Weather Channel Founder: Life on Earth getting better – Al Gore is "guilty of scientific fraud"

Greenhouse Gases are making Our Lives Wonderful By John Coleman, Meteorologist, founder of the Weather Channel After more than two decades of study I am convinced that life here on…

Aussie Revolution: Mounting High Level Attacks Against Renewable Energy

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Leading Australian Politicians and economists are piling in against renewable political favouritism, comparing renewables to the Bernie Madoff and Enron scandals. The following from former…

Claim: Formation of coal almost turned our planet into a snowball

From the POTSDAM INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE IMPACT RESEARCH (PIK) and the “take what PIK says wth a heavy dose of salt” department. On the plus side, if true, this means that…

Claim: Global Warming is drying up the "North American monsoon"

From PRINCETON UNIVERSITY and the “it can’t be cyclic natural variation” department How global warming is drying up the North American monsoon New insights into the droughts and wildfires of…

Science Gone Stupid: Human Extinction Edition

Guest post by David Middleton Wonkblog Analysis We have a pretty good idea of when humans will go extinct By Christopher Ingraham October 6 “The probability of global catastrophe is…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #286

Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project Quote of the Week. “Do not feel absolutely certain of anything.” – Bertrand Russell, “A Liberal Decalogue” from…

Reported Plunge in Renewable Costs Prompts Aussie Government to Pull Subsidies

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Australian government is so impressed by the alleged plunge in renewable and battery storage costs they think it will no longer be necessary to…

Politicized sustainability threatens planet and people

Foreword: It seems nearly everyone wants to advance sustainability principles. The problem is, no one really knows what they are. Real sustainability means responsible conservation and stewardship of natural resources.…

Weak solar cycle continues – the sun is spotless again

Guest essay by David Archibald The sun today – spotless Image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory HMI Continuum Solar Update October 2017 Solar activity continues to look weak.  If the…

The Incestuous Nature of the IPCC Reports

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball In a thought-provoking and reasoned commentary that asks the question, “Is climate change controversy good for science? Craig Idso examines a comparison between the Intergovernmental…

California Rejects Gas Plant Refurbishment, Embraces Solar + Storage

Guest essay by Eric Worrall California has finally rejected a 2014 proposal to refurbish an ageing Edison Gas Plant used for grid stabilisation during peak power loads. California rejects gas…

SEA LEVEL: Rise and Fall- Part 2 – Tide Gauges

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen Why do we even talk about sea level and sea level rise? There are two important points which readers must be aware of from the…

University of Chicago Air Quality-Life Index

By Andy May The University of Chicago Energy Policy Institute has come up with a new measure of air pollution they call the Air Quality-Life Index or AQLI. It uses…

Cutting through the myths about Irma, Harvey, and climate change.

By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website Summary: Climate scientist Judith Curry discusses Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the state of knowledge about hurricanes, and the announcements of their connection…

Wacky Anti-fracking Groups Stage “Die-in”

by Rebecca Simons Tone deaf “Wrong Door” anti-fracking activist group East Boulder County United (EBCU) teamed up with the Boulder County Protectors (BCP) for a staged “Die-in” at the Boulder County Commissioners…

News From Vostok Ice Cores

Guest essay by Richard Taylor Introduction Our current understanding climate was influenced profoundly by the publication (J.R. Petit, et al., 1999) of deuterium (2H) measurements from metre 8 to metre…

Reuters: Trump EPA to Repeal the Clean Power Plan

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Reuters reports that the Scott Pruitt’s EPA is circulating a document proposing a total repeal of the Obama era Clean Power Plan, but they may…

Trees to be barcoded

DNA barcoding technology helping monitor health of all-important boreal forest UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH The Boreal forest is essential to Canada and the world, storing carbon, purifying water and air and…

Dueling science: Yesterday – "Soil will accelerate global warming" Today – "Soil holds potential to slow global warming"

Yesterday, I posted a press release on a paper that suggested soil was going to accelerate global warming. Now today, we have the opposite; “Soil holds potential to slow global…

Claim: general public can't read hurricane forecast tracks

From the “another failure of public education” department and the UNIVERSITY OF UTAH: Interpreting hurricane forecast displays can be difficult for general public Utah study finds the two commonly used methods…

So What Happened to Expertise with the IPCC?

Guest essay by John Ridgway It was late evening, April 19, 1995, that the crestfallen figure of McArthur Wheeler could be found slumped over a Pittsburgh Police Department’s interrogation room…

Claim: The soil will turn on us and accelerate global warming

Carbon feedback from forest soils will accelerate global warming, 26-year study projects From the MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOODS HOLE, Mass. — After 26 years, the world’s longest-running experiment to discover…

Clothing store advocating hate has billboard of Trump depicted as Hitler removed in a day

NOTE: This isn’t the normal fare for WUWT, but it has happened in my town, and this website is still connected to the local newspaper, the Chico Enterprise Record, where…

Predicting future CO2 levels

Guest essay by Roger Graves Anyone taking any notice of the mainstream media and more technical climate-related journals will no doubt be aware of the predictions of doom and gloom…

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