Fun video: fire in ultra slo-mo

From The American Chemical Society To fire up the grill or the gas stove, we often reach for a match. It turns out there’s a lot of chemistry going on…

Bill Gates: "We need a [energy] miracle"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Bill Gates thinks we need a miracle to solve the world’s energy needs, a safe, reliable, non polluting form of energy which could bring electricity…

WaPo's 'baked in goodness' of climatic hyper-adjectives

It has been obvious for years that there’s a “say anything” aspect to climate and weather reporting that has gotten out of hand. Today I saw a prime example of…

Northern Winter Nights

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach  [See Addendum at the bottom.] [See Second Addendum at the bottom] I got to thinking about the distribution of the so-called “global” warming. I’d heard…

A new climate war brewing: forecasting vs. modeling

A new paper published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation explains how statistical forecasting methods can provide an important contrast to climate model-based predictions of future global warming. The…

Study: Urban backyards contribute almost as much CO2 as much as cars and buildings

From the “mulch your way to a warmer planet” department and Boston University: Urban soils release surprising amounts of carbon dioxide Tracking biological emissions will allow more accurate assessments of climate…

Model claims: Future heat waves to roast 60% of the planetary surface by 2075

From NCAR/UCAR: SEARING HEAT WAVES DETAILED IN STUDY OF FUTURE CLIMATE February 23, 2016 Sweltering heat waves that typically strike once every 20 years could become yearly events across 60…

Tim Flannery: Firing Climate Scientists Breaches the Paris Agreement

Tim Flannery, whose spectacularly wrong advice once helped panic Aussie politicians into wasting billions of dollars on useless desalination plants, now thinks firing CSIRO climate scientists will cause Australia to…

Finally, a study that shows unreliable models are the root of overwrought 'extreme weather' events

Dr. Judith Curry tips me to this new study in GRL: Unreliable climate simulations overestimate attributable risk of extreme weather and climate events Omar Bellprat, Francisco Doblas-Reyes Abstract Event attribution aims…

Monday Mirthiness – Eureka! I'm biased!

Comic book to print (b&w): Comic book Comic book to print (blue): Comic book Poster-size comic: Poster 18×24 Want to learn more? Read Regina Nuzzo’s Nature News feature: How scientists fool themselves —…

A stunning 'hockey stick' – How access to energy brought humanity forward

People send me stuff. I got an email today that contained a blog post about another subject unrelated to climate or energy, but it had this graph in it that…

AGU decides to ignore calls for severing ties with ExxonMobil

From the “strange bedfellows” and the “AGU 2016 Fall meeting is in oil-rich Louisiana” department  comes this statement from the American Geophysical Union about calls to sever ties. There is…

DMI disappears an inconvenient sea ice graph

UPDATE: 2/25/16 DMI offers an explanation and an apology here One of the graphs we have had on the WUWT sea ice page has been the DMI graph showing 30%…

Comments on Riser et al (2016) – An Infomercial about the ARGO Program

UPDATE: I’ve crossed out the entire discussion of the top of the atmosphere energy imbalance and removed the illustration. See the note at the beginning of that heading. # #…

Zika virus defense: Shooting Mosquitoes Down with Lasers

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Imagine a machine which can shoot mosquitoes out of the sky using a laser. From the Arctic to the tropics, mosquitoes are a major nuisance,…

Are Environmentalism and Global Warming Effectively Religious Socialism?

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball An interesting pattern developed early in the official involvement in global warming. If a person challenged the claim that humans were causing global warming (AGW),…

A new way of looking at 'The Pause'. Why Karl et al. got it wrong about 'The Pause'. (Part 1)

Much has been written about the Karl et al “pause buster” paper published this past summer, this essay suggests Karl et al actually shot themselves in the foot with the…

Another "blob" of warm ocean water discovered, this one ancient

While the Pacific “blob” seems to have died, this new research say they can find blobs lost in time. What is most interesting is that they say Greenland went through…

Mauna Loa Daily Meteorology

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach As a confirmed data junkie, I’m fond of hourly data. The interesting processes in the climate system unfold on the scale of minutes and hours,…

Brexit: Left and Right Unite to Eject the Green EU from Britain

Guest essay by Eric Worrall An astonishing thing just happened in Britain. UKIP leader Nigel Farage, a strong supporter of US Tea Party Politics, invited the radical left wing politician…

The Guardian's Dana Nuccitelli uses pseudo-science to libel Dr. John Christy

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley One Dana Nuccitelli, a co-author of the 2013 paper that found 0.5% consensus to the effect that recent global warming was mostly manmade and reported…

The Kevin Trenberth Effect: Pulling Science Back to the Dark Ages – Part 1 Droughts and Heat waves

Guest essay by Jim Steele Director emeritus Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University and author of Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism In my essay…

Claim: We should focus on Air Pollution, let Climate "take care of itself"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Guardian has published a hilariously confused post, which seems to claim that climate change is important, vital, and big, but we should focus on…

How not to measure temperature (or climate) #97 – California's warming air temperatures are population and site bias related

A couple of days ago, I highlighted a worst of the worst NOAA climate monitoring station in Arizona with the help of a scientist from the University of Washington. My…