Offshore wind (whale) impact probe proposed

In the crosshairs are the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), which does the environmental impact assessments, and NOAA Fisheries which is supposed to protect the whales and other sea…

Wind, Solar, and Household Electricity Prices

From all of the above, ie. from looking at the full picture, wind and solar demonstrably drive up the cost of electricity.

Monbiot : We Must End Our Dependence on Farming

…switch out of farming altogether to produce protein-rich foods which we can do through Precision fermentation

CEEMD vs Joe Fourier

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In one of my late-night somnambulistic ramblings through the climate literature, I came across a 2021 study entitled “Evidence of solar 11-year cycle from Sea…

Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?

Is this a mere data correction/adjustment by NOAA or the beginning of something more sinister? Stay tuned.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #541

“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best…

Germany Wary Of Europe’s Ban of Fossil Fuel Cars By 2035… Too Pricey, Technically Unfeasible

…it appears the folly of the idea is just beginning to dawn on those who had been expected to take a more critical stand much earlier.

The Best Speech Against 15 Minute Cities You Will Ever See

And she throws a good feint towards Greta.

New study settles long-standing debate: Does agricultural erosion create a carbon sink or source

Timescales reconcile the paradox

Sea Level Rise will Cause ‘Mass exodus on a biblical scale’

In UN fantasy, land rising sea levels will cause a mass exodus from London, New York and Shanghai, and “ever fiercer competition” for resources.

Hey, Axios, Try Looking at Real Data; It Shows Ice Sheet Melting is not Dangerous

Axios probably would have been better served had they taken a more skeptical approach towards computer modelling, relying on publicly available (and easily accessible) sea level and ice melt data…

Low mid-winter polar bear habitat in Barents Sea spawns warnings of more human-bear conflicts

Any time there is a bit less sea ice than usual the catastrophists begin caterwauling but this time the rhetoric is a little different.

Malaria to Spread in Africa – Climate Change!

 “A new study offers a glimpse of the future by looking to the past. Mosquitoes that transmit malaria in sub-Saharan Africa have moved to higher elevations by about 6.5 meters…

It is Time to Bury the Grand Solar Minimum Myth

This post has been translated to German by Christian Freuer here. By Javier Vinós Fourteen years ago, a new climate myth was born. A grand solar minimum (GSM) was in…

California Dreaming

A grid that is wholly dependent on batteries would put California at the mercy of China’s monopoly of batteries and the raw materials that go into them.

Tucker Carslon- The Climate Cult has Grown Stronger

Fox News host Tucker Carlson calls out outrageous leftist ideas to help the environment on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

No, NBC News, Giving the Ocean Antacids Will Not Help Curb Climate Change

Adding antacids won’t have any effect on the temperature dependent chemical process in the oceans, and these researchers will soon discover that their efforts would be miniscule in the big…

Open Thread

Scientists Debunk Alarmist Claim That Vertebrates Declined 69% Since 1970

Two independent groups of scientists have destroyed the always improbable claim that vertebrates across the planet have declined by 69% since 1970.

Fun With ChatGPT

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach It’s my 76th birthday today, so for fun I thought I’d test the capabilities of the latest Artificial Intelligence sensation, ChatGPT. Here’s my request: Write…

Hyping Maximum Daily Temperatures (Part 7)

Replacement probes at the 59 ACORN stations had an influence on extreme maximum percentile frequency and average temperatures, particularly extremely hot 99th percentile days.

Sunshine and Temperature in Holland

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, the endless curiosity of my monkey-mind led me to some interesting datasets over at KNMI. They’re a variety of meteorological measurements made in Holland…

ClimateTV LIVE at 1PM EST – Ecoterrorism: Railroads vs. Pipelines… Stupidity Reigns Supreme

While a recent devastating train derailment in Ohio does not appear to be ecoterrorism, it does remind us how easily an environmental disaster can happen, and have happened in the…

Monarch Update: Early Spring 2023

The Marvelous Mysterious Monarch butterfly has been in the news again – some good news and some not-so-good news – at least, I  think so.