Little Ice Age thermometers – History and Reliability

Little Ice Age thermometers – History and Reliability Guest post by TonyB How reliable are The Little Ice Age thermometers ? The Little Ice age thermometers project is an attempt…

Countdown to an "unprecedented warm decade" – 2 months to go

Global Temperatures This Decade Will Be The Warmest On Record… …And It Will Be Exploited By Those Who Fail To Understand The Reasons For The Rise Guest post by Bob…

Arctic warming goes with the floe

Past Arctic Warming Also Created by Currents Guest posted by Jeff Id of The Air Vent I’ve stated here on several occasions that the ‘Recent’ Arctic ice thinning is more likely…

Weather Balloon Challenge – WUWT reaches far and wide – we can win

This contest from DARPA caught my eye because it involves weather balloons, the Internet, and social networking. WUWT is poised to help due to our reach, and because we have…

An idea I can get behind – regulate [as in capture waste gas and recycle] methane first

UPDATE: Some readers took exception to my title, and I can see why now. I regret my choice of wording for the title. “Regulate its escape into the atmosphere” is…

Yamal treering proxy temperature reconstructions don't match local thermometer records

Circling Yamal 3 – facing the thermometers Guest post by Lucy Skywalker   Let’s look closely and compare local thermometer records (GISS) with the Twelve Trees, upon whose treerings depend…

Tornados and global warming link – "just not there"

We’ve contended many times before that severe weather and global warming are not linked. Here’s a new essay on the issue. From CO2 Science Tornados — Summary Climate alarmists typically…

And then what happens? Another online poll that might go horribly wrong

UPDATE: At first I was concerned about this poll and the language involved. Now from comments I’m seeing a number of people whom aren’t worried and see an opportunity to…

Rush is off base with his ugly suggestion to Revkin

Rush Limbaugh stepped over a line of bad taste today during his radio broadcast. While I don’t often agree with  Andy Revkin, I know what it is like to be…

Revealed: the UK government strategy for personal carbon rations

Guest post by Dr. Tony Brown “Personal carbon rations would have to be mandatory, imposed by Government in the same way that food rationing was introduced in the UK in…

IQ Test: Which of these is not upside down?

This is a simple IQ test anyone should be able to complete easily. Here are four images, which one of the images has elements that are not upside down? You…

How to trick yourself into unintentional cherry picking to make hockey sticks

This post over at Lucia’s Blackboard caught my interest because it shows you don’t need to operate heavy equipment (like Al Gore’s famous elevator scene) to get yourself a big…

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen, Claims British Lord Monckton

Reposted from comments on the new Urban Future thread here Originally from the blog Fightin’ Words [picapp src=”b/2/3/7/IOC_2016_Olympic_c1a5.jpg?adImageId=5771484&imageId=6683524″ width=”500″ height=”361″ /] Above: Obama’s last visit to Copenhagen didn’t work out…

Wheel! – – Of! – – Silly!

I thought I’d seen the end of this after we first saw it back on May 26th of this year. I wrote then: How not to make a climate photo op…

Response from Briffa on the Yamal tree ring affair – plus rebuttal

First here is Dr. Keith Briffa’s response in entirety direct from his CRU web page: My attention has been drawn to a comment by Steve McIntyre on the Climate Audit…

Quote of the week #20 – ding dong the stick is dead

UPDATE: The Climate Audit server is getting hit with heavy traffic and is slow. If anyone has referenced graphs in blog posts or news articles lease see the mirrored URL…

United Nations Environment Programme uses unreviewed graph from an anonymous Wikipedia author for official report.

We’ve been lectured time and again about the importance of having climate science work come from peer reviewed papers, saying that the work of dedicated amateurs has no place in…

NASA video tour of the Cryosphere 2009

WUWT commenter Ray tips us to a new video from NASA “The Tour of the Cryosphere 2009”. With all the interest in sea ice right now, it seems like a…

DMI arctic temperature data animation doesn't support claims of recent Arctic warming

UPDATE: 9/8/09 The University of Colorado made a serious mistake in the press release that I cited. This press release was issued well before the paper was available, and of…

Earth-awareness run amok: WWF's ad company apparently produced 9/11 "respect the planet" video in June 2009

You may have seen this on other blogs in the last day or so, a print ad apparently for the WWF out of Brazil. It is beyond tasteless. I wasn’t…

Woods Hole embraces the Medieval Warm Period – contradict Mann's proxy data

“The more interesting and potentially controversial result is that our data indicate surface water temperatures during a part of the Medieval Warm Period that are similar to today’s…” “Although there…

NASA powers up for the next UN IPCC

From NASA,  new fossil fuel powered toys for the boys. Related:  “Giant sucking sound” heard in Greenbelt, MD when the switch was thrown. Remember the day you got a brand-new…

Diane Feinstein: turbidity denier?

There was an interesting story in the Las Vegas Journal Review on August 20th. which had a passage and quote from California Senator Diane Feinstein (emphasis mine): Both U.S. Sen.…

Ring-a-Round 2: Queens University Belfast v Doug Keenan

WUWT readers may recall that Queens University Belfast is being asked to provide tree ring data and so far has been refusing all but a small portion. Here is an…

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