Willis: Reply to the Economist

This replaced the previous sticky, and I have this comment about the Economist. Bad form and unprofessional to use the word “denialists”. For WUWT  readers who wish to complain: letters@economist.com…

GISS "raw" station data – before and after

I’ve been following this issue a few days and looking at a number of stations and had planned to make a detailed post about my findings, but WUWT commenter Steven…

Counting CRU "tricks"

Steve McIntyre has blogged an excellent must read technical explanation about IPCC and the “Trick” on the newly provisioned climateaudit.org now on WordPress.com. He provides the context that CRU says the…

Picking out the UHI in climatic temperature records – so easy a 6th grader can do it!

The Urban Heat Island effect on temperature records is real, despite what some people wish you to believe. Peter, a sixth grader, and his dad, thought so too, and take…

The Smoking Gun At Darwin Zero

by Willis Eschenbach People keep saying “Yes, the Climategate scientists behaved badly. But that doesn’t mean the data is bad. That doesn’t mean the earth is not warming.” Let me…

The Weekly Standard: Scientists Behaving Badly

An excellent summary and editorial, well worth the read. Note that Hayward apparently reads WUWT, as he references the “CRUtape Letters”, first published here after being coined by Steve Mosher.…

A devastating response to "There's nothing to see here, move along"

Guest post by John A The usual armwaving denial that we should not trust our own lying eyes was delivered by a Harvard Professor in the Boston Globe: James McCarthy,…

If I had a subscription to Nature, I'd cancel it

It is really too bad that I don’t have a subscription. I’m a bit late to commenting on this editorial that appeared in Nature magazine yesterday, but I feel it…

Pielke Senior: Revkin perpetuates a myth about the surface temperature record

A Myth About The Surface Temperature Record Analyses Perpetuated On Dot Earth By Andy Revkin By Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. On the weblog Dot Earth today, there is text from Michael…

Quote of the week #25 – Krugman's LOL on skeptics

I don’ t know what sort of world NYT reporters live in, but I am now convinced that some like Paul Krugman have no clue about the real world people…

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?

Guest post from Von Rudolf Kipp Originally in German here, with some portions translated to English using the Google translator below. [update–translation provided by poster EWCZ ~ ctm] Google translator…

When Results Go Bad …

Guest post by Willis Eschenbach One of the claims in this hacked CRU email saga goes something like “Well, the scientists acted like jerks, but that doesn’t affect the results,…

The people -vs- the CRU: Freedom of information, my okole…

Foreword: Willis asked me to carry this post here. What follows is a long and detailed series of email exchanges that outline the difficult task of getting data so that…

CEI Files Notice of Intent to Sue NASA GISS

UPDATED: related FOIA documents are now posted at the end of this story. Posted on the American Spectator: “Climate Gate” Development: CEI Files Notice of Intent to Sue NASA By…

The appearance of hypocrisy at the NYT – Note to Andy

Paul Chesser of the American Spectator writes about Andy Revkin’s lack of coverage at the NYT blog “Dot Earth”, in Andy Did Something Good Last Night, and gives him some…

Nov 24 Statement from UEA on the CRU files

Climatic Research Unit update – November 24, 3.30pm The University of East Anglia has released statements from Prof Trevor Davies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, Prof Phil Jones, head of the Climatic…

Nov 23 Statement from UEA on the CRU files

The University of East Anglia released this statement yesterday: Climatic Research Unit update – 17.45 November 23 It is a matter of concern that data, including personal information about individuals,…

Monbiot issues an unprecedented apology – calls for Jones resignation

From Andrew Bolt, my “mate” down under at the Herald Sun, comes this surprise. I’ll have to say, it is to George Monbiot’s credit to do this. I embrace his…

The CRUtape Letters™, an Alternative Explanation.

By charles the moderator Rodin’s The Thinker at the Musée Rodin. Author CJ. Licensed under Creative Commons. I have a theory. With the blogosphere all atwitter about the emails and…

Bishop Hill's compendium of CRU email issues

For those of you who don’t know of the blog Bishop Hill, let me say that he is a succinct and careful writer who has earned praise from many (including…

Mike's Nature Trick

This is a mirrored post from ClimateAudit.org which is terribly overloaded. Mike’s Nature trick by Jean S on November 20th, 2009 So far one of the most circulated e-mails from…

Breaking News Story: CRU has apparently been hacked – hundreds of files released

UPDATE: Response from CRU in interview with another website, see end of this post. The details on this are still sketchy, we’ll probably never know what went on. But it…

Hall of record ratios

A Critique of the October 2009 NCAR Study Regarding Record Maximum to Minimum Ratios Guest post by Bruce Hall, Hall of Record This is a critique of the October 2009…

Reference: 450 skeptical peer reviewed papers

Andrew at Popular Technology has taken the time (quite a bit of it) to compile a list of papers that have skeptical views. It is reproduced in full here. My…

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