Aussie Controlled Forest Burns are now “Cultural Burns”?

Greens frequently oppose controlled burns to manage flammable forest fuel buildups. But would greens oppose the traditional wisdom of an indigenous “cultural burn”?

German Conservationists Score Win In Battle To Protect 1000-Year Old “Grimm’s Fairytale Forest” From Green Insanity

The legal fight to rescue the treasured forest from windpark industrialization has begun. 

Claim: Global team of scientists determine ‘fingerprint’ for how much heat, drought is too much for forests

How hot is too hot, and how dry is too dry, for the Earth’s forests?

3.. 2.. 1.. Claim: Colorado Wildfires Because Climate Change

Climate ambulance chasers are trying to bag another photogenic wildfire for their cause. But Colorado legislated a moratorium on prescribed burns in 2012, following a burn fail which ended in…

Study: Cleared Tropical Forest Regrowth Helps Slow Climate Change

Instead of banning logging in the Amazon, climate activists should encourage managed logging, to help draw down more CO2 from the atmosphere.

Aussie Bushfire Madness: Fuel Load Not an Issue, All Climate Change

Reducing available fuel seems and obvious strategy for fire risk management. But according to the CSIRO, the real culprit is climate change.

Forest Degradation A Major Climatic Warming Driver, Study Finds. CO2-Induced Tree Growth Cools?

“The conclusion is that forest managers therefore have some control in climate change over how much the forests entrusted to them heat up and are potentially damaged as a result.…

The Real Toll of Oregon Forest Losses.

There are other losses to our forests, however, that may not have been fully reported so far. Nearly one million acres burned in Oregon’s west-side Cascade forests. These were some…

Heat stress: The climate is putting European forests under sustained pressure

No year since weather records began was as hot and dry as 2018. A first comprehensive analysis of the consequences of this drought and heat event shows that central European…

Study: Demand for Vegan Soy Driving Climate Change, Brazilian Habitat Destruction

Trendy vegan high tech latte sipping eco-warriors are running up a rap sheet of climate crimes.

Reforesting is a good idea, but it is necessary to know where and how

An international group of ecologists contests an article published in Science, which among other cardinal errors proposed ‘reforestation’ of the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna biome Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do…

Another climate panic collapses: recent harsh winters have killed off invasive pine beetles thought to be linked to global warming

by Dr. Roger Roots, Lysander Spooner University A decade ago, folks in northern states such as Minnesota, South and North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho were watching large swaths of…

The Coming Global Forest Regrowth

Guest essay by Steve Goreham Last month, Pope Francis visited Peru and spoke about preserving the biodiversity of the Amazon rain forest. For decades, environmental groups have lamented the shrinking…

Arctic Restoration — Go Beavers!

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen   Oh those busy,  busy beavers — aren’t they great?  There’s the little guy in the corner of the photo, he and his pals built…

Claim: Planting trees cannot replace cutting CO2 emissions

From the “has anyone told Earth yet?” department and the wild alarmists of the Schellnhuber school of climate doom, comes this claim that’s just another headline grabber made up mostly…

A serious climate opportunity

Why does government refuse to do the one thing that would help our forests and climate? Guest essay by Greg Walcher For years, politicians have waged war on coal, stifled…

Wacky Claim: Forests 'held their breath' during global warming hiatus

From the UNIVERSITY OF EXETER comes this wacky headline: Forests ‘held their breath’ during global warming hiatus, research shows Global forest ecosystems, widely considered to act as the lungs of…

There's no one-size-fits-all solution to climate change

From the Field Museum New study shows where carbon finance should — and shouldn’t — drive conservation efforts The world’s forests are crucial to slowing climate change, but they’re often…

They are just now figuring this out?

From the University of Washington, something woodsmen, hunters, and campers have observed in forests for hundreds of years.  It’s all about the LWIR. Snow melts faster under trees than in…

Another benefit of increased CO2 – trees use water more efficiently

Warmist, document thief, and water expert Peter Gleick must be terribly conflicted by this news from USDA. Trees Using Water More Efficiently as Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Rises DURHAM, NH, July…

CO2 Is Greening The Planet: African Savannahs Getting a Makeover to Forests

I’ve covered this before, such as when NASA posted satellite data showing that the biosphere is booming thanks to CO2 fertilization. This new study from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany…