Bad week for hardware: Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite burns up

Satellite to Study Global-Warming Gases Lost in Space By Alex Morales, Bloomberg News Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) — A satellite launched from California failed to reach orbit today, crashing into the…

Shocker: Huffington Post carries climate realist essay

Congratulations to Harold Ambler, who frequents here in comments, for breaking the climate “glass ceiling” at HuffPo. This essay is something I thought I’d never see there. Next stop: Daily…

Polar Albedo Feedback

by Steven Goddard Today is a day of note in Antarctic.  The sun has reached it’s highest point in the sky, and never sets.  The amount of incoming solar radiation…

The CO2 – Temperature link

Guest Post By Frank Lansner, civil engineer, biotechnology. More words on the topic first presented here: I wrote: It appears from this graph that CO2 concentrations follows temperature with…

Earth's Magnetic Field Has Massive Breach – scientists baffled

I know. This sounds like a plot of a 1950’s scifi movie. But it is real. From my view, our localized corner of the solar system is now different than…

GISS, NOAA, GHCN and the odd Russian temperature anomaly – "It's all pipes!"

UPDATE: A good photo of one of the Russian stations has been found, see below after the “read more” link. As most readers know by now, the problematic GISTEMP global…

NAS reports: 50 million year cooling trend

Warming in a global cool period By Peter N. Spotts| Staff Writer for The Christian Science Monitor/ September 25, 2008 edition Graph above added by Anthony – not part of…

I am a Skeptic

Posted by Dee Norris skep·tic One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions. from Greek Skeptikos, from skeptesthai, to examine. I have been…

"Even doubling or tripling the amount of CO2' will have 'little impact' on temps"

From New Zealand Climate Science Professor Geoffrey G Duffy DEng, PhD, BSc, ASTC Dip., FRS NZ, FIChemE, CEng Dr. Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and…

Arctic Hell in a Handbasket

Posted by John Goetz CNN posted an AP story tonight on their website regarding the separation in early August of a 19-square-mile ice shelf from Elsmere Island. It starts: TORONTO,…

Cryosphere Today Makes Changes – Improves product, drops Gore comment

In the thread where we have examined the visual discrepancies in sea ice report that concerned a number of people, William Chapman of the University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana joined in the…

Regarding the Lieberman-Warner Debate, Rep. Rohrabacher: "Do you really think the world is filled with morons?"

From the Congressional Record, this speech was given on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is worth reading and posting elsewhere. Lieberman-Warner Debate: Congressman Rohrabacher’s Floor Speech…

CNN's View of Climate History

Some of you might notice that some other items of interest were left out… feel free to fill in the gaps.   A timeline of climate change science By Matthew Knight for…

3 of 4 global metrics show nearly flat temperature anomaly in the last decade

It has been 10 years since the super El Niño of 1998 helped to spike global temperatures dramatically. Now since it appears we are in the opposite phase, I thought…

Et tu, Gorus?

Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and even more surprising, the IPCC also shares the award. Why? Why would a committee award such a prestigious prize right on the heels…

Detailed Comments on An Inconvenient Truth

Foreword by the blog moderator: One of the things that often happens once your blog and effort is well known is that people start sending you things to look at and/or…

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