Oceans Retain Methane: New ‘Nature’ Study Finds Very Little Danger Of Methane Reaching Surface

A Nature study finds there’s very little risk that global warming would lead to more methane escaping from the oceans into the atmosphere.

Claim: Solar activity not a key cause of climate change, study shows

From the University of Edinburgh , another one-paper syndrome in the making funded by an NGO research council with a political mission to grab a headline. And, another poorly written…

Methane estimates from the Arctic double, but there's no cause for alarm

From the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Study: Arctic seafloor methane releases double previous estimates The seafloor off the coast of Northern Siberia is releasing more than twice the amount of…

Busted messaging: CFC's cause warming AND cooling

From the make up your freaking minds department comes this oopsy juxtaposition of alarmist messaging. In an attempt to explain “the pause”, researchers are now grasping for explanations: Human actions…

Surprise: Greenland ice gets a melt assist from Earth's hot mantle below

From the Helmholtz Association Greenland ice is melting — also from below Heat flow from the mantle contributes to the ice melt The Greenland ice sheet is melting from below,…

Asia's air pollution may be keeping tropical storm activity down

From the Law of Unintended Consequences and The Clean Air Act, comes this bit of news. Since the 1970’s The Clean Air Act has benefited breathing in many American cities…

Global cooling as significant as global warming

From Newcastle University Global cooling as significant as global warming A “cold snap” 116 million years ago triggered a similar marine ecosystem crisis to those witnessed in the past as…

Leveraging a Changing Climate: Recent advances in understanding how Species cope with Changing Conditions.

Guest essay by Daniel Bourke Introduction The concept of climate change has become a controversial one. By that it is not meant to be said that the happening of climate…

New El Niño causal pattern discovered

From the University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST: Climate researchers discover new rhythm for El Niño El Niño wreaks havoc across the globe, shifting weather patterns that spawn droughts in some…

New paper shows transient climate response less than 2°C

See also: Why the new Otto et al climate sensitivity paper is important – it’s a sea change for some IPCC authors New energy-budget-derived estimates of climate sensitivity and transient…

A case of the vapors – another global cooling mechanism found

From the University of Manchester Organic vapors affect clouds leading to previously unidentified climate cooling University of Manchester scientists, writing in the journal Nature Geoscience, have shown that natural emissions…

Another negative climate feedback: more CO2 = more plants = more aerosols = cooling

Recall a couple of days ago that I posted on the aerosols released by trees: Those dirty trees: why hasn’t the EPA called for trees to be regulated? Now, from…

Nutri-systems for climate control

From the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (UK) Ocean nutrients a key component of future change say scientists Variations in nutrient availability in the world’s oceans could be a vital component…

New study: Ocean-driven warming along the western Antarctic Peninsula needs to be considered as part of a natural centennial timescale cycle of climate variability

From Cardiff University: Tiny fossils hold answers to big questions on climate change Research explores 12,000 year fossil record The western Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions…

Antarctic warming courtesy of Mr. Fix-it

Just a little something he threw together Guest Post by David Middleton First the breath-taking headlines… Scientists Report Faster Warming in Antarctica, New York Times (WUWT commentary) West Antarctic Ice…

On noes! CO2 dissolving snails in Antarctica

From the British Antarctic Survey  and the University of East Anglia comes one of those press releases where I just have to wonder if this won’t eventually go the way…

Dendros stick it to the Mann

UPDATE3: professor Rob Wilson leaves some scathing comments about the Mann paper. See below. UPDATE2: There’s been some additional discussion on the dendro listserver, and it seems quite clear now…

That CO2 is powerful stuff, now causes satellites to be threatened in orbit due to lingering space debris

From the “CO2 is there anything it can’t do department” comes this ridiculous piece of research making the rounds in the MSM that worries about something that has not been…

Bipolar disorder – as in the Arctic, the Antarctic sea ice extent is affected by wind, unless of course it's 'climate change'

From the “no matter what happens it is climate change” department. So, according to this, when the Arctic loses ice it is due to climate change ‘global warming’ when the…

Evidence that stratospheric circulation changes drive ocean changes, and thus climate changes

From the University of Utah and the “science is not settled” department comes this interesting bit of research. Stratosphere targets deep sea to shape climate North Atlantic ‘Achilles heel’ lets…

Increased tropical rainfall – seems like a negative feedback to me…

From MIT via press release, bear in mind this is just more model output based on estimates from observations. That said, thunderstorms and hurricanes are simply heat engines, and they…

The Neo Paleo Twitter war of Mann -vs- D'Arrigo

It seems that Columbia’s Rosanne D’Arrigo thinks Mann’s tree ring study isn’t representative proxies for volcanic eruptions, nor good for dendrochronology, though Mike Mann seems to think so. This Twitter…

Solar grand minima linked to cooling period in Europe

This is interesting. A quick cooling in Europe together with an increase in humidity and particularly in windiness was found to coincide with a long-term reduction in solar activity 2800…

Ice capades – Some Himalayan Glaciers Growing, study suggests a negative sea level rise adjustment

I wonder if Rajenda Pachauri will call this “voodoo science“? A previous study by the UC Santa Barbara found that the Karakoram glaciers are mostly stagnating, possibly due to debris, the…

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