Death blow to Barycentrism: 'On the alleged coherence between the global temperature and the sun’s movement'

People send me stuff. Tonight I got an email that contained a link to a paper that takes on the wonky claims related to barycentrism and Earth’s climate, specifically as…

The Future of Models

Guest essay by Nancy Green At the close of the 19th century physics was settled science. The major questions had been answered and what remained was considered window dressing. Our…

Observing water vapor feedback during 'the pause'

From AGU highlights, measurements from 2002 to 2009 show short term feedback still subject to short-term climate variability, long term feedback still in the realm of models. Measuring the effect…

National Wildlife Federation 'jumps the shark' – claims school animal mascots are at risk for climate change

Egads!  The stupid, it burns like magnesium. And I thought the cannibal lobsters were bad. This is what I call parasitic messaging, they are hoping they will get some sort…

LED's rule, twisty bulbs drool

Readers might recall I was an early adopter of LED lighting technology. Now it is getting even better. New LED light design offers less energy, more light LEDs are durable…

The Shindell climate sensitivity paper: another 'GISS miss'

There was lots of breathless anticipation last week over the Drew Shindell paper on climate sensitivity, which was embargoed until 1800GMT on Sunday (see the embargoed PR from Nature here),…

Climate Craziness of the Week: 'warming causing lobster cannibalism'

Most idiotic climate claim ever? I’m pretty sure some people lay awake at night trying to come up with new ways to demonstrate that planet is going to hell in…

Volcano Activity, Temperature and Response Times:

Guest essay by Neil Catto In view of the possible reasons for the 17-20 year global temperature plateau and further to Willis’ post a couple of weeks ago “Volcanoes Erupt…

'Record temperatures' placed in context with station history

DayRec: An Interface for Exploring United States Record-Maximum/Minimum Daily Temperatures Essay by Greg Kent Foreword: There is a new resource for obtaining high/low temperature extremes.  The DOE released the DayRec…

Watch the Senate climate pajama party all-nighter live

In case you haven’t heard about it, the Senate is having a “denier bashing fest” while they bask in the warmth provided by steam from the coal-fired Capitol Power Plant.…

Sun's energy output may have led to marked natural climate change in Europe over the last 1000 years

From Cardiff University Sun’s energy influences 1,000 years of natural climate variability in North Atlantic Changes in the sun’s energy output may have led to marked natural climate change in…

Obama Administration to Insert Global Warming Activism into Dietary Guidelines Mandated by Congress

Aaargh! Forget nutrition and medical guidelines, carbon footprint is the new diet selector. Climate Change Activists to Meet Food Police at Closed-Door Meeting March 14 New York, NY / Washington…

Critical mass of Cotton

Yesterday, the climate blogosphere reached critical mass of Cotton. Douglas J. Cotton. And with that critical mass, as such things go, they go boom. Lucia has previously announced why Doug…

Quote of the week: Steyn ups the ante on the Mann lawsuit

Oh, my. Steyn is not going to pull any punches after seeing what Esra Levant just did in Canada.  He hints at a strategy to “go nuclear”. He writes:

Global warming dud predictions on the Great Barrier Reef

Andrew Bolt asks in his column – Why won’t other journalists tackle Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, too? Maybe such dud predictions should be called “claimet change” for all the failed claims? –…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

The Week That Was: 2014-03-08 (March 8, 2014) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: “Two things are infinite: the…

Mysterious new man-made gases pose threat to ozone layer…

Image Credits: NOAA – National Weather Service – Climate Prediction Center By WUWT Regular “Just The Facts” On the heels of Andrew Dessler’s Ozone Hole tweet, we have from the…

Will Global Cooling Continue in 2014? (Now Includes January Data)

Image Credit: Guest Post By Werner Brozek, Edited By Just The Facts You may have seen the following recent articles (1, 2 and 3) by Walter Dnes on his…

Why climate change communications is like 'Shaka, when the walls fell'

With the pending climate pajamafest all-nighter at the U.S. Senate, (powered by the Washington DC coal burning power plant) the release of former NASA scientists and engineers Right Climate Stuff…

Congratulations to WUWT contributor Paul Homewood for getting press in East Anglia

Paul writes on his webpage: The East Anglian Daily Times have published a special supplement this week on climate change, and I have managed to persuade them to include my…

Your No-Consensus Badge

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Commenters on my recent posting about using graphics as effectively as the Forces of Darkness do, but to use them to tell the truth, said…

Three Clocks

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I got to wandering through the three main datasets that make up the overall CERES data, and I noticed an odd thing. The three main…

The group the 'Right Climate Stuff' says there's no need to worry about catastrophic global warming

New Study; Earth is Safe From ‘Global Warming’ Say the Men Who Put Man on the Moon The planet is not in danger of catastrophic man made global warming. Even…

Claim: What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?

A new modeling based paper in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics takes on that question directly. Of course the result is another “saved the world” moment according to some: [ Source:…

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