Obama's SmartGrid plans

Via Slashdot: “On Monday, the Obama administration announced the next steps that the US will take to build its 21st century electric grid, and Information Technology is expected to play…

American Astronomical Society to make 'major' solar announcement

From Space.com Astronomers will unveil a “major result” on Tuesday (June 14) regarding the sun’s 11-year sunspot cycle. The announcement will be made at a solar physics conference in New…

A green product worth recommending

Readers of WUWT know that while I have my doubts about the magnitude of AGW and express skepticism and sometimes outright disdain for certain green schemes and products, some of…

Power grid cut worries flaring over solar flares

This is quite alarming, but as Dr. Leif Svalgaard explained in his email tip to me, “…in this case, probably justified”. Here’s the story from the Independent:

Chris Mooney must not be from Missouri

Kid blogger Chris Mooney (at left) often writes fascinating articles for their sheer single mindedness of purpose – making anyone who doubts AGW in even the slightest look like fools.…

Climate change in UK schools – "we are taking it back to the core stuff"

From the Guardian, a hopeful situation for climate realists everywhere. Climate change should not be included in the national curriculum, the government adviser in charge of overhauling the school syllabus…

Rutgers on Coal vs. Nuclear

From Rutgers University press room: The Energy Debate: Coal vs. Nuclear Rutgers researcher finds factors other than global warming and potential for plant accidents figure into Americans’ preferences As America…

Dramatic satellite images of the Ethiopian eruption

The MODIS/AQUA rapidfire website finally had a pass overhead online early this AM of the Ethiopian/Eritrean area volcanic eruption of Nabro, and I have them below. The plume stretches well…

The Chaos theoretic argument that undermines Climate Change modelling

Just to be clear ahead of time, chaos in weather is NOT the same as climate disruption listed below – Anthony Guest submission by Dr. Andy Edmonds This is not…

And the hits keep coming: 80 million pages served

Guest post by Ric Werme I like to look at remaining trip lengths in terms of a fraction 1/n left to reach a goal. For example, in April WUWT was…

Solar activity still driving in the slow lane

The sun seems not to be in cooperative mood again this month. It has gone blank again. And from SWPC, the brief upticks of April were not repeated in May:

UK business poised to flee green carbon tax

From The GWPF, newsbytes on the subject of UK Businesses Threaten To Flee Abroad To Escape Green Energy Levies British industry’s ability to compete with companies overseas is under threat…

"Stop Mr. Climate Change"

That’s a sign in one of the videos below. This is what college churns out these days, at least in UMass Lowell, but I’ll give them points for not wasting…

Earthquakes and volcanic eruption in Ethiopia

UPDATE: I’ve updated the sat IR image below, plus added some Google Earth imagery below. The ash plume has hit the stratosphere and has now extended to more than 1000…

Climate and Energy News Roundup

  Quote of the Week: “… and my error has been a good lesson to me never to trust in science to the principle of exclusion.” The Autobiography of Charles…

Emails, schmemails – its only harrassment when they do it,

Without even invoking the angst the media had over climategate emails, where somebody simply got fed up with the constant illegal sidestepping of FOI requests and dumped the whole lot……

BBC snowed by the whims of nature

Oh noes! Then, suddenly, this week, in summer no less, nature decides that snowfalls won’t be a thing of the past after all, and makes bozos of the BBC:

Craziest carbon credit scheme yet – shooting camels in Australia

How to Create Carbon Credits – Kill a Camel. By Viv Forbes The people who brought us pink-bats and cash-for-clunkers have a new scheme – we can earn carbon credits…

12th quarterly RGGI auction a bust? It sure wasn't a boom.

The northeast US’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative sells CO₂ allowances through quarterly auctions. The intent is that both electric power producers will buy some because they have in order to…

Phil Jones does an about face on "statistically significant" warming

From the “make up your mind” department: Climate warming since 1995 is now statistically significant, according to Phil Jones, the UK scientist targeted in the “ClimateGate” affair. Last year, he…

Massive drifts and late-melting snowpack

Guest Post by Verity Jones While the MSM is all hot under the collar about the Killer heat wave in the mid-East US, not a mention about the massive snow…

Gotta Admire The Chutzpah

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The abstract of a new study from Science Magazine entitled “The Unusual Nature of Recent Snowpack Declines in the North American Cordillera”, Gregory Pederson et…

New sea level dataset now available – still flat

NEW NODC DATASET: THERMOSTERIC SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES Posted by Bob Tisdale Just a quick one-graph post. The NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) has added Thermosteric Sea Level Anomaly data to…

Venice to be hit hard by Climate Change? Never mind

I guess they won’t need any more “Green Economic Conferences” there the like this: Where they say: “Venice is particularly hard hit by climate change and this conference is an…

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