Climate Rent Seekers Target Your Insurance Premiums

Guest essay by Eric Worrall If you thought the job of insurance companies is to charge customers a competitive fee to cover insured risk, you’re sadly mistaken. According to regulators…

Latest Forecast for the Atlantic Hurricane Season

Brief Note by Kip Hansen   Phillip Klotzbach and Michael Bell, who continue the invaluable work of the late  William M. Gray,  at the  Department of Atmospheric Science of Colorado…

Good news: real air pollution trends in US continue downward, but slower than hoped

From the “EPA models are always accurate” department comes this bit of good news. The air we breathe today in the United States is much cleaner than it was in…

Despite cooling problems NOAA GOES17 is producing good visible imagery

We reported last week on the cooling problems associated with GOES17 and the infrared imager. Now a new image has been released that shows the western U.S. and the Pacific.…

Inconvenient: new treeline paper suggests temperatures were warmer 9000 years ago

3 to 4 degrees centigrade warmer, in fact. Far greater than recent warming. The new paper, Kulman et al. 2018 relies on paleoclimatology, which as we’ve learned from Mann, can…

The Mystery of Upheaval Dome: Uniformitarian Impact Craters, Part Quatre

Guest 7,043 word essay by David Middleton In my previous three posts on uniformitarian impact craters, we examined the pitfalls of drawing cartoons on Google Earth images without ever looking…

Study: UHI in Los Angeles is driving off coastal clouds that dampen California wildfires

From the THE EARTH INSTITUTE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and “an actual case of man-made climate change” department. Urbanization and climate change combine to heighten danger Sunny California may be getting too…

Claim: Global warming hits poorest hardest, new research shows

From the UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE and the “intelligent CO2 molecules with targeting vectors know just who to hit” department comes this statistical emotional mishmash of a paper with a stereotypical…

Your tax dollars at work: study posits how space aliens might solve climate change

From the Atlantic, by one of the authors of the study, Adam Frank: The universe does many things. It makes galaxies, comets, black holes, neutron stars, and a whole mess…

Claim: Global warming to make more lightning caused fires, but only in the Southern Hemisphere

From PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY and the “global warming, is there anything it can’t do with the help of  interpreters” department: Climate change increasing risks of lightning-ignited fires, study finds Fires…

Claim: Republican Mayors are Quietly Implementing Climate Policies Without Telling Voters

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Conversation author Nicolas Gunkel seems to think mayors deceiving voters is a good thing. Many Republican mayors are advancing climate-friendly policies without saying so Nicolas…

And….we’re back

After announcing the migration yesterday, the past 24 hours have been very stressful for me. About 11AM PDT yesterday, the migration began to move WUWT to a new much more…

Dr. Roy Spencer on the sea level spat between Gavin and Willis

Dr Roy Spencer writes: There is a continuing debate over sea level rise, especially how much will occur in the future. The most annoying part of the news media reporting…

Biases and inconsistencies in weather forecast systems found

From the INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES and the “but there’s no bias in climate forecasting, it’s perfect” department. Scientists find inconsistencies and biases in weather forecasting system…

Ex NASA Employee: Planned Blog Posts on Coal to Solar Plant Conversions Cancelled

Guest essay by Eric Worrall An ex-employee claims “fear and anxiety” of President Trump is causing a drop in NASA climate posts. But some of the activities which were allegedly…

When Eruptions Don’t

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Inspired by Richard Keen’s interesting WUWT post on using eclipses to determine the clarity of the atmosphere, I went to the website of the Hawaiian Mauna…

NOTICE: WUWT to begin migration to new cloud server – opening up new horizons

Hello everybody, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued patronage of WUWT, and to let you know that in the last couples of months the…

The Great Barrier Reef Is Apparently Indestructible… But Still Doomed

Guest post by David Middleton This gem was in my morning email from the American Association for the Advancement of Science in America… The Great Barrier Reef has had five…

California vs. Big Oil: Judge Orders Plaintiffs To Find Benefits Of Fossil Fuels

The case may be nearing an end if the judge wants plaintiffs to find benefits that counter their argument. By Irina Slav Judge William Alsup who is hearing a case brought…

Claim: Climate Activism is “an Act of Love”

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Green protestors really just want to give you a hug. Working on climate change is an act of love By Catherine Abreu in Opinion, Energy,…

NASA satellite captures photo of bizarre circle of clouds

Sometimes, nature just gives us the weird. While clouds are an important topic of research for climatologists and meteorologists, sometimes the atmosphere churns up peculiar-looking cloud formations that are as notable for aesthetic…

Distortions, Misdirections, and Lack of Accountability Continue to Plague Climate Science

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball Many problems plagued climatology since climate science took over in the 1980s. Each specialist in a different area suddenly became an expert in climate and…

Climate showdown of the decade?

This manntastic event looms large. With the irascible Dr. Mann pitted against Moore and Curry, fireworks are almost guaranteed. Titley is a lightweight and he’ll be overshadowed by Mann’s huge…

Largest Colorado green group won’t endorse Boulder climate lawsuit

Matt Dempsey writes: The Denver Post nicely picks up on previous Western Wire reporting on Steyer’s involvement in Colorado legislative races and Dem Gov candidate not endorsing climate lawsuit. Perhaps…