Why, yes, linking climate change to Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes DOES seem "to be bordering on the insane"

Don’t worry, this guy is just trying to sell a book conveniently located on the left sidebar of the Guardian. I hear there’s a two for one special with Chariots…

The Ridiculousness Continues – Climate Complexity Compiled

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” With the help of an array of WUWT reader comments on this thread and several others documented within, I’ve been compiling a summary of…

Dallas earthquake not caused by fracking… And neither was the Ohio quake.

Guest post by David Middleton Wow! I woke up Friday morning to news that a 2.0 Md earthquake struck about a mile and a half from my office. I was…

"Very wet rain events" from tropical cyclones linked to earthquakes

From the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science , an interesting groundbreaking paper, ahem…but, wait for it, we’ll soon hear “Climate disruption causes more hurricanes and…

Good news from UVa, earthquake early warning may be possible

Study: Ozone From Rock Fracture Could Serve As Earthquake Early Warning — Researchers the world over are seeking reliable ways to predict earthquakes, focusing on identifying seismic precursors that, if…

Comet water discovered to be nearly identical in composition to Earth's oceans

 Suggests comet bombardment contributed to forming oceans From the European Space Agency: Did Earth’s oceans come from comets? ESA’s Herschel infrared space observatory has found water in a comet with…

Possible earthquake early warning signal discovered

From the AGU: An atmospheric precursor to the recent Japan megaquake Most scientists believe that earthquakes are inherently unpredictable, and reports of various kinds of earthquake precursor signals have been…

5.9 Earthquake in Virginia

Note: USGS upgraded to 5.9 from the 5.8 preliminary estimate Between Richmond and Charlottesville (h/t Corey S) More:

Seeds of life on Earth may have originated in space

NASA finds proof that amino acid components in meteorites originate in space. This is exciting news. NASA-funded researchers have evidence that some building blocks of DNA, the molecule that carries…

7.0 quake off Honshu, Japan – no Tsunami Warning

From USGS The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a statement, but no warning:

Earth's Climate System Is Ridiculously Complex – With Draft Link Tutorial

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” I am often amused by claims that we understand Earth’s climate system, are able to accurately measure its behavior, eliminate all potential variables except…

Visualizing the "Greenhouse Effect" – Light and Heat

Guest Post by Ira Glickstein Solar “light” radiation in = Earth “heat” radiation to Space out! That’s old news to those of us who understand all energy is fungible (may…

NASA takes AIM on noctilucent clouds

From AIM. High up in the sky near the poles some 50 miles above the ground, silvery blue clouds sometimes appear, shining brightly in the night. First noticed in 1885,…

And now…something refreshing

Time to take a break from global warming. Link to the full video follows. Terje Sorgjerd writes: This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure…

Visualizing the "Greenhouse Effect" – Emission Spectra

Guest post by Ira Glickstein The Atmospheric “greenhouse effect” has been analogized to a blanket that insulates the Sun-warmed Earth and slows the rate of heat transmission, thus increasing mean…

Visualizing the "Greenhouse Effect" – Atmospheric Windows

Guest post by Ira Glickstein A real greenhouse has windows. So does the Atmospheric “greenhouse effect”. They are similar in that they allow Sunlight in and restrict the outward flow…

Visualizing the "Greenhouse Effect" – A Physical Analogy

Guest post by Ira Glickstein Albert Einstein was a great theoretical physicist, with all the requisite mathematical tools. However, he rejected purely mathematical abstraction and resorted to physical analogy for…

On the "Magnetic polar shifts cause massive global super storms" story

I’ve been avoiding this story (Magnetic polar shifts cause massive global super storms) for awhile, hoping it would simply die, but people keep asking me about it, and I see…

Commentary- Hansen Draft Paper: Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change

by Dr. Martin Hertzberg As the saying goes: “If all you have in your hand is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail”. It is hopeless to expect that…

One more thing that is "better than we thought" – NOAA: "the atmosphere’s self-cleaning capacity is rather stable"

Yesterday we learned that the great Pacific Garbage Patch really isn’t as big as hyped by media, today we learn that the “atmosphere’s ability to rid itself of many pollutants…

Google Earth announces new "earth engine" at Cancun

It appears to be designed to do photo trend analysis of landsat and other satellite imagery. From the Google Earth Engine page: A planetary-scale platform for environmental data & analysis Google…

Researchers find mathematical patterns to forecast earthquakes

Via Eurekalert: Researchers from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) and the Universidad de Sevilla (US) have found patterns of behaviour that occur before an earthquake on the Iberian peninsula.…

Climate Change: The Keywords (Part 1 of 3)

Written by Geraldo Luís Lino, special to Climate Change Dispatch – reposted here at WUWT by request – Note: the opinion of this author is not necessarily the same as…

Length of day correlated to cosmic rays and sunspots

From techno-science.net This tip came in on our tip & notes page, and at first I was quite surprised because I could not see a possible mechanism for it. Then…

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