Nuclear Energy is a Game Changer, But Not for Climate Reasons!

So, people advocating for nuclear power on the basis of its potential to address a nonexistent climate emergency undermine their arguments for the technology’s actual benefits of safety and efficiency.…

NOT a Game Changer

By Rud Istvan ctm asked what I thought about the 7/31/2019 Forbes article by James Conca headed, “Net Zero Natural Gas Plant Game Changer.” My quick answer after reading the…

Space Race Game Changer? Chinese Space Elevator Breakthrough

Guest essay by Eric Worrall South China Morning Post has published a claim that Chinese researchers have successfully synthesised a sample of a carbon nanotube material so strong it could…

Game Changer: Huge Alaskan Oil Find

Guest essay by Eric Worrall has announced discovery of 1.2 billion barrels of oil on Alaska’s North Slope, which they expect will revitalise Alaska’s oil industry. Huge Oil Find…

The Game Changer: HuffPost Embraces Nuclear Power

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Huffpost has published a very supportive post, about New York State embracing nuclear power as an equal player in the low carbon energy game. The…

This New Battery is a Game Changer

Lighter Cheaper More Powerful Battery Changes Renewable Economics Guest essay by Roger E. Sowell, Esq. Marina del Rey, California It is not often on SLB that I use the phrase “game-changer.”…

'Game changer' – Antarctic melt due to warm water, not air temperature

From the University of California – Irvine  something that pretty well makes Steig et al 2009 even more irrelevant, since in that paper they did a survey of air temperatures…

The Guardian: Climategate was 'a game changer'

Despite regular attempts by head in the sand AGW cheerleaders to make it go away, Climategate continues to affect the path of climate science. This endorsement of the Climategate effect…

The Elites Directing The Energy Transition Really Have No Idea What They Are Doing

They can be very confident that no one in their circles will ever check the math to see if the numbers add up.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #556

We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in…

Wind-financed Exposé against Kevon Martis Backfires

Delegitimization is a favorite tactic of the climate alarmist/forced energy transformation lackeys.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #550

“If we could create the universe from scratch, we’d all make sure that no one ever suffered misfortunes or disadvantages. The problem is that we don’t get to create the…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #546

The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda

Rank Innumeracy on The Cost of Electricity from Renewables

…the people who are most trusted to have mastered basic numeracy, and who get to pass out trillions of dollars of public funds — are completely innumerate.

Net Zero or Good Enough?

The proposed ‘good enough’ plan provides direction but is not overly constraining.

Academics and the grid Part I: I don’t think that study means what you think it means

Recognizing the difference between what theory suggests and practical knowledge demonstrates is critical.

G-7 Climate Roundtable Fail: World Leaders Focussed On Ukraine, Energy Prices

Climate change taking a back seat – at a climate change meeting.

The End of an Era – Vale Patrick Michaels

There was a time when it was possible to point out an error by way of a rebuttal published as a note in a scientific journal – even in the…

How Fast-Growing Algae Could Enhance Growth Of Food Crops

A new study provides a framework to boost crop growth by incorporating a strategy adopted from a fast-growing species of green algae.

NPR: President Biden Paused his Climate Promises Because of Ukraine

Still covering for Joe; According to NPR, the USA owes billions of dollars climate reparations to the developing world, but those pledges have been put on hold because of the…

How Satellite Maps Help Prevent Another ‘Great Grain Robbery’

“As long as you know when the crop was put in the ground, roughly, you can now estimate with a good degree of accuracy when the crop enters the key…

Ohio Eviscerates Preferred Siting, Accelerated Permission for Wind/Solar Developers (communities win!)

For a wind industry that has been overriding, even bull dozing, unwilling host communities, this new legal framework will be a significant brake. Some say, it is a death knell…

Supernovae twins open up new possibilities for precision cosmology

Cosmologists have found a way to double the accuracy of measuring distances to supernova explosions – one of their tried-and-true tools for studying the mysterious dark energy that is making…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #452

“We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements . . . profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands…