Yet another inconvenient story ignored by the MSM.

Mount Kilamanjaro – Tanzania, Africa – still snowy. Photo by Neil Modie, January 2008 Last week, I broke the story of a press release issued by NOAA where they publish…


There are lots of confusing terms in the world of climate science, meteorology, and the world of NOAA and the National Weather Service. Often somebody new to the arena can…

The best compliment I could be given…

From one of our commenters:  “I really appreciate the sober tone and the reasonable level of discussion in this forum – highly unusual for a climate discussion, my sincere compliments.”…

How to tell a good scientist from a bad scientist

Below is an article from TheStatsBlog that I found interesting. Here is what they say about the organization behind it. Since its founding in 1994, the non-profit, non-partisan Statistical Assessment Service (STATS)…

Giving thanks

As this year draws to a close, I think back about what I’ve accomplished on this blog in the last year, and it occurs to me that I have a…

Record cold events around the world in 2007

Below is an opinion from the Washington Times by Geophysicist David Denning, to which I’ve added photos and links to the events he’s written about.   A caveat: I caution the reader that…

Spotting Weather Stations in SFO

San Francisco’s official weather stations, new and old locations are in this photo – can you find them? Last Thursday evening I had the pleasure of meeting up with Steve…

USHCN National Weather Station Quality Plot

Early in the project, one of the criticisms heard against the effort was that there had been “cherry picking” going on in the selections of stations to survey, and that… on the NASA “Y2K” Error

By Steve McIntyre “Here’s an interesting article on the NASA “Y2K” error from Michael Fumento of that steers between the over-reaction of some commentators that this error somehow disproves…

Does Hansen's Error "Matter"? – guest post by Steve McIntyre

Does Hansen’s Error “Matter”? Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit blog is offline, he has asked me to post this here – Anthony   There’s been quite a bit of publicity about…

Lights Out – Guest post by Steve McIntyre

“Lights Out Upstairs” Note: Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit blog is currently offline, he’s asked me to post this on his behalf – Anthony James Hansen has published an online letter…

Closed Minds of the herd

Spot the free thinker in this photo (photo courtesy ZombieTime) Russell Steele over at NCWatch has an interesting post about “going against the herd”. He says “Bob Prechter, an expert…

The Climatic Blog War of 2007

There is a war of words going on between two scientific blogs over my project at The RealClimate blog, operated by pro AGW global warming scientists Penn State’s Dr.…

My summer project – a national weather station audit

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I got sideswiped by Ms, Sherri Quammen, who in a letter to the editor called me a “weapon of mass destruction” because…

Bad Paint Job = Rising Surface Temperatures?

Stevenson Screen at the NWS office in Monterey – good paint but right next to asphalt parking lot and concrete walk – a definite no-no! After reading an excellent paper…

In search of the perfect thermometer.

Lon Glazner, a fellow blogger and local electronics engineer made some comments about my post on the NASA/CSU study on California temperatures. Well that got me started…so below are Lon’s…

My 100th entry – some other views on Global Warming

I figured for my 100th entry, I’d make it a big one. Especially in light of the fact that a recent editorial in the ChicoBeat said that I’m completely wrong.…

Beat Up

There’s an article in this issue of the Chico Beat about my views on global warming. You can read it here: I knew going into it that they’d probably…

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