How the media mis-represents everyday science

Joel O’Bryan writes in WUWT Tips and Notes The LA Times has the follwing lead story on it webpage: “Climate change reflected in altered Missouri River flow, report says”…

Monday Mirthiness – spot the troll

Josh writes: There’s been a bit of closet trolling recently, a pretence if being polite but blatantly not, and generally trying to derail posts. Fortunately we have a helpful cartoon…

A new low: Joe Romm of Climate Progress exploits the death of Robin Williams for climate propaganda

Story by Eric Worrall In their quest for ever more bizarre reasons why we should care about climate scare stories, alarmists have truly scraped the bottom of the barrel –…

Willis's DDP Presentation Video

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach My thanks again to Dr. Jane Orient, Jeremy Snavely, and the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP). I previously described how they invited me to Knoxville…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #146

The Week That Was: 2014-08-16 (August 16, 2014) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project Quote of the Week: If you put feedback into a…

Moore tour needs some backers

Case Smit writes to me via email about a climate tour being organized in Australia with Dr. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace co-founder turned climate skeptic. I’m just passing it on: Hi…

Top 10 reasons the new WordPress Beep Boop Boob editor is a stunning failure.

(WUWT readers, please excuse this distraction while I holler at WUWT’s hosting provider, As Willis would say, “my blood is mightily angrified”.) I have generally been supportive of most…

Nobody expects the Spanish solar inquisition!

Over at Bishop Hill, there’s a story about an inquisition into the Spanish solar power industry, which was so heavily subsidized and the price being paid for solar power feed-in…

July 2014 Global Surface (Land+Ocean) and Lower Troposphere Temperature Anomaly Update

This post provides an update of the data for the three primary suppliers of global land+ocean surface temperature data—GISS through July 2014 and HADCRUT4 and NCDC through June 2014—and of…

Earthquake swarm in Iceland raises threat level on Bárðarbunga volcano

Readers may recall that the Grímsvötn volcano caused quite an overwrought mess with air travel in 2011 when it erupted. FergalR writes in WUWT Tips and Notes about the nearby …

Claim: Climate Change will disrupt the Panama Canal

Story submitted by Eric Worrall. The Guardian, a green UK daily newspaper, has published a claim that climate change will disrupt shipping in the Panama Canal, preventing children in America…

Cruising the Northwest Passage In Style

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach While working on finishing the story of my sea voyage last week down from Canada to Oregon, I was surprised to see that there is a new market…

On The Recent Record-High Global Sea Surface Temperatures – The Wheres and Whys

NOAA’s State of the Climate Report for June 2014 included the bullet point under global highlights (my boldface): For the ocean, the June global sea surface temperature was 0.64°C (1.15°F)…

New alarm book pushes the 'Weather is never just weather' idea

The “King of Cool” writes in our recent Open Thread Weather is never just weather Says Sophie Cunningham in her new book which she is promoting all over Australia at…

Open Thread

Traveling today, as I have been all week, but this seemed like a good time for an open thread.

All Rain Is Acid Rain

Opinion; Dr. Tim Ball The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. Mike Russell Lack of Data Is The…

Claim: Human contribution to glacier mass loss on the increase

From the University of Innsbruck, another modeling study. This news release is available in German. The ongoing global glacier retreat causes rising sea-levels, changing seasonal water availability and increasing geo-hazards.…

A Climate of Despair – Climategate had more effects than we realized at first

Psychological Problems faced by disappointed alarmists Story submitted by Eric Worrall The Sydney Morning Herald has published an article describing the psychological problems alarmists are experiencing, in the wake of…

Irony alert – wind turbine involved in petroleum spill at sea

Hazard to navigation? Danish ‘Safety Ship’ OMS Pollux, leaking oil after colliding with Morecambe Bay wind turbine A SHIP is leaking diesel after crashing into a wind turbine off the…

Why 'Deniers' are Always Wrong – Models can't be falsified

Story submitted by Eric Worrall How do we prove climate alarmists are wrong? Let us count the ways If the temperature goes up, this is just what the models predicted…

Claim: New analysis links tree height to climate

From the University of Wisconsin-Madison , where they apparently have not heard of Liebig’s Law of the Minimum since they say resources and hydraulic limitation “might” play a role. MADISON,…

Newsbytes – U.S. Democrats Embrace Shale Boom Ahead of Midterm Elections

From the GWPF and Dr. Benny Peiser World Awash In Oil Shields Markets From 2008 Price Shock The US shale boom is shaping a new kind of Democrat in national…

Claim: all the energy we need is just a mile above our heads- but getting it is another story

From NCAR, some wind pie in the sky. A mother lode of wind power Mapping the potential to harvest high-altitude wind May 28, 2014 | What if all the energy…

Smoke from Russian Fires Over Arctic Sea

From NASA: (satellite image follows) one wonders what this will do to the albedo of sea ice. Numerous wildfires have dotted the Russian landscape this past summer fire season.  Although…

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