Monster Solar Minimum Approaching?

Monster minimum or short solar cycle? Guest essay by David Archibald This recent post was on the fact that the Sun’s EUV emissions had fallen to solar minimum-like levels well…

The Crisis of Integrity-deficient Science

This post comes to us via Paul Driessen of CFACT.  He highlights a very serious problem.  Readers may want to weigh in with their own examples, some thoughts on why this is happening, and what…

A Red Team to end the climate wars: fun but likely to fail.

A Red Team to end the climate wars: fun but likely to fail. By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: Team Trump has proposed a Red Team project…

Talking Truth to Climate Consensus

By Rud Istvan A sound bite summary* The climate consensus now has two derogation levels for those who disagree. Climate ‘contrarians’ like Bjørn Lomborg disagree about mitigation policies. Climate ‘deniers’…

How They airbrushed out the Inconvenient Pause

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley In November 2015, just before the faithful gathered around their capering, gibbering witch-doctors and shamans in Paris for the New Superstition’s annual festival of thanks…

See the cost to America of damage from climate change in the 21st century

By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: Another peer-reviewed paper predicting disaster from climate change by misrepresenting and exaggerating the science. We can still learn much from it.…

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

Guest essay by Michael Bastasch A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and…

Why Climate Models Run Hot

by Rud Istvan,   EPA administrator Pruitt wants to “Red Team” the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) consensus best reflected in the IPCC assessment reports (AR). At its core, CAGW…

The Solar Harbinger

Guest essay by David Archibald The people of Canberra are the richest in Australia so they voted in a provincial government that proved how virtuous they were by increasing the…

Monumental, Unsustainable Environmental Impacts

Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy would inflict major land, wildlife, resource damage Paul Driessen Demands that the world replace fossil fuels with wind, solar and biofuel energy – to…

EIA data shows wind & solar provide only 3.2% of U.S. 2016 energy

Submitted by Larry Hamlin A recent EIA report  on energy production shows that wind and solar despite receiving tens of billions in government subsidies provided only 3.2% of U.S. energy…

Cooling: UAH reports the Lowest global temperature anomaly in last 2 years

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2017: +0.21 deg. C by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Lowest global temperature anomaly in last 2 years (since July, 2015) The Version 6.0…

Closely Coupled: Solar Activity and Sea Level

Guest essay by David Archibald From a post a couple of days ago: “an F10.7 flux above 100 causes warming and below that level causes cooling.” Greg asked “Can you…

Thus It Begins

Guest essay by David Archibald Back in late April, European wine growers were hit by the most damaging frost since 1991. That frost affected vines as far south as Tuscany.…

Life on Earth was nearly doomed by too little CO2

During the last ice age, too little atmospheric carbon dioxide almost eradicated mankind Guest Essay by Dennis T. Avery Aside from protests by Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio and friends,…

"No evidence" is a useful scientific finding

Guest essay by Michel de Rougemont Heretic? You’re welcome! Hysteric? Please cool down! We hear that global warming is highly dependent on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,…

California dumps millions of dollars of unusable renewable electricity to other states

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin California’s renewable energy policy pushing huge mandated increases in wind and solar so the state’s globally irrelevant greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets can be met…

We should be glad the US is out of the Paris Climate Agreement

Foreword: Following President Trump’s exit from the Paris Climate Treaty, a number of states, cities, universities, companies and institutions formed a “We are still in” consortium. Its members insist that…

Some Fun with IPCC Texts

Guest essay by Leo Goldstein I’ve already written about the epic moment, when IPCC apparently recognized that most of the recent warming had been due to the natural variability. Instead…

What happened to the traditional role of skepticism in climate science?

Guest essay by Forrest M. Mims III Traditional science required a skeptical view of one’s own findings until they could be replicated, especially by others. Unfortunately, skepticism has been deleted…

Renewable energy cost and reliability claims exposed and debunked

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin A new paper  published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) from NOAA’s Earth System Laboratory, Boulder Colorado exposes and debunks the…

EPA’s suspect science

Its practices have defiled scientific integrity, but proposed corrections bring shock and defiance. Guest essay by John Rafuse President Trump’s budget guidance sought to cut $1.6 billion from the Environmental…

New Study: Scientists Find Recent Uk Flooding Is Not Unprecedented

From the GWPF Observatory This new paper presents the first coherent large-scale national analysis undertaken on historical flood chronologies in Britain, providing an unparalleled network of sites (Fig. 1), permitting…

Why "Climate Science" Snubs Climatic Temperature

Guest essay by Leo Goldstein When something pretending to be a science cannot adequately define a quantity for its central subject, this something is inarguably a pseudo-science. This is certainly…

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