Six climate headlines from 2009 that tell us something important about the run-up to the 2015 Paris climate conference

Same old scare stories, different decade. By Larry Kummer, Editor of the Fabius Maximus website, from which this is reposted. Summary: This is the first in a new regular feature…

2/3 of Americans refuse to pay one hundred dollars per year, to prevent global warming

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming. According…

Bombshell from the Snowden Docs: The U.S. Spied on Negotiators at 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit via the NSA

From the “don’t trust but verify” department comes the revelation that the Obama administration went into COP15 negotiation with spy help. WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency monitored the communications…

USA CO2 emissions fall 7.7%

From Every year the International Energy Agency (IEA) calculates humanity’s CO2 pollution from burning fossil fuels. And once again, the overall story line is one of ever-increasing emissions: “Global…

Worldwide CO2 emissions and the futility of any action in the West

Guest post by Ed Hoskins Prof Richard Muller in a presentation made last October [1] made the dilemma facing the warmists abundantly clear: The developing world is ‘not joining-in with…

Demented thinking: Copenhagen didn't work – but taxes will

This is from a press release embargoed until 00:01 today (it says). I don’t know why, there’s nothing new here, because Nordhaus said the same thing well over a year…

U.N. Climate Chief Resigns

From the New York Times By JOHN M. BRODER WASHINGTON — Yvo de Boer, the stolid Dutch bureaucrat who led the international climate change negotiations over four tumultuous years, is…

U.N. abandons Copenhagen deadline – countries not signing on – spokesman says the deadline has gone "soft"

The COP15 balloon appears to have lost all it’s air. Nobody’s signing up. Excerpts from reports in the Guardian and the Financial Times From the Guardian Copenhagen deal falters as…

Climate change: proposed personal briefing

A letter sent from: The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley 1 January 2010 His Excellency Mr. Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Australia. Prime Minister, Climate change: proposed personal briefing Your…

Ultimate irony: Snowstorm squelches "screaming" climate change protest

And yet…it was claimed to be a “success”. Note to organizers: the media is laughing at you. Snowstorm squelches climate change protest By Judy Fahys, The Salt Lake Tribune Updated: 12/30/2009…

Obama returns from the Copenhagen global warming conference

The photo below originally appeared in the NYT showing Air Force One returning from Copenhagen. It of course, screams for a caption. I’m sure our readers can provide one. Here’s…

Guardian Headline – Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure

When the Guardian, that champion of everything “green” says it, you know it was a failure. Excerpt: The UN climate summit reached a weak outline of a global agreement last…

Obama takes on skeptics in speech, tries to rally climate crusaders

President Barack Obama spoke on the last day of climate talks at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. The President called on all major economies to put…

Obama trying to save Copenhagen Summit – what comes afterwards?

And here’s the stagecraft coming. Here’s how the rest of it might go down. By William M. Briggs Source: courtesy of Pajamas Media First, some good news. A lefty organization…

BREAKING NEWS: Sydney Morning Herald reports 11th hour Copenhagen deal forged

Just in time for Obama to announce it, and it only cost the USA 100 billion dollars. Thanks Hillary. UPDATE: Statistician William Briggs points out in an email to me…

Lord Monckton barred from Copenhagen conference – pushed to the ground by security

This was the scene yesterday in Copenhagen. As you can see the scene is rather agitated with lots of police action, including use of billy clubs. As of this writing,…

Climate Craziness of the Week – Hollyweird meets Copenhagen

There’s been so many to choose from this week, it has been hard to pick one. Until now.  (h/t to Kate at SDA) Stephen Taylor of Canada writes on his…

Anti-climactic irony – Copenhagen Climate Conference finale hit with snow and cold

From the “weather is not climate” department, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… Hey, where is everybody? In related news, global warming protesters are gathering in large numbers…

Lord Monckton reports on Pachauri's eye opening Copenhagen presentation

From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen In the Grand Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen, a splendid Nordic classical space overlooking the Church of our Lady in…

China declares Copenhagen Climate Conference hopeless

From ABC/Reuters China has told participants in the UN climate change talks that it sees no possibility of reaching an operational accord this week, an official involved in the Copenhagen…

Turnabout is fair play – Greenpeace gets a dose of their own medicine

Greenpeace, who prides themselves on civil disobedience and bannering smokestacks and U.S. national monument Mt. Rushmore gets a banner or two on the Rainbow Warrior. It is dubbed now the…

Copenhagen highlights the latest evidence of global torture

No, we aren’t talking about the journalists made to stand outside in the cold for 7 hours without a bathroom break. Though that could be considered U.N. caused torture. Something’s…

AP's Seth Borenstein left out in the cold at Copenhagen for 7 hours thanks to U.N. incompetence

I try to remind people that the U.N. has not succeeded at much of anything during its history. Mostly it just makes pronouncements and consumes cash. When it comes to…

Breaking: Copenhagen climate summit negotiations 'suspended'

From the BBC, apparently Copenhagen is falling apart: By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Copenhagen Excerpts: The African delegation is unhappy over moves by the Danish government Negotiations…