How Much Ocean Heating is Due To Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents?

Given these various pieces of evidence, it would difficult to believe that deep-sea hydrothermal vents — actually, an increase in their heat output — can be the reason for recent…

NOAA’s Graph Provides Best Evidence That Solar Heating Is Warming the Oceans, Not CO2

Why such regional differences from the same CO2 blanket?

Plate Tectonics Drives Ocean Oxygenation

… these findings reveal the hitherto underestimated role played by plate tectonics in the evolution of biodiversity in the oceans over geological time scales.

Why the Sun, Not CO2, Heats the Oceans Revisiting the Debate: Does Greenhouse Back-radiation Warm the Oceans?

After analyzing the physics detailed in this video, I’m convinced it is solar energy that drives the observed ocean heating, and any infrared ocean heating is insignificant at best.

How ‘Viral Dark Matter’ May Help Mitigate Climate Change

The question of magnitude is a serious consideration when taking into account the vastness of the ocean.

Claim: Timing Of Ocean Plankton Blooms to Shift with Global Warming

Global warming is directly impacting the ocean’s net primary production (NPP) at the base of the food web as well as the seasonal timing of plankton blooms, according to a…

Claim: Unchecked Global Emissions on Track to Initiate Mass Extinction of Marine Life

Peer-Reviewed Publication PRINCETON UNIVERSITY As greenhouse gas emissions continue to warm the world’s oceans, marine biodiversity could be on track to plummet within the next few centuries to levels not…

Claim: CMIP6 Models Have Improved in Simulating Sea Surface Salinity and Freshwater Flux

Salinity changes the ocean stratification by affecting the density, which has a certain impact on the thermodynamic processes of the ocean, and then modulates sea surface salinity variations.

Claim: Climate change has likely begun to suffocate the world’s fisheries

New research finds the ocean’s middle depths, home to many commercially fished species, started losing oxygen at unnatural rates in 2021

Volcanic Fertilization of the Oceans Drove Severe Mass Extinction, Say Scientists

“Our study may prompt reinvestigations of other mass extinctions during Earth history”, concludes Dr Longman.

How Natural Oscillations Affect Arctic Climate & Predict Future Climate Change: Part 4

The degree that natural quasi-cycles, or oscillations, generate dramatic changes in the Arctic must be determined before scientists can blame rising CO2. Natural oscillations have highly significant effects on global…

How the Sun Controls Arctic Ice and Temperatures part 3

Part 3 on controls on Arctic sea ice. Although sunspot cycles do not add enough energy to explain the Arctic’s warming, the sun and sunspot cycles do explain redistribution of…

Off By More Than 99%? It Changes Nothing!

Ocean plastic pollution is less than 1% of what we’ve been screaming for decades, but is still as big a problem as ever

Scientists Use NASA Satellite Data to Track Ocean Microplastics From Space

Scientists from the University of Michigan have developed an innovative way to use NASA satellite data to track the movement of tiny pieces of plastic in the ocean.

NASA’s S-MODE Takes to the Air and Sea to Study Ocean Eddies

After nearly a year and a half of delays due to the pandemic, the S-MODE team is excited to get their planes in the sky and the gliders in the…

Claim: Marine heatwaves becoming more intense, more frequent

Thinning surface layer of ocean leaves waters more susceptible to extreme warming events UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Research News When thick, the surface layer of the ocean acts as…

New analysis highlights importance of groundwater discharge into oceans

“It’s really hard to characterize groundwater discharge, so it has been a source of uncertainty in the modeling of global cycles,” said first author Kimberley Mayfield, who led the study…

Preventing Ecosystem Collapse 3: Seagrass

The good news is most of the human factors that have reduced seagrass meadows can be and are being remedied. Furthermore, rising levels of carbon dioxide will benefit their growth…

How ancient dust from the sea floor helps to explain climate history

During the last Ice Age about 20,000 years ago, iron-containing dust acted as a fertilizer for marine phytoplankton in the South Pacific, promoting CO2 sequestration and thus the glacial cooling…

The Oceans Won’t Suffocate!

Unfortunately, scientific journals also succumb to the same profit incentives. Indeed, pictures of thousands of suffocated fish floating belly-up is very disturbing. However, media outlets amplified our fears with headlines…

Dynamics of the Tropical Atmosphere and Oceans

Reposted from Dr. Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. Posted on June 9, 2020 by curryja by Judith Curry Peter Webster’s magnum opus is now published: Dynamics of the Tropical Atmosphere and…

Climate change has degraded productivity of shelf sea food webs

University of Plymouth A shortage of summer nutrients as a result of our changing climate has contributed to a 50% decline in important North East Atlantic plankton over the past…

Ocean uptake of CO2 could drop as carbon emissions are cut

Shrinkage due to COVID-19 may provide case in point Earth Institute at Columbia UniversityShare Print E-Mail Volcanic eruptions and human-caused changes to the atmosphere strongly influence the rate at which the ocean…

The most common organism in the oceans harbors a virus in its DNA

University of Washington The most common organism in the oceans, and possibly on the entire planet, is a family of single-celled marine bacteria called SAR11. These drifting organisms look like…