Hump Day Hilarity – The Mouse That ….Coughed

Sometimes, life imitates art. Sometimes, the universe makes a hard left turn. Our resident cartoonist, Josh, came up with this after it was suggested on another blog. From the Wikipedia…

Monday Mirthiness – Greta

Now that the #Coronvirus has taken hold and schools are closing globally (along with everything else) Josh imagines that Greta’s minions who are stuck at home with parents, might be…

Friday Funny: Manntastic claims require Manntastic evidence

Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts of Australia recently gave this speech on the floor of Parliament, because Dr. Mann is in Australia (on sabbatical) making some pretty outlandish claims: Australia’s Wildfire…

BREAKING: Punxsutawney to retire Phil the groundhog, replace him with Greta Thunberg

People send me stuff. A friend of mine (an insider in the groundhog committee bunker) tells me that due to the pressure they are getting from PETA (for groundhog abuse)…

Saturday Silliness – The Davos Flame War

The word over at the Grauniad is: Greta Thunberg: Davos leaders ignored climate activists’ demands Activist [Greta Thunberg] says calls to break from fossil fuels have been ignored at World…

Friday Funny – hottest decade evah! #showyourstipes @ed_hawkins

This week at the big 100 year anniversary shindig of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) there was a press release session that featured NOAA and NASA GISS talking about how their…

Monday Mirthiness @ScottAdamsSays nails the universal boogeyman

Dilbert gets it. I’ve always said that “climate change” has become the universal boogeyman, which you can blame anything on, much like in ancient history where bad weather was blamed…

An anti-climatic response to #okboomer and #COP25

Sometimes, things happen on their own, based on a collective of like-thinking minds. Such is the case here. I’m sure readers are familiar by now with the derogatory label “OK…

BOO! Halloween climate scare: featuring @ClimateofGavin and @GretaThunberg

It’s no secret that climate alarmists have been trying to scare us for decades. They seem to truly believe that the world is at risk from climate change, and make…

Nation Begs Jesus To Return Before Democrats’ 7-Hour Town Hall On Climate Change August 30th, 2019

Reposted with permission from the Babylon Bee August 30th, 2019 U.S.—Millions of Americans have repented of their sinful ways and turned to Jesus after hearing that Democrats are going to…

Hump Day Hilarity: Playing the Mann, not the Ball

When we announced the results of the lawsuit between Michael Mann and Tim Ball, one of the commenters, Serge Wright, came up with this witicism that was a twist on…

Invasion of the lifestyle snatchers

Lately, some op-eds have been questioning whether Greta Thunberg is simply a mindless puppet. ” WITH cold, hard eyes, Greta Thunberg jabs a finger forward – like Lord Kitchener in…

Friday Funny: Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again

WORLD—Climate experts have solemnly warned that we only have twelve years left until they change the dates on global warming again. “If we don’t take action, then in 12 years…

Solar Powered Bitcoin Mining: Fake power for fake mining of fake gold?

Guest “you gotta be kidding me” by David Middleton Solar-Powered Bitcoin Mining Could Be a Very Profitable Business Model Tam Hunt outlines the compelling economics for using solar to supply…

Friday Funny – how climate change really affects you

Graham Kirk writes on Facebook: The cost of reducing net greenhouse emissions to zero by 2050 in the UK could be well in excess of £1 trillion. The sum would…

Monday Mirthiness – The mind of a climate alarmist

Josh has been thinking a lot lately about what goes on in the minds of climate alarmists, especially the poor children who have been scared into thinking that they have…

Hump Day Hilarity – when gluing yourself to the pavement elicits a label.

You may remember last week some climate zealot with the “Extinction Rebellion” glued her boobs to the pavement in protest. Josh was inspired by this action and writes: I think…

Friday Funny – The Day Collusion Died

From the Parody Project, an entertaining video that made me laugh just as much as the fantastic M4GW “climategate” video, done to the tune of Don McLean’s “American Pie”. While…

Sunday Satire – the #ExtinctionRebellion “official response”

Josh writes about the laughable “Extinction Rebellion which made all sorts of silly and juvenile protests in the UK this past week. We have had a hilarious week with mad…

Friday Funny – #Attenbollocks

Josh writes via email: We had a fun programme on the BBC last night that was high on emotion but low on facts. The BBC describes the show this way:…

Fri Fun 2:Scientists Recommend Reducing The Number Of Democratic Presidential Candidates To Help Fight Climate Change

From The Babylon Bee April 11th, 2019 WORLD—Scientists have issued a dire warning: the current number of Democratic presidential candidates is simply unsustainable. “No one ever thought this many people…

Friday Funny – backup plan for wind power

As we all know, wind power can’t function well as a primary energy generator, the erratic nature of wind means you always need a backup for base load generation. Typically…

The perils of CO2 in space spawn a down to Earth solution

Astronaut Scott Kelly had and idea while dealing with problems caused by CO2 while on the International Space Station (ISS). This truly is an amazing application of a far out…

Hump Day Hilarity: AOC’s Green New Generation isn’t quite what she expected

Josh is ready with some biting satire today, taking a bite out of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ recent video rant about how we should stop having children to protect future climate. “Our…