Oh, Mann, that's gotta hurt!

This book, Climate Change: The Facts of which I’m a co-author, is becoming a powerhouse on Amazon, here are the latest numbers as they compare to Dr. Michael Mann’s new book.…

New tool could predict large solar storms more than 24 hours in advance

From Imperial College, London: Large magnetic storms from the Sun, which affect technologies such as GPS and utility grids, could soon be predicted more than 24 hours in advance. Coronal…

How German schools take climate change "seriously"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Washington Post thinks Americans don’t take Climate Change seriously enough. Opinion columnist Catherine Rampell thinks we should look to the example of how German…

Climate scientists criticize government paper (Karl et al. 2015) that erases ‘pause’ in warming

By Maxim Lott Until last week, government data on climate change indicated that the Earth has warmed over the last century, but that the warming slowed dramatically and even stopped…

Reality Check: UN Climate Talks Stall Despite G7 Posturing

From the GWPF: G7 Leaders Shift Decarbonisation Goal To End Of Century Calls by the Group of Seven (G7) Monday to slash world carbon emissions did little to boost UN…

Heartland climate conference SOLD OUT – Prominent Skeptics to Receive Climate Change Awards

Via press release: Prominent Skeptics to Receive Climate Change Awards Sen. Jim Inhofe, William Happer, David Legates, Anthony Watts, and Bob Carter Winners of 2015 Climate Change Awards at ICCC-10…

Huge Divergence Between Latest UAH & HadCRUT4 Temperature Datasets (Now Includes April Data)

Guest Post by Werner Brozek, Edited by Just The Facts: Some of you may have wondered why the title and the above plot are comparing different data sets. The reasons…

The Daily Albedo Cycle

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I discussed the role of tropical albedo in regulating the temperature in two previous posts entitled Albedic Meanderings and An Inherently Stable System. This post…

A surprising finding: weathering of rocks doesn't change with climate change

Constant weathering Surprisingly stable behavior despite glacial and interglacial periods From: GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz Centre That weathering has to do with the weather is obvious in itself. All the…

The 'uncertainty monster' bites back at IPCC scientists

WUWT readers may recall this paper from Dr. Judith Curry where the “uncertainty monster” was given life. The uncertainty monster has bitten back. It seems that the IPCC botched more…

Another Model -vs- Reality problem – National Weather Offices: Canada, A Case Study With National And Global Implications.

Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball An article by Lord Monckton outlined his involvements with Thomas Karl, Director of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville NC. It arose from a…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #182

The Week That Was: 2015-06-06 (June 6, 2015) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project   ICCC-10: The New Science & Economics of Climate Change…

Bespoke Science…Made-to-Order Science

Guest essay by Charles G. Battig, M.D. A flurry of recent publication activity on the health impacts of carbon dioxide by the catastrophic climate change community is evidence that it…

Global Warming and the Age of the Earth: a Lesson on the Nature of Scientific Knowledge

In the wake of Karl et al. 2015, which revises data to match a consensus, we can all take a lesson from how scientific consensus has operated in the past…

An IT expert's view on climate modelling

Guest essay by Eric Worrall One point struck me, reading Anthony’s fascinating account of his meeting with Bill McKibben. Bill, whose primary expertise is writing, appears to have an almost…

Can We Tell If The Oceans Are Warming?

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, I was going to write about hourly albedo changes, honest I was, but as is often the case I got sidetractored. My great thanks…

My one-on-one meeting with Bill McKibben

UPDATED 6/8/15 (comment added by Bill McKibben, see end of article) About a month ago I got an e-mail from Bill McKibben telling me that he would be in my…

Gavin says the funniest things!

Guest post by David Middleton NOAA temperature record updates and the ‘hiatus’ Filed under: Climate modelling Climate Science Instrumental Record — gavin @ 4 June 2015 In a new paper…

NOAA Study Takes World 'by Storm': No Global Warming Pause!

By E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D. That’s how most of the media are treating a new study, anyway. Even the Wall Street Journal ran a news piece titled “Study Finds No Pause in…

2/3 of Americans refuse to pay one hundred dollars per year, to prevent global warming

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming. According…

More Curiosities about NOAA’s New “Pause Busting” Sea Surface Temperature Dataset

UPDATE 2:  KNMI added the HadNMAT2 data to their Climate Explorer, so we no longer have to rely on my replication of data from a graph.  See the update before…

The climate warming pause goes AWOL – or maybe not

By S. Fred Singer Oh boy! Get ready to watch yet another big fight about climate change – this time mainly among different groups of climate alarmists. Is there a…

Friday funny – Don't Ever Name It A Lull

Josh writes: Lots of news about science ending The Pause – so what will they call it next? As an extra bonus distraction why not think up what D.E.N.I.A.L. might stand for?…

Has NOAA / NCDC's Tom Karl repealed the Laws of Thermodynamics?

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Tom Karl’s paper (Karl et al. 2015) purporting to abolish the global-warming pause, recently published in Science, may be partly my fault. I first ran…

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