US Government Climate Modellers Prove SINGAPORE is a Violent Uneducated Unproductive Wasteland

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Bloomberg has helpfully drawn together a series of dire predictions from the latest US government report about how climate is going to make us less…

NSIDC: 'two very strong storms' failed to make a repeat of 2012 record low Arctic sea ice extent

Despite a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth by Dr. Peter Wadhams, there’s still no joy in mudville for Arctic sea ice doomsters.From NSIDC: Arctic sea ice nears its minimum…

How 'consensus science' blew the Solar Cycle 24 prediction, which turned out to be the lowest in 100 years

A few years ago, the best solar models predicted that Solar Cycle 24 would be larger than Solar Cycle 23. Here is a plot from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center…

Friday Funny – Josh at the London Climate Conference

Josh tells me that he live-tooned the London Climate conference, which we spoke of here last month. He’s sent along pictures and video for our amusement. Day 1: Here’s a…

NOAA Cancels La Niña Watch While La Niña Conditions Exist

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale La Niña conditions are typically defined by NOAA as sea surface temperature anomalies less than or equal to -0.5 deg C for the NINO3.4 region…

Great Barrier Reef bleaching study; Karoly et al (April 2016), Part A.

Guest essay by Bob Fernley-Jones Background: This headline image is for a publically released article (the article) in the Australian university-partnered blog The Conversation in which ‘the study’ cited therein…

Biologists: We need more Money to Forecast Climate Catastrophe

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A group of biologists have demanded more resources for data collection, so they can fill in the missing pieces of biodiversity models which forecast ecological…

Comparison Between Observational Data and Model Projections for Hot Days in Northern Australian Regions

Guest essay by Dr. B Basil Beamish In a recent WUWT post I looked at the number of hot days (Tmax > 35 °C) projected by climate models for Cairns as…

Study essentially says "we are guessing at future global weather patterns"

From the UNIVERSITY OF EXETER and the “but we are certain there’s some kind of effect” department comes this uncertain study: Induced climate change ‘tug of war’ keeps scientists guessing on…

Think Progress: We've found some global warming!

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Think Progress is crowing that “even deniers” confirm an average satellite measured temperature rise of 0.12c / decade. My response is – so what? Sorry…

How Climate Feedback is Fubar

Guest essay by George White Feedback is the most misunderstood topic in climate science and this misunderstanding extends to both sides of the debate. This is disturbing because the theoretical…

A new study shows why we are polarized about climate change

By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: Slowly scientists’ investigations produce insights about the psychological and social dynamics that create our dysfunctional politics. Here is a new study…

"Trump's energy plan overstates benefits of more drilling: economists"

Guest post by David Middleton Donald Trump has promised to roll back regulations and unleash an energy revolution in America — but economists have their doubts about the plan. The…

Effective Radiation Level (ERL) Temperature

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Lord Monckton has initiated an interesting discussion of the effective radiation level. Such discussions are of value to me because they strike off ideas of…

Claim: Climate Crisis is a Racist Crisis

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Black Lives Matter has gone Climate in a big way, with a protest which shut down London City Airport. London City Airport is a premium…

WORLDS COLLIDE: Earth may have collided with Mercury sized planet in the past – carbon tells the tale

From RICE UNIVERSITY: Earth’s carbon points to planetary smashup Element ratios suggest Earth collided with Mercury-like planet HOUSTON — (Sept. 5, 2016) — Research by Rice University Earth scientists suggests…

Feet of clay: The official errors that exaggerated global warming – part 3

Part III: How the feedback factor f was exaggerated By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley In this series (Part 1 and Part 2) I am exploring the cumulative errors, large and…

New data shows 10 year decline in the Atlantic Conveyor

Laurence Hecht writes: This review in the 19 Jun 2015 issue of Science  reported solid observational evidence (not proxies and modeling à la Rahmstorf and Mann) of a 10-year trend of decline…

In the middle of the "hottest year ever" come record wheat harvests

From the “Paul Ehrlich is still spectacularly wrong” department: Malthus Chokes on Bumper Wheat Crop A generation after leading scientists and experts warned the world of an escalating series of…

HuffPost: Global Warming Is A Greater Moral Challenge Than Budget Repair

Guest essay by Eric Worrall WUWT recently reported how budget cuts to ARENA renewables programmes were an “existential threat” to green innovation. Now we learn that it is immoral to…

Claim: Being Green Threatens Male Gender Identity

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A study published in Journal of Consumer Research suggests men are shying away from “green” behaviours because men think they are “unmanly”. Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly?…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #239

The Week That Was: 2016-09-03 (September 3, 2016) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy…

Cloud Feedback

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In the comments to Christopher Monckton’s latest post, Nick Stokes drew attention to Soden and Held’s analysis of feedback in the climate models. I reproduce their Table…

Cart and Horse – Cause and Effect – Industrial Revolution and Climate Change

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball Proponents of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis (AGW) seldom, if ever, consider the null hypothesis. As a result, it is now accepted but still unproven.…