Solar Sensitivity

Once the average available solar power is above 310W/m2, you can add up to an additional 50 W/m2 without increasing the surface temperature one bit.

Is Global Warming Responsible for Hurricane Ian? The Evidence Says No

This tendency to link climate change to every single weather event after is passes has in all honesty become tiresome.

Green Academics Blame “Climate Injustice” for Energy Price Hardship

You couldn’t make this up – the very groups whose renewable energy advocacy helped create skyrocketing prices are now blaming the hardship they caused on “climate injustice”.

Some Banks and Energy Companies Finally Starting to Get Some Backbone

There’s nothing like a good energy crisis to bring a dose of reality to climate change and renewable energy fantasies.

Two Words Explain California’s Wildfire Woes: Spotted Owl

Meanwhile, has anyone seen a spotted owl lately?

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

I doubt many art critics will take note.

Green Vehicle Entrepreneur Convicted of Securities and Wire Fraud

Trevor Milton, founder of Nikola, who claimed to have developed prototype hydrogen and electric vehicles, has been convicted of deceiving investors.

WaPo Weather Guy Matthew Cappucci Perpetuates the Climate Hoax with Misleading Report on New Rain ‘Study’

Like fish in a barrel.

Green British Academics Blast Politicians for Allowing Consumer Choice

British Academics have blamed the Government’s “laissez-faire approach of simply going with the grain of consumer choice” for Britain’s failure to tackle CO2 emissions.

Renewable Energy Obsessed Aussie Government Urges Gas Companies Charge “Appropriate Prices”

As Australia’s climate and energy minister savages the idea of gas exploration, Australia’s Prime Minister is urging gas companies to keep prices under control.

Green Insanity: Governor Gretchen Whitmer Shutting Down Home Propane Supplies?

As Michigan heads into winter, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been accused of endangering Michigan residents with a shutdown of a major propane supply pipeline.

Aussie ABC Admits the Renewable Transition is Driving Up Household Electricity Bills

“… the up-front costs involved in transitioning the network to renewables will be large …”

Global Scatterplots

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach For a while now, I’ve been using a curious kind of scatterplot. Here’s an example. It shows the relationship between the surface temperature and the…

LIVE AT NOON CDT: Politico Awards Putin Top Spot on Their Green 28 List private video

Politico just released their inaugural Green 28 list. This list is constructed to rank the 28 individuals with the most influence on the European Union’s sustainability, environmental, mobility, climate and…

Irony: Greens Now Praying for a “Warmer” Winter to Help Germany Survive Energy Crisis

When the German Greens need an energy crisis bailout, suddenly warming is welcome.

Uncertainty Of Measurement of Routine Temperatures–Part Three

Can one apply the Law of Large Numbers validly to data that are invented by people and that are not observations?

White House “Desperate… Panicking” Over Saudis and Oil

Civilization depends on cheap energy, and we are right to expect that our political leaders put the provision of it above electoral politics.

UK Über Conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg Outed as a Guardian Loving Big Government Green?

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Small Government Right Wing Hope of the UK Conservatives, talking to the Guardian like a big government left wing green.

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment and about as far from “green” as you can imagine

“Like any mining process, it is invasive, it scars the landscape, it destroys the water table and it pollutes the earth and the local wells,”

The Penetration Problem. Part II: Will the Inflation Reduction Act Cause a Blackout?

We are seeing blackouts and system problems all over the world now, unlike in the past. There is a common factor for most – high penetration of intermittent asynchronous wind…

British House of Lords: “Covid was a crisis, the climate is a crisis. We can learn some very important messages around the communications”

According to the British House of Lords, a third of planned Net Zero emission cuts must come from changes to behaviour. Use Covid lessons to curb climate change, Lords tell…

Dear Neighbour, Please “Roster Ration” Your Electricity Use so our EVs can Charge

Sydney radio station 2GB has reported a hilarious request from an Electric Vehicle owners group for neighbours to ration their use of electricity, so their EVs can charge.

Climate Crisis: False News Roundup

It has thankfully warmed a bit since the end of the Little Ice Age, atmospheric CO2 has increased and plant life on Earth is doing better. 

Joining Battle Over The “Science” Of Global Warming

In the real world, the “science” behind the claim that human carbon emissions are heading us toward some kind of planetary catastrophe is not only not “settled,” but actually non-existent.

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