Amazing Grace

By Steven Goddard, The headline reads “NASA Satellites Detect Unexpected Ice Loss in East Antarctica” ScienceDaily (Nov. 26, 2009) — Using gravity measurement data from the NASA/German Aerospace Center’s Gravity…

The List Goes On …. and On

By Steven Goddard, Surely the world must be coming to an end, preceded by the demise of Arctic Ice. Some of my current favorites are listed below.

SST update

Steve Goddard writes: Below are animations for the entire year (150 days) so far, based on NOAA SST maps. The videos are presented with minimal commentary. As they say, “150…

You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting!

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Yesterday, I discussed the Shepherd et al. paper, “Recent loss of floating ice and the consequent sea level contribution” (which I will call S2010). I…

Where the !@#$% is Svalbard's Weather Station?

In the previous WUWT entry, Willis posted his data on the Svalbard weather station, noting that it is spliced data and that the station data has been merged in nearby…

Climate Craziness of the Week – MSM jumps on alarming headline

From a University of Leeds press release, comes this scary headline that seems to be picked up by the MSM. A Google search yields 16,400 hits on the title below.…

Royal Ash: Royal society jumps on magma driven worry express

Guest post by Steven Goddard Wikipedia Image of Disaster Movie poster While volcanic ash falls on Britain, in yet another assault on reason, the Royal Society has warned : In papers published…

GISS & METAR – dial "M" for missing minus signs: it's worse than we thought

Here’s a story about how one missing letter, an M, can wreck a whole month’s worth of climate data. It is one of the longest posts ever made on WUWT,…

NCAR's missing heat – they could not find it any-where

From Dr. Roger Pielke Senior’s Climate Sci blog, a discussion on the “missing heat” in Earth’s climate system gives me a motivation to write some silly prose: The heat is…

We knew, it was only a matter of time…

From “Scientific” American via Reuters, proof positive that global warming is omnipotent and is intertwined into anything you choose it to be. Why, even the inner Earth bends to its…

CryoSat passes first operational tests

From the European Space Agency, it looks like CryoSat-2 is working well. I’m sure we are all looking forward to seeing what the results are. ESA’s ice mission delivers first…

Pilgrimage to Montana

By Steven Goddard Now that Arctic ice area is normal, Antarctic ice area is normal, sea level rise is failing to accelerate, temperatures are below all of Hansen’s scenarios, and…

My Thanks and Comments for Dr. Walt Meier

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach First, I would like to thank Dr. Meier of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) for answering the questions I had posed (and…

NSIDC's Walt Meier responds to Willis

I read Willis Eschenbach’s post last week on Trust and Mistrust where he posed several questions and challenged scientists to respond to the same questions. So, below is my take…

Cryo-sat launch successful

Successful launch for ESA’s CryoSat-2 ice satellite From the European Space Agency: 8 April 2010 ESA PR 07-2010. Europe’s first mission dedicated to studying the Earth’s ice was launched today…

A New And Effective Climate Model

The problem with existing climate models: Guest post by Stephen Wilde Even those who aver that man’s activity affects climate on a global scale rather than just locally or regionally…

WUWT makes a difference – London Science Museum changes their climate change exhibit

Remember this post before the heady days of Climategate? And then what happens? Another online poll that might go horribly wrong And this one? Data adjustments in the UK Science Museum…

'science’s dirtiest secret: The “scientific method” of testing hypotheses by statistical analysis stands on a flimsy foundation.'

The quote in the headline is direct from this article in Science News for which I’ve posted an excerpt below. I found this article interesting for two reasons. 1- It…

Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Second Highest on Record

Guest post by Steven Goddard According to Rutgers University Global Snow Lab, last week’s Northern Hemisphere winter snow extent was the second highest on record, at 52,166,840 km2.  This was only…

Are Scientists Always Smart?

Guest post by Steven Goddard There is no question that some of the greatest minds have been scientists.  Da Vinci, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Edison, Einstein, Fermi, Feynman are a few…

NOAA langoliers eat another 1/3 of stations from GHCN database

Dallas Fort Worth airport is one of hundreds of GHCN reporting stations gone missing. GHCN stations are becoming an endangered species.   2010 Thermometer Langoliers Hit List Guest post by E.M.Smith…

Brace for the tipping point

Climate ‘Tipping Points’ May Arrive Without Warning, Says Top Forecaster From a UC Davis press release A new University of California, Davis, study by a top ecological forecaster says it…

New study using satellite data: Alaskan glacier melt overestimated

From a press release provided by Centre national de la recherche scientifique in Paris, France: Improved estimate of glacier decline in Alaska. Glaciologists at the Laboratory for Space Studies in…

New paper in Nature on CO2 amplification: "it's less than we thought"

Amplification of Global Warming by Carbon-Cycle Feedback Significantly Less Than Thought, Study Suggests from ScienceDaily (Jan. 28, 2010) — A new estimate of the feedback between temperature and atmospheric carbon…

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