The Divergence between Surface and Lower Troposphere Global Temperature Datasets and its Implications

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale I include a graph in my monthly global surface temperature and lower troposphere temperature anomaly updates that compares the average of the global surface land+ocean…

Study: Wind patterns in lowest layers of supercell storms key to predicting tornadoes

New research from North Carolina State University has found that wind patterns in the lowest 500 meters of the atmosphere near supercell thunderstorms can help predict whether that storm will…

Federal Court Delivers Stunning Blow to Mass. AG and #ExxonKnew Campaign

By Katie Brown. (h/t to Matt Dempsey) In yet another stunning blow to the #ExxonKnew campaign, a federal judge today issued a discovery order against Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey to…

Timed Clintonesque election propaganda from National Resources Defense Council tries to make Latinos fearful of climate

This hit my inbox a few minutes ago, ironically it was marked as a “possible phishing scam” which I suppose after reading it, makes perfect sense. The timing of this…

Study: Extraterrestrial impact preceded ancient global warming event

From the RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Troy, N.Y. — A comet strike may have triggered the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a rapid warming of the Earth caused by an accumulation of…

Podesta emails: 'Carbon Tax has a Chance if Hillary wins' – but 'it's lethal in general' don't mention it

In case you’ve been under a rock for the last few days, Wikileaks has been dumping emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta. Podesta is firmly in bed with…

Solar Cycle Mystery Solved ?

Guest essay by David Archibald In the time before the current period of faith-based science, much good work was done on the role of the Sun in controlling climate. One…

Survey lists Top 10 American Fears – government corruption is #1, global warming doesn't make the cut

Chapman University recently completed its third annual Chapman University Survey of American Fears (2016). The survey asked respondents about 65 fears across a broad range of categories including fears about…

Debunking the L A Times story claiming new study shows human caused warming doubled western U.S. area burned since 1984

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The October 10, 2016 Times article addresses a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences where the authors claimed that through…

Hillary Clinton Email: Russia Funding "Phony" Green Groups

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Breitbart – a leaked Clinton campaign email suggests Clinton is aware that Russia is pouring millions of dollars into Western green groups, particularly anti-fracking…

25 Myths That Are Destroying The Environment

What Many Environmentalists Believe And Why They Are Wrong By Daniel B. Botkin For decades, environmental scientist and conservationist Daniel Botkin has studied the world around us. He has traveled…

Claim that wildfires are on increase due to 'climate change' is shown to be 'a prescribed result' of climate models

Read All About It! Heat Dries Things Up! By PATRICK J. MICHAELS and PAUL C. “CHIP” KNAPPENBERGER No one doubts that much of the West, especially California, has been very…

The truth about energy subsidies – solar gets 436 times more than coal

The next time some paid troll whines about coal getting government subsidies, and wind and solar being “pure” show them this. From the Washington Times: By Stephen Moore One of…

NOAA Has Resurrected the 2014/15 El Niño with Its Recent Changes to the Oceanic NINO Index

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale Just in case you missed the mention of this in the text of the most recent sea surface temperature update… In a June 2015 post,…

President Obama's Parting Gift – the Green Pork Plan

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Washington Examiner claims President Obama is on the verge of stitching up a deal to pass a massive raft of green pork tax credits…

Japan BOM: Global Warming will cause Heavier Snowfall

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Japan Meteorological Agency thinks global warming will lead to heavier snowfall in Northern Japan. According to writer Susumu Yoshida of the Asahi Shimbun, a…

Did the Guardian just call President Obama a "Denier"?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Josh Fox writing in The Guardian explains that anyone who doesn’t support Bill McKibben’s total ban on fracking is a denier – and mentions President…

A reply to @HillaryClinton and @Algore on climate and weather

While attending a rally with Al Gore in Florida today, weather became climate. Here is the video (h/t to WUWT commenter Alan Robertson) Hillary Clinton later made the statement on…

Study: daily perceptions of temperature affect individuals’ global warming beliefs

From the Weather is Not Climate department and Northwestern University comes this new study published in the Journal of the American Meteorological Society that takes on the psychology of “hot…

Claim: 'Megadrought risks in Southwest soar as atmosphere warms' based on model, ignores records

From Cornell University and the CMIP modeling jockeys comes this claim: ITHACA, N.Y. – As a consequence of a warming Earth, the risk of a megadrought – one that lasts more…

Quicky October 2016 ENSO Update

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale Weekly NINO3.4 Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies from NOAA Are Approaching the Threshold of a Moderately Strong La Niña.  Australia’s Southern Oscillation Index from BOM is…

Remote Sensing Systems apparently slips in a 'stealth' adjustment to warm global temperature data

People send me stuff. Today, alert reader Clay Ablitt sends this: I have been keeping a record of a lot of the different data sets that are put out by RSS and…

Interesting climate sensitivity analysis: Do variations in CO2 actually cause significant global warming?

Guest essay by David Bennett Laing In 1900, Knut Ångström concluded from a famous experiment that very little warming results from a doubling of atmospheric CO2. Although no similar experiment has…

American Thoracic Society beclowns itself – abandons data for consensus opinion on 'climate related illness'

From the AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY and the “consensus is the same as data” department comes this eyeroller of a claim that seems to confuse climate, real air pollution, and weather. It…