Would We Be Better Off Now, If We Had More Renewables?

For a change, a slightly more objective analysis of our energy policy from the BBC:

Biden: Coal Plants “All Across America” will be Shut Down, Replaced by Solar and Wind

President Biden has announced the entire coal industry is shutting down because coal is too expensive and unreliable.

Massachusetts’ 1,200 MW Offshore Wind Project ‘no longer viable’ (rough waters ahead?)

It’s a perfect storm that might just overcome the taxpayer largesse of the federal subsidies (DOE and IRS) and rate averaging for captive ratepayers. With offshore wind experimental and extra-uneconomic,…

ERCOT Renewable Energy: Reality Check

Wind and solar are cheaper to build, but not when you take into account the overbuild and storage to fully serve the grid. 

Wind Farm in Germany is Being Dismantled to Expand Coal Mine

Am I the only one to feel insulted by the BBC, Committee on Climate Change , Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and the rest of the green mafia, who constantly tell us that…

The Australian Government Vision for Our Renewable Future

The government has provided a risible $224 million budget for batteries to stabilise a 33GW grid which is expected to be 82% renewable by 2030.

Goldman Sachs’ Jeff Currie: ‘$3.8 Trillion of Investment in Renewables Moved Fossil Fuels from 82% to 81% of Overall Energy Consumption’ in 10 Years

So though, all of that investment in renewables, you’re talking about 3.8 trillion, let me repeat that $3.8 trillion of investment in renewables moved fossil fuel consumption from 82 to…

Replacing Peaking Power Plants with Battery Energy Storage Systems

From the Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York Roger Caiazza In the last couple of years environmental advocates have vilified peaking power plants in their endless quest for zero risk to…

Europe Importing $35.77 Billion of Solar Panels – And they Still Have an Energy Crisis

According to CCP mouthpiece Global Times, up to 50% of China’s solar panel output this year will be purchased by Europe, in a desperate attempt to replace Russian gas imports.

Is Private Renewable Energy Investment Faltering in Australia?

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has resurrected the state electricity commission, to develop renewable opportunities and facilitate a phaseout of coal by 2035.

They Can’t Make Green Energy Using Only Green Energy

Up to now, the main strategy has been to buy most of the devices from China, where they are made largely using energy from coal.

Aussie ABC Admits the Renewable Transition is Driving Up Household Electricity Bills

“… the up-front costs involved in transitioning the network to renewables will be large …”

The Penetration Problem. Part II: Will the Inflation Reduction Act Cause a Blackout?

We are seeing blackouts and system problems all over the world now, unlike in the past. There is a common factor for most – high penetration of intermittent asynchronous wind…

Oops: Renewable Energy Costs Shut Down Solar Cell Manufacturing in Europe

Despite green claims renewables are the cheapest form of power, renewable manufacturers are struggling to survive Europe’s soaring energy prices.

Common Dreams: Rooftop Solar Would have Prevented Hurricane Ian Power Outages

Greens are using the power outages following Hurricane Ian to push solar power.

The Penetration Problem. Part I: Wind and Solar – The More You Do, The Harder It Gets

There seems to be a belief that increasing the level of wind and solar projects will make subsequent progress with these resources easier. Nothing could be further from the truth.

A Few Graphs Say It All for Weather-Dependent “Renewables”

A few graphs say it all for Wind and Solar power

Renewables and the Great Texas Blackout: Baker Institute Study Tiptoes to Key Causality

…problems attributed to markets are often the result of prior government intervention on close inspection.

Climate Change Weekly #448: Proposed Virginia Wind Facility Threatens Endangered Whales

The proposed Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project is directly in the NARWs’ annual migration path.

The Conversation: How to Convince Economists to Back Climate Action

Professor Aled Jones exposing the “myth” that renewables are too expensive and utterly reliant on government subsidies.

Ronald Stein on the Huge Advantages of Fossil Fuels Over Wind/Solar Power, Tom Nelson Podcast

Ronald Stein, P.E. is an engineer and Founder of PTS Advance, drawing upon decades of project management and business development experiences.

Will California “Learn” to Avoid Peak Rolling Blackouts?

California has reached a balance skewed by false expectations that “green” resources cannot meet.

Green Champion Switzerland: Jail Time If you Heat Your Home Above 19C / 66F

Switzerland is considering imposing three year jail sentences on anyone who turns up the thermostat, if energy rationing is imposed.

WSJ: Why the Renewable Energy Transition will Fail

Wall Street Journal trashing claims the renewable energy transition will bring down prices, or is even possible.

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