Spain pledges to phase out nuclear power by 2035

Spain’s nuclear fleet consists of seven operating reactors, generating about a fifth of its electricity.

Green New Deal in Action! ‘Businesses in Spain have to keep summer air conditioning above 80 degrees F under new govt rules’

From August 9, businesses have to keep summer air conditioning above 80 degrees Fahrenheit under new government rules

Claim: Hidden in Caves: Mineral Overgrowths Reveal Unprecedented Modern Sea-Level Rise

The team found evidence of a previously unknown 20 centimeter sea-level rise that occurred nearly 3,200 years ago when ice caps melted naturally over the course of 400 years at…

Relax, HortiDaily, Climate Change Is Not ‘Taking Its Toll’ on Spain’s Agriculture

The evidence proves rather than climate change threatening the viability or profitability of Spain’s agriculture industry, modest warming has improved the prospects for both.

Spain’s Solar Energy Crisis: 62,000 People Bankrupt After Investing in Solar Panels

Seventeen years ago, Spain’s socialist government decided to inject subsidies into renewable energy. As a result, thousands of Spanish families massively invested in photovoltaic energy. But, as you’ll see in…

How many km2 of solar panels in Spain and how much battery backup would it take to power Germany

Unless the safety, space, environmental, raw material, and energy considerations can be overcome, PV-Spain is a poor choice for solving Germany’s, Europe’s, or the global power dilemma. Alone the material…

Chinese virus drives a startling increase in Europe’s excess mortality #coronavirus

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The scale of the Chinese-virus pandemic is now beginning to become visible. Yesterday, the death toll of 59,000 in the United States exceeded the 58,000…

The decline of Weather Dependent Renewables in Europe: 2008 – 2018

Reposted from edmhdotme Introduction The EurObserv’ER organisation publishes data annually on all types of EU28 Renewable installations and their productivity.  EurObser’ER is backed by the EU and promotes the transition…

Climate Craziness of the Week – taxing sunlight

No, I’m not kidding. Truly, idiocy has no bounds. In Spain, they appear to have actually done this, with fines up to 30 million Euros for non compliance. The stupid,…

Solar gains in Spain may cause warmists pain

From the FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology via Eurekalert comes this interesting note about solar forcing. It seems there’s a 2.3% per decade increase in solar radiation…

It was the best of times, it was [will be] the worst of times.

My brother stumbled across an interesting pair of headlines today. Nothing very new, but a nice collection yin and yang. Weather vs climate. Observation vs model. Boom vs bust. First,…

Another 'Vinerism', or just a snow job?

From the FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology  and the snowfalls are now just a thing of the past department comes this press release, one much like those…

Green energy companies off the government teat in Spain, take off

Spain Ejects Green Energy Lobby by Alex Morales and Ben Sills, Bloomberg Spanish renewable-energy companies that once got Europe’s biggest subsidies are deserting the nation after the government shut off…

Wind farm ordered dismantled

Mark Duchamp writes in with this news from the Lerida, Autonomous Community (state) of Catalonia, Spain: A judge ordered the removal of 45 wind turbines on the grounds that planning…

And now…something refreshing

Time to take a break from global warming. Link to the full video follows. Terje Sorgjerd writes: This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure…

More Stupid Environmentalist Tricks

With apologies to David Letterman’s “Stupid Human Tricks”…it’s like a manifest of David Parkers “cool parks” reverse UHI urban myth. Maybe it had something to do with this ongoing threat…

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