American Thinker on CRU, GISS, and Climategate

Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg By Marc Sheppard Not surprisingly, the blatant corruption exposed at Britain’s premiere climate institute was not contained within the nation’s borders.…

Warmest decade on record*

From NASA’s press release NASA Research Finds Last Decade was Warmest on Record, 2009 One of Warmest Years From NASA GISTEMP- Click image for original source WASHINGTON — A new…

What Does it Take to Be a Science Expert?

Source : Daily Mail Parents, please encourage your children to become “science experts.”  The perks are excellent – prestige, travel, publicity, conferences – your fifteen minutes of fame.  And all…

Socioeconomic Impacts of Global Warming are Systematically Overestimated

Socioeconomic Impacts of Global Warming are Systematically Overestimated Part I: Why are Impacts Overestimated? Indur M. Goklany [Note to the Reader: For the sake of argument, in this post I…

Where Are The Corpses?

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Abstract The record of continental (as opposed to island) bird and mammal extinctions in the last five centuries was analyzed to determine if the “species-area”…

Study shows CFCs, cosmic rays major culprits for global warming

From the University of Waterloo press release. WATERLOO, Ont. (Monday, Dec. 21, 2009) – Cosmic rays and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), both already implicated in depleting the Earth’s ozone layer, are also…

Hansen on the surface temperature record, Climategate, solar, and El Nino

The Temperature of Science (PDF available here) James Hansen My experience with global temperature data over 30 years provides insight about how the science and its public perception have changed.…

Lord Monckton reports on Pachauri's eye opening Copenhagen presentation

From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen In the Grand Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen, a splendid Nordic classical space overlooking the Church of our Lady in…

Improved dendroclimatology techniques may help end climatic speculation related to tree ring analysis

For all the hubub surrounding Dr. Michael Mann’s hockey stick, the MWP, and throwing out data past 1960 because it didn’t seem to calibrate against the instrumental record, here is…

If I had a subscription to Nature, I'd cancel it

It is really too bad that I don’t have a subscription. I’m a bit late to commenting on this editorial that appeared in Nature magazine yesterday, but I feel it…


From Kate at Small Dead Animals: No U-turns allowed Flashback to April 18th… Dear Tom, I find it hard to believe that the British Antarctic Survey would permit the deletion…

The CRUtape Letters™, an Alternative Explanation.

By charles the moderator Rodin’s The Thinker at the Musée Rodin. Author CJ. Licensed under Creative Commons. I have a theory. With the blogosphere all atwitter about the emails and…

CO2 and ocean uptake – maybe slowing

While this article makes a strong case, looking at SST and CO2 can also be revealing: A review of this WUWT post might also be instructive: A look at human…

Reference: 450 skeptical peer reviewed papers

Andrew at Popular Technology has taken the time (quite a bit of it) to compile a list of papers that have skeptical views. It is reproduced in full here. My…

Bombshell from Bristol: Is the airborne fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions increasing? – study says "no"

Controversial new climate change results University of Bristol Press release issued 9 November 2009 New data show that the balance between the airborne and the absorbed fraction of carbon dioxide…

McIntyre and Lindzen to appear on Finnish TV documentary – transcript

Transcript in English from the TV network website here (h/t to Goran Frojdh) MOT: Climate catastrophe cancelled Finnish Broadcasting Co. YLE, TV1, Nov 11th 2009 at 8.00 pm. Voiceover (VO),…

The climate engine

Guest post by Erl Happ What follows is a general theory of natural climate variation supported by observation of the changing temperature of the atmosphere and the sea between 1948…

Previously Unknown Volcanic Eruption Helped Trigger Cold Decade

From the University of California, San Diego Press Release A team of chemists from the U.S. and France has found compelling evidence of a previously undocumented large volcanic eruption that…

Revealed: the UK government strategy for personal carbon rations

Guest post by Dr. Tony Brown “Personal carbon rations would have to be mandatory, imposed by Government in the same way that food rationing was introduced in the UK in…

"Proof" that media is hyping AGW shamelessly without asking basic questions like: "did you check the lake for DDT"?

From this “stunning” development citing lake sediment and some midges “proves” everything. Glad that’s settled. See thoughts at the end. This is the title of the story at,…

CO2 report – estimated to be "highest in 15 million years"

Another paper for the Copenhagen train. This is an estimate according to the abstract. Here’s the abstract and the supplemental information, of course the publicly funded paper is behind the…

Arctic Temperatures – What Hockey Stick?

Circling the Arctic What sudden recent warming? What Hockey Stick? I don’t see any. By Lucy Skywalker Green World Trust Click for a full sized image to click on graphs…

NASA video tour of the Cryosphere 2009

WUWT commenter Ray tips us to a new video from NASA “The Tour of the Cryosphere 2009”. With all the interest in sea ice right now, it seems like a…

Guardian: Global warming to trigger "earthquakes, tsunamis, avalanches and volcanic eruptions."

You can’t make this stuff up. It’s worse than we thought. Related: Why the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets are Not Collapsing Climate change: melting ice will trigger wave of natural…

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