German Prof on German Floods: “Difference Between Facts and Political Narratives Is Breathtaking.”

In other words, claims that the heavy rainfall over the past weeks is a sign of climate change is an absolute nothing-burger.

Wrong, Kansas City Star, Climate Change Isn’t Worsening Weather in Kansas or Missouri

In short, data provide no evidence that climate change is making weather worse in Kansas or Missouri,

Heartland Institute President James Taylor Knocks It Out of the Park on ‘Hottest Days’ Last Night on The Ingraham Angle

@HeartlandInst president @JamesTaylorHrt knocked it out of the park on ‘hottest days’ last night on @IngrahamAngle.

Wrong, PBS and AP, Climate Change Isn’t Worsening Floods or Droughts

This flawed reporting seems to be a sad trend.

Serious Climate Misinformation In Seattle Time Headline Article

When a reporter describes research as “indisputable” you know they have little understanding of the scientific process. 

Climate Depot: Reality Check to Biden

Here is what Biden said, and what follows is a Climate Depot point-by-point rebuttal to each of Biden’s claims.

Warming could raise UK flood damage bill by 20%, Say Make-Believe Computer Simulations

Meanwhile back in the real world, real flood experts have analysed historical flood trends, and found that the percentage of the population at risk has actually declined since 1870 in…

CJR “Both-sidesing the climate story”

Columbia Journalism Review decries “Both-sidesing the climate story” while the Columbia Climate School presents more than two sides.

A Critical Assessment of Extreme Events Trends in Times of Global Warming

None of these response indicators show a clear positive trend of extreme events. In conclusion on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we…

Pakistan Floods Likely Made Worse By Warming–BBC

It’s like a spiritual adviser who claims he influence helped you win the lottery — after you’ve already won it.

Coldest, Wettest & Stormiest – The Good Old Days Before Global Warming

Many will be aware that the coldest winter on record in the US was that of 1978/79, more than 1F colder than any other year.

The Annual Disaster Fake News Story

By Paul Homewood It’s Whack-A-Mole time! image A disaster-weary globe will be hit harder in the coming years by even more catastrophes colliding in an interconnected world, a United Nations…

Wrong, Denver Post, Fires and Floods Aren’t Increasing

From ClimateREALISM By Linnea Lueken -April 5, 2022 The Denver Post recently ran an article claiming global warming will cause more severe wildfire seasons, as well as more severe floods in the Western…

Brisbane Flooding, Again

Flooding rains have soaked south-east Queensland, again.  My heart goes out to everyone affected by flood waters.

“Rivers of Rain” Could Wreck China, Unless We Reduce CO2 Emissions

According to an AGU study, this might be our last chance to save the Chinese Communists from a climate catastrophe.

Cities boosted rain, sent storms to the suburbs during Europe’s deadly summer floods

“At more local scales, there are immediate ways to develop climate resiliency where you don’t have to wait for 100-plus nations signing on to declarations,” Niyogi said. “It’s something you…

November 1951–Catastrophic Floods Hit France & Italy

It was not only England that bore the brunt of severe flooding in November 1951. Both the Rhone and Po Valleys were also severely hit:

Have You Seen The Guardian’s Climate Disaster? It Appears To Have Gone Missing!

The Guardian has clearly lost its grip as well! They’ll probably try to tell us next that we all died last year. After they cannot get much more ridiculous.

July 2021 A Month Of Extremes? The Archives Say Otherwise

True to form, the media have gone totally mental over a few flash floods in London last month, where the highest daily rainfall total was less than 2 inches. As…

Extreme Weather In 1971

I defy anybody to claim that this year’s weather has been any worse:

Claim: An acceleration of coastal overtopping around the world

[editor’s note. It’s really hard to take this press release seriously if they consider the Katrina flooding an indicator of sea level rise. Unmaintained levies break. Absolutely nothing to do…

Claim: Colorado River basin due for more frequent, intense hydroclimate events

In every scenario, the number and magnitude of each type of extreme event increased on average across the Colorado River Basin for the future period compared to the historical period.…

UN Warns Climate Disasters Doubled in the Last 20 Years

According to a new United Nations report, “It is baffling that we willingly and knowingly continue to sow the seeds of our own destruction, despite the science and evidence that…

Extreme precipitation events have always occurred, but are they changing?

As we cope with these events, questions invariably arise about what role climate change may have played. Has a particular extreme been made worse because of our changing climate? How…