Higher Maximum Temperature Increases the Frequency of Water Drinking in Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)

We tested the prediction that mountain gorillas drink more often during hotter and drier periods.

Why The Claimed “97% Consensus” Is Meaningless

I got to thinking about how science progresses. Science is a funny beast. It’s not a “thing”, it’s a process. The process works like this: One or more people make…

Climate change was bad for Neanderthal children in the Pleistocene! And so was the lead-poisoning!

Guest commentary by David Middleton   In addition to an email from Rush Holt encouraging me to vote in the midterm elections (I already voted against every Democrat on the…

Humans Are Causing Mammals to Shrink!

Guest commentary by David Middleton From the No Schist Sherlock files… PUBLIC RELEASE: 19-APR-2018 Humans have been driving a global reduction in mammal size for thousands of years AMERICAN ASSOCIATION…

Shock news: The Arctic influences Eurasian weather and climate

From the INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES and the “obvious science” department comes this stunning revelation. Arctic influences Eurasian weather and climate Over the past decades the Arctic…

Horrible new threat from global warming – fewer pearl necklaces (or not)

From the CO2 solubility curve and the Captain Obvious department comes this press release that leaves us wondering if this isn’t just lip service to justify a grant: How ocean acidification…

Breaking news! Fire melts permafrost.

From the department of Obvious Science, the “Surface Albedo Collective” and the University of Alaska comes this stunner of a press release. Research links tundra fires, thawing permafrost UNIVERSITY OF…

Shock Climate Science News: '…birds respond to changing conditions in different seasons of the year'

From the FACULTY OF SCIENCE – UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN and the Department of Obvious Science comes this revelation: birds react to changes in seasons, and in many cases they do…

Obvious science: NASA finds vegetation essential for limiting city warming effects

From the “department of limiting UHI” and NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER   Cities are well known hot spots – literally. The urban heat island effect has long been observed to raise…

More pointless worrying from NOAA: July 4th fireworks cause a spike in particulate matter for a day

From the Department of Obvious Science and the “don’t you have anything better to do with our tax dollars” department comes this pointless study. Gotta love the zinger at the…

Amazing study of the IPCC and media concludes: "…reception and coverage in the media has varied widely."

From the Department of Obvious Science and from the University of Exeter comes this report that makes me wonder: why was time and money spent on it? A difficult climate:…

Breaking science news: Yak dung burning pollutes indoor air of Tibetan households

From Emory Health Sciences, and the Department of Obvious Science, comes this press release that speaks for itself. Tibet, the highest region on Earth and one of the most remote,…

Wow, we never saw this coming: 'Trash burning worldwide significantly worsens air pollution'

BOULDER — Unregulated trash burning around the globe is pumping far more pollution into the atmosphere than shown by official records. A new study led by the National Center for…

Pointless Ohio State study predicts the obvious with models – fish will die as streams dry out

Even more troubling, why does a waste of time study like this get funded by the Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program? I don’t want defense money…

Warming climates intensify greenhouse gas given out by oceans

From the University of Edinburgh and the department of soda pop science, comes something we already knew. I wonder who approved the grant for this one? Rising global temperatures could…

A press release I never quite finished reading

Nature Climate Change asks this: How does snow affect the amount of water in rivers? New research has shown for the first time that the amount of water flowing through…

Multiple consecutive days of tornado activity spawn worst events

From Purdue University , a press release related to tornado activity without any mention of a climate change link. WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Significant tornado outbreaks and especially strong tornadoes…

Climate craziness of the week: climate change> bigger waves> fish have to swim harder

From the department of obvious science and anything to do with climate change must be bad comes this study from Australian National University: Waves costly for fish Big waves are energetically…

Oh noes! Richer countries get more climate research than poorer more vulnerable regions of the world

That darn wealth distribution is affecting who has money for climate research. “The results show that the supply of climate change knowledge is biased toward richer countries.”. Can the begging…

They are just now figuring this out?

From the University of Washington, something woodsmen, hunters, and campers have observed in forests for hundreds of years.  It’s all about the LWIR. Snow melts faster under trees than in…

University of New Hampshire invertedly overheats soil, and pronounces a climate change result

From the University of New Hampshire comes this press release that made me recoil when I read the methodology involved because it is Mannian-Tiljanderish in the approach. Instead of doing…

Flowers like the warmer weather

From Harvard University An early sign of spring, earlier than ever Researchers say record-high temperatures led to earliest spring flowering in history Record warm temperatures in 2010 and 2012 resulted…

'Carmageddon' in LA makes 'Carmaheaven'

From the University of California – Los Angeles  and the WUWT Obvious Science Department: ‘Carmaheaven’: Closure of 405 in 2011 improved air quality up to 83 percent Take the time…

Newsflash: tropical species adapt to temperature changes

From Wiley Sciences, some interesting admissions, though I have to think that insects are far more tolerant than they give them credit for. But, take it all with a grain…