Germany’s Power Supply Will Likely Be Plagued by Supply Gaps Until 2030, Institute Finds

The way things are going now, the grid probably will crash very soon, and so the government will have to come out of its green energy wet dream sooner than…

Renewables and the Great Texas Blackout: Baker Institute Study Tiptoes to Key Causality

…problems attributed to markets are often the result of prior government intervention on close inspection.

Colder, Wetter Than Normal September Pushes German Gas Consumption +14.5%, Winter Gas Outage Looms!

Sudden mid September cold snap forces Germans to turn on the heat early…consume 14.5% more gas than previous years…”wettest September since 2001″…gas shortage in winter “difficult to avoid”

Euro Energy Crisis: A Rare Opportunity to Recalibrate Priorities?

At least one developed economy is waking up from an energy slumber induced by the obsession with climate change. The new prime minister of the UK is seemingly leaving no…

Grid Expert’s Dire Warning: “All of Europe’s Power Supply at Risk” …30% Of Computers Could Be Destroyed

The economic damage resulting from a major blackout would be crippling. Chaos would ensue for weeks or months.

Which part of “economic” does the World Economic Forum not understand?

If you can’t see why this is hilarious, you probably flunked economics (and basic arithmetic)… Wind and solar now employ as many workers as the oil sector.World Economic Forum on…

America Is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed

Everything that needs electricity is made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. In an all-electric world, there will be nothing to power without oil.

Collapse Of Energy, Food, Transportation Systems Prompt Calls for Government Nationalization of Industries – Echoes 1930s Push for Great Reset Style Reforms

From Climate Depot Morano: The modus operandi of the Great Reset (AKA Build Back Better) is to intentionally collapse the current system with policies designed to create a crisis, havoc,…

Good News: 2022 Hurricane Season Mild. Bad News: Pressure Pattern Threatens Europe with Hell Winter

Europeans need to start preparing for an autumn and/or winter blackout. Note that a blackout means not only the power goes out, but so do the heat, lights, communication, Internet…

Cost Of the Green Energy Transition: Who You Gonna Believe, Some Research Assistants from Oxford or Your Lyin’ Eyes?

Anyone with a pair of eyes can see what has happened. They thought they could get rid of fossil fuels just by building lots of wind turbines and solar panels,…

Denying Access to Energy: The New Normal?

In developed countries, citizens will take giant steps backward in lifestyle and some will sink into poverty.

Blackout News Friday: Germany, Europe Teeter on The Economic Brink as Energy Crisis Intensifies

The Green New Deal in Europe is quickly turning into a House of Horrors

97% Want UK Green Levies to Be Scrapped

And every time there is a poll to ask them if they want to pay for it?

ESG and the Rise of Woke Capitalism – Craig Rucker

ESG, Environmental Social, and Governance, is the backdoor through which corporations have been implementing woke policy and policies detrimental to secure energy production.

EU Cuts Green Energy Subsidies for “Environmentally Destructive” Tree Burning

European greens have apparently noticed that chopping down forests causes environmental harm.

California And New York: Do Not Back Off Your World-Beating Green Energy Schemes!

Today the Manhattan Contrarian formally calls upon the states of California and New York: Whatever you do, do not back down from your crash program of green energy schemes!

Wave Of German Insolvencies Picks Up Speed…”Tenfold Increase in Gas, Electricity Prices”

One baker in our local area has seen his monthly gas bills go from 3000 euros earlier this year to 11,000 euros!

BRICS Starts Sidestepping the Tragedy of Western Energy Policy

The world is marching right past us, here in the west, in a certain way. Fear of a lack of fuel and food will do that to people.

World is not going through an energy crisis but a ‘crisis of common sense’

Geologist Ian Plimer says the world is not going through a crisis of energy, but is going through a “crisis of common sense”.

Wall Street Journal Exposes Gov. Newsom & California’s High-Cost Energy and Reliability Debacle

“The grid problems that Californians are enduring will grow and spread as supersized green-energy subsidies and mandates spread their harmful incentives throughput the U.S. economy in coming years. The culprit is the…

The Latest from the Experts on New York’s Climate Act Implementation

This report highlights multiple feasibility concerns that must be addressed to have any hope of this working.  I believe that it shows that implementation on the schedule proposed will prove…

21 Million German Households, Industry Suffer Body Blow as Green Energy Scheme Disintegrates

Moreover, a vast array of skeptics and critics also had warned for years that Germany’s “Energiewende” was heading for disaster. They too were ridiculed and dismissed.

Listening to European Electricity Traders Is Very, Very Scary

the real cause of this looming disaster has been the government enforced shutdown of most of our coal generating capacity during the last decade:

The British Energy Horror Story

Keeping the lights on is a basic function of modern government, and we are close to critical failure.