Environmental concern disappears with economic instability

From University of Southern California  another lesson from the economic train wreck that is Greece; people stop worrying about the environment when you make cleaner fuels too expensive to use.…

Optical Antics at Sunset

My lovely and talented wife has a habit of being in the right place at the right time to capture nature doing interesting things. This particular shot was taken by…

If Manmade Greenhouse Gases Are Responsible for the Warming of the Global Oceans…

…then why do the vertical mean temperature anomalies (NODC 0-2000 meter data) of the Pacific Ocean as a whole and of the North Atlantic fail to show any warming over…

EPA, Climatology And The Courts: The Issue is Corrupted, Not Poor Science.

Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball Watts Up With That? (WUWT) recently reported on the submission of an Amicus Curiae application to the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS). It challenged the…

The Fatal Lure of Assumed Linearity

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [note new Update at the end, and new Figs. 4-6] In climate science, linearity is the order of the day. The global climate models are…

WUWT Video – Zeke Hausfather explains the new BEST surface data set at AGU 2013

I mentioned the poster earlier here. Now I have the video interview and the poster in high detail. See below.

'Twas the nightmare before Christmas

By Joe Bastardi ‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the news, There were reports of record cold, so many were confused. Told global warming is why we should…

Climate craziness of the week: Yes, we have no bananas, thanks to climate change

[At least there will be less radiation spread around. -Anthony] Going Bananas: Another Climate Change Hustle Guest essay by Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger and Patrick J. Michaels We hear that…

Pollen has bigger influences on optical properties of the atmosphere than previously known

From Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung something that could be a possible negative feedback to CO2. As plants proliferate more due to increased CO2, it follows that pollen load in the atmosphere…

November 2013 Global Surface (Land+Ocean) Temperature Anomaly Update

In addition to their monthly global land-ocean temperature index (LOTI) data, GISS also lists quarterly and two annual (December to November and January to December) data. (Source here.) The annual…

Skeptical Science's John Cook – Making **** Up

Guest essay by Brandon Shollenberger Last week, John Cook published a piece in the Europhysics News magazine in which he, quite literally, fabricates a quote.  You can see the details…

A side of the AGU Fall Meeting sure to cause some alarmists to go postal

As many WUWT readers know, I attended the AGU fall meeting and I have a number of posts coming up that will highlight many of the posters and sessions that…

Hacking (or quacking) the planet with geoengineering

Hack the planet? Geoengineering research, ethics, governance explored by Hannah Hickey Hacking the Earth’s climate to counteract global warming – a subject that elicits strong reactions from both sides –…

The EPA is challenged in the Supreme Court over greenhouse gas regulations

It has not been a good week for the EPA. After wide media coverage yesterday put sunlight on the massive fraud of one of their top climate officials, now today,…

AGU Fall meeting: The Chelyabinsk, Russia, meteor

The Russian Chelyabinsk Meteor was the largest since the 1908 Tunguska event. The airburst from the meteor on February 15, 2013, injured more than a thousand people and damaged thousands of buildings.…

Claim: Solar, AMO, & PDO cycles combined reproduce the global climate of the past

Guest essay by H. Luedecke and C.O.Weiss We reported recently about our publication [1] which shows that during the last centuries all climate changes were caused by periodic ( i.e.…

Whither went the warmer weather?

17 years, 3 months with no global warming By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The Long Pause just got three months longer. Last month, the RSS monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature…

Apparently, 4 degrees spells climate doom

One has to wonder though, since CO2 residence time has been said to be anywhere from  five year to hundreds, or even thousands of years, with no solid agreement yet,…

Nature proves Al Gore wrong again

Gore’s “ice free Arctic” prediction from five years ago, falsified by nature itself The great bloviator has been pwned again, by the actions of nature itself. In Germany, five years…

Massive fraud at the EPA from agency's top paid climate official

This is stunning, yet not surprising. We know people get caught up in “the cause”, and that there are massive egos involved in some of the more visible climate advocates…

Open Letter to the Executive Producers of YEARS of LIVING DANGEROUSLY

(UPDATE:  Added Subject Line to Memo Header) December 15, 2013 Subject: Concerns about Upcoming Series Years of Living Dangerously From: Bob Tisdale To: James Cameron, Jerry Weintraub, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Daniel Abbasi,…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

The Week That Was: 2013-12-14 (December 14, 2013) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: • “It is hard to…

Over half the USA covered in snow, the most in 11 years

Paging Dr. David Viner, white courtesy phone please Here is the map from NOAA’s  National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center showing the snow coverage at 53%, the most in 11…

Remind me again why the west needs a carbon tax?

Man-made CO2 emissions 1965 -2012 Guest Essay by Ed Hoskins The following calculations and graphics are based on information on worldwide national CO2 emission levels published by BP [i] in…