoon means good crops and prosperity for millions of farmers . . .

Hurricane Hype, Lies, Censorship – and Reality

Politicized hurricane and climate science breeds distrust, green energy and economic disasters Paul Driessen Hurricane Ian is in the history books, having unleashed its Category 4 fury on southwestern Florida.…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #523

Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression

New Push to De-Platform Climate Dissent Fueled by JunkScience Tweets

The climate mafia recently renewed its pressure campaign on social media companies to to silence online dissent. I’ve noticed a pattern. Maybe you’ll spot it, too.

Fed Up British Drivers Unglue Climate Protestors the Hard Way

Faced with repeated police inaction towards disruptive climate protestors, a handful of British drivers have taken the law into their own hands, dragging “Just Stop Oil” protestors from the streets.

Greta Thunberg: “We Might Still have Time to Turn Things Around”

Greta Wazzername trying to remain relevant in a world which has largely forgotten her.

New Hurricane Ian Challenge: Spontaneously Combusting Electric Vehicles

Flooded electric vehicle fires on a scale firefighters have never faced before, according to Florida’s top fire marshal Jimmy Patronis.

AEP, Carbon Brief & The European Climate Foundation

In short, far left political foundations, funded mainly by US billionaires, have been using their money to influence public policy for years, both here in the UK and in Europe.

Open Thread

Open Thread

NASA’s InSight Waits Out Dust Storm

InSight’s team is taking steps to help the solar-powered lander continue operating for as long as possible.

Oops: Renewable Energy Costs Shut Down Solar Cell Manufacturing in Europe

Despite green claims renewables are the cheapest form of power, renewable manufacturers are struggling to survive Europe’s soaring energy prices.

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