Cli-Fi: The Net Zero Sub-Genre

Two excellent books to read during the winter solstice doldrums or while traveling over the holidays.  Not to mention a great last minute Xmas gift.

The Impossibility of Bridging The “Last 10%” On the Way To “100% Clean Electricity”

In other words, you will need about 35 times the capacity of solar panels as the amount of firm power that you are committed to provide.

The “All-the-Above” Energy Policy Is a Compromise That Reverses Human and Environmental Progress

To summarize, all-the-above policy, while sounding beguilingly attractive, is an unhelpful concession to those hostile to fossil fuels

Looking For the Official Party Line on Energy Storage

The end product is an excellent illustration of why central planning does not work and can never work.

The Mirror Makes Ludicrous Claim That Large Parts of England Will Be Under Water By 2100

These ludicrous forecasts, based partly on improbably high temperature increases, assume a sea level rise over 30 times faster than it is now.

Claim: We Must Allow More Inflation to Address Climate Change

Aussie financial journalist Alan Kohler has suggested allowing more inflation could protect jobs from rising energy prices. But he appears to ignore the economic damage inflation itself would cause.

From Brexit to NetExit

…Estonia will be by no means the only nation that will not tolerate so gross a series of harms directed at its population.

Office for Budget Responsibility Reveals the Crippling Cost of Net Zero

In other words, that figure of £573 bn above is probably only a third of the true cost to the public sector. Meanwhile, as already noted, the private sector will…

Column: Wealthy Californians “Just Stop Oil” campaign – popular in Europe; has anyone asked, say, Bangladesh?

What is the moral framework by which these activists decide “Developing countries cannot be permitted to source the fuel they need, and we are comfortable enforcing this because we say…

As Green Policies Cause Energy Prices To Explode, Deforestation In Europe Accelerates

Skyrocketing fossil fuel energy prices are are driving the deforestation of Europe as citizens try to keep warm

Unrealistic Net Zero Policies Cost Families Dearly

“We are in the middle of the first truly global energy crisis,” Birol said. “Our world has never ever witnessed an energy crisis with this depth and complexity.”

Canada’s Green New Deal: “To Hell with That” (Premier Moe speaks)

“[Canada is] heading down this same dark cul-de-sac that we have seen the European head. And we see energy and climate policy at the national level in our nation that…

The New Pause Lengthens to 8 years 1 Month

Why, then, the continuing worldwide pandemic of panic about the mildly warmer weather we are enjoying?

Climate Change Weekly #451: Green Energy Revolution Hits Energy Reality Wall

“If the GOP retakes the majority in the upcoming midterm elections, it reportedly plans to investigate the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for its increasing ESG advocacy,” notes Wooldridge.

What Does the BBC Expect Svalbard to Do When Its Coal Mine Is Shut?

It is of course deeply ironic that Svalbard’s climate was just as mild when these mines opened as it is now!

Let’s Talk About REAL Climate Cataclysms

All-natural, not so long ago, hugely destructive, and a repeat would devastate people and planet

Attenborough Laments Demise of 800 Penguins “Because Climate Change” – But Fails To Report Discovery of New Colony 1.5 Million Strong

This is calculated ‘climate change’ propaganda marketed as entertainment.

IPCC: We Call Your Bluff (COP 27 alarmism in the air)

Today, more than ever, government (coercive) mitigation policy is being left behind by self-interested energy actions around the world.

Robbing Grandma to Pay Gaia

In the end, the greenergy fad is not saving the environment, cannot hope to provide enough electricity to cover current demand let alone the explosive growth planned, and is very…

Etam: Where the Wild Things Are – Exposure To “The Doing Class” Will Solve the Global Energy Crisis

You can travel to the “other side” of a city, see where things are constructed, repaired, bought, sold. You will see armies of humans doing things, all the little things…

The Coming Green Electricity Nightmare

Hundreds of billions in new subsidies will bring expensive, unreliable, eco-destructive power

97% Want UK Green Levies to Be Scrapped

And every time there is a poll to ask them if they want to pay for it?

BRICS Starts Sidestepping the Tragedy of Western Energy Policy

The world is marching right past us, here in the west, in a certain way. Fear of a lack of fuel and food will do that to people.

The Latest from the Experts on New York’s Climate Act Implementation

This report highlights multiple feasibility concerns that must be addressed to have any hope of this working.  I believe that it shows that implementation on the schedule proposed will prove…