Yellowstone Eruption: More Quickly, not Sooner

Arrgh. Three days ago, a New York Times article reported: Yellowstone’s last supereruption occurred 631,000 years ago. And it’s not the planet’s only buried supervolcano. Scientists suspect that a supereruption…

Inconvenient: worms, clams, release as much greenhouse gas as 20,000 dairy cows

From CARDIFF UNIVERSITY and the “inconvenient critters” department. Baltic clams and worms release as much greenhouse gas as 20,000 dairy cows New study shows that oceans with worms and clams enhance…

Preparing for Al Gore’s Lecture at Rice University

By Andy May I have a ticket to Al Gore’s global warming lecture at Rice University on October 23 and plan to attend, I’m very curious about what he will…

10 Atlantic hurricanes so far this season, but so were there in the past

There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth about Hurricane Ophelia , which gained Category 1 hurricane status on Wednesday, [October] 11th. Ophelia becoming Cat1 means that 2017 became the first year…

Shock news: Melting ice in Greenland makes seawater a bit less salty

From AARHUS UNIVERSITY and the obvious science with one datapoint department The melting ice makes the sea around Greenland less saline For the first time, ocean data from Northeast Greenland…

Al Gore unhinged – now even climate change believers are 'deniers'

Bjorn Lomborg  writes: Al Gore recently had a telling altercation with a journalist. The Spectator’s Ross Clark wanted to ask him about Miami sea-level rises suggested in the new film, “An…

Claim: warmer oceans will boost hurricane losses 70%

From the UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT and the “data to date says otherwise, so why trust a model” department (see after the article) Warming seas could lead to 70 percent increase in…

Claim: Climate Action Could Help Heal the Rift between North and South Korea

Guest essay by Eric Worrall What the starving, brutalised victims of the repulsive Kim regime need is more climate action, according to a Korean professor of sustainability. Tackling climate change…

Astronomers: 'death star' has devoured 15 Earth sized worlds

From PRINCETON UNIVERSITY and the “That’s no moon…” department: Devourer of planets? Princeton researchers dub star ‘Kronos’ Sun-like star Kronos shows signs of having ingested 15 Earth masses worth of rocky…

Trump's nomination of Barry Myers to head NOAA is a mistake

From the White House: President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Key Personnel to his Administration If confirmed, Barry Myers of Pennsylvania will serve as Under Secretary for Oceans…

QOTW: 'Climatologist' Hillary Clinton – shot down by reality

Oh, brother. This is so predictable, and stupid. Hillary Clinton said in a recent speech at UC Davis: “It’s been a tough couple of weeks with hurricanes and earthquakes and…

AGU: long term global warming not to blame for Zika outbreak

American Geophysical Union says: Combination of El Niño and 2016 Ecuador earthquake likely worsened Zika outbreak WASHINGTON D.C. — A Zika virus outbreak in coastal Ecuador in 2016 was likely…

Maybe Hollywood doesn't produce great scientists?

Reprinted at the suggestion of the author, originally published on American Thinker Hollywood Science is a general term given to the phenomenon of scientific principles being misinterpreted, ignored or abused by the Hollywood film industry.…

Dirty bird carcasses tell the story of how air pollution has improved in the last 100 years

What soot-covered, hundred-year-old birds can tell us about saving the environment Museum collections track soot in the atmosphere throughout the 20th century From the FIELD MUSEUM Horned Larks are cute…

Ancient Pacific Northwest eruption, blocked out sun, cooled planet

WSU researchers document one of planet’s largest volcanic eruptions Gases from Inland Northwest blocked out sun, cooling planet From WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University researchers have…

Oh Noes! 'Climate action window could close as early as 2023'

From the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN and the “climate deadline is always just a few years out, but keeps moving” department comes this familiar cry we’ve heard soooo many times before.…

Claim: Renewables ARE the Cheapest Form of Power

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Simple economics is now driving the unstoppable rise of renewables, according to advocates – or would be, except for a mystery political obstacle. The Myth…

Alarmists still aren't convincing – more Americans believe 'paranormal' more than fear global warming

Nearly three-fourths of Americans do believe in something paranormal. 48 percent fear “global warming”. What do Americans fear most? Chapman University releases 4th annual Survey of American Fears Chapman University…

The Greens versus "Big Oil"

Guest essay by Russell Cook If you are an enviro-activist with access to lawyers and mega-money who believes that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) is caused by evil fossil fuel…

About polar bears and science on the front lines of the global warming debate.

By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website, . Summary: Today’s post reviews a book about applied climate science, discussing polar bears — poster animals for the effects of global…

Study: Greens Have a Fat Carbon Footprint

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Willie Soon – a group of Cambridge Conservation Scientists have discovered that greens enjoy the same carbon belching perks as the rest of us,…

Asteroid to buzz Earth this week

Four years ago, a house-sized asteroid tore through the atmosphere over Chelyabinsk, Russia, and exploded.  Shock waves shattered windows and knocked down onlookers as fragments of the disintegrating space rock…

Snowfall at the equator

Marine snowfall at the equator GEOMAR team publishes a detailed picture of the biological particle flow into the deep sea along the equator From the HELMHOLTZ CENTRE FOR OCEAN RESEARCH KIEL…

Climate scientists reveal their ignorance about CO2 emissions and mitigation

Guest essay by Alberto Zaragoza Comendador Climate scientists don’t usually propose anything specific to ‘tackle climate change’ other than, well, doing something. Because according to them nothing is being done,…

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