“Powerless in the storm” Climate Industry Misdirection

I have to assume that this is an example of the Climate Industry’ Misdirection Campaign described recently by Kip Hansen. 

Claim: Climate Change is Causing Cholera Outbreaks

Al Jazeera promoting climate change explanations instead of exposing political incompetence or worse.

Wrong, Kansas City Star, Climate Change Isn’t Worsening Weather in Kansas or Missouri

In short, data provide no evidence that climate change is making weather worse in Kansas or Missouri,

No, CNN, Climate Change is Not Costing the U.S. Billions

Not only has extreme weather not become worse in the United States over time, but the NCA report and CNN both ignore myriad the other factors, like population growth and…

The Solution to Extreme Weather Issues is not to Reduce GHG Emissions

Ryan Maue checked out the Central Park precipitation data and found that on September 23, 1882 the site measured the highest daily value of 8.28” and that this recent event…

“There Is A Design Problem In Climate Policy” Featuring Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. & Chris Wright, Liberty

From VERITEN Google Podcasts On Wednesday in Denver, we had the pleasure of joining Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. (UC Boulder) and Chris Wright, CEO and Chairman of Liberty Energy for…

Bloomberg Falsely Says Climate Change is Harming Crop Production, Reality Says Otherwise

Regional crop failures have always occurred, causing difficulties for producers and consumers, but there is no evidence recent isolated crop declines are more than temporary or due to long-term climate…

The Hill Should Check Their Data, Weather is Not Getting Worse

Weather data simply does not back this fearmongering claim up. As Climate Realism has pointed out numerous times (here, here, and here, for just a few!) weather like extreme rainfall, hurricanes, and tornadoes are…

Climate Fact Check: February 2023 Edition

Ten pieces of climate propaganda from February 2023 exposed and debunked.

UK weather extremes to become new normal, says National Trust

Quite when the National Trust became climate experts, I have no idea!

More BBC Lies About Extreme Weather

From NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT By Paul Homewood The BBC continues to push the “extreme weather” myth: Heatwaves, deadly floods and wildfires all mean people are experiencing…

Extreme rainfall and past climate: an experiment over twenty European cities

Recently, the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) has released a new generation of reanalysis, acknowledged as ERA5, representing nowadays the most plausible description for current climate.

Sorry, Texas Tribune, Texas Is Not Suffering Extreme Weather Because of Climate Change

nking extreme weather events to climate change is fearmongering, preying on peoples’ natural and reasonable fear of the power and destruction these events display.

A Critical Gap in Tornado Warning Technology: Lessons of the Recent Tornado Outbreak

The smartphone could not only provide a warning of imminent tornado passage but could provide information on the best direction to flee if no sheltering location is available–generally at right…

Politics of Attributing Extreme Events and Disasters to Climate Change

We caution awareness: climate change never causes loss or damage independently of the social conditions on the ground in specific places; the degree to which climate change can trigger disaster…

Were the Sumas Floods Caused by Global Warming? The Evidence Says No.

Society can not effectively deal with environmental threats when it is provided with hyped or false information.  And providing such false information, even in the hope of motivating people to…

Claim: Climate change caused the devastating floods in part of Brazilian´s Southeast region, study says

Torrential rain made over 90,000 people homeless in Minas Gerais state, where the probability of far higher volumes of rain than expected has increased 70% owing to industrialization and global…

Study: Extreme Decadal Wind Variability Adds Uncertainty to Climate Predictions

My question – how can renewable energy possibly be a viable option, if we are entering a period of violent weather extremes, including wind droughts which could last for a…

Extreme Temperatures In England

Discussion of “extreme temperatures” tends to revolve around highs rather than lows. In a warming world, high temperature extremes will inevitably become more common, just as lows get rarer. But…

Claim: Global evidence links rise in extreme precipitation to human-driven climate change

Understanding how humans influence extreme precipitation is important for interpreting climate events today and for preparing cities and protective infrastructure for the changing world ahead.

Claim: Machine Learning can Detect Anthropogenic Climate Change

According to the big computer we are doomed to suffer ever more damaging weather extremes. But researchers can’t tell us exactly why, because their black box neural net won’t explain…

Climate Change, Extreme Weather, and Electric System Reliability

In assessing the risk from extreme weather events, I advise clients to develop an understanding of the entire historical record of events impacting the locale, as well as any relevant…

The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to poor modeling

The methods used in A. M. Vicedo-Cabrera et all 2021 are seriously flawed causing results and conclusion to be invalid.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: In 20-40 Years, Global Warming will Make Louisiana Uninhabitable

According to BullSci, in 20-40 years of unchecked global warming people will need air conditioners at least 18 days per year to survive temperatures in Louisiana.

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