COP28 UN climate summit to officially target meat eating! ‘Nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat’ to enforce UN plan for ‘food’s climate transition’

COP 28 UN climate summit planning Great Food Reset for USA!

New Study Concludes: If We Artificially Raise the Cost of Fertilizers, Farmers Will Use Less and Grow Less Food

Draconian Climate Policies fix everything. Don’t worry. Someone else will feed you.

The Bitter Taste of Climate Alarmism in Your Beer

This latest research, published in Nature Communications, is a classic example of the narrow lens through which many studies view the world of climate aka climate catastrophizing.

Right, EpochTV, Global Climate Policies Are Targeting Food Production

The impact of green policies on the food supply is one of the most dangerous emerging global issues.

New Zealand Farmers Fed Up with Extreme Climate Policies

Reuters is predicting the possible election of a right wing government on a platform of repealing climate policies which are devastating the countryside.

Climate Bombshell: No Ice-Cold Beer to Cool Us Down as Planet Earth Boils Over

If there are to be dramatic shortages in barley going forward due to climate change, they have yet to show up in the production record.

The Global War on Farming: ‘Net Zero and the American beef industry cannot coexist’

It is all one big lie. It’s a pretext

MSN Pushes Rice, Sugar, Tomato Crises – Despite New Crop Records

All five of the five largest crop years occurred during the past five years. All 10 of the 10 largest crop years occurred during the past 10 years.

Farms that Create Habitat Key to Food Security and Biodiversity

We need to recognize the vital work many farmers are doing that supports biodiversity.

Bloomberg Falsely Says Climate Change is Harming Crop Production, Reality Says Otherwise

Regional crop failures have always occurred, causing difficulties for producers and consumers, but there is no evidence recent isolated crop declines are more than temporary or due to long-term climate…

Aussie NSW Farmers Call for a Ban on New Solar Projects

NSW Farmers, Australia’s largest farming organisation, is demanding a prepaid decommissioning fund for solar farms, to prevent farmers being left with the bill for decommissioning and disposal.

The Arrogance of Academia: The Naive Push for Dynamic Pricing in Grocery Stores

It’s critical to note that the real-world practice of grocery retailing is far more intricate than a mere academic exercise.

Agri-Absurdity: The High Cost of ‘Saving’ The Planet

… there’s no virtue in signing a pledge to curtail food production, and potentially starve millions, to combat a hypothetical climate catastrophe.

A Closer Look at the Impact of Bioenergy

…the EU and US drive for biofuels has had by far the biggest effect on food supply and prices.

Wrong (Again), CBC, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Wine Production

Indeed, grape production has grown by more than 86 percent, and wine production increased by more than 97 percent.

Epic Fail in America’s Heartland: Climate Models Greatly Overestimate Corn Belt Warming

My continuing theme has been, “don’t believe gloom and doom forecasts for the future of the U.S. Corn Belt”.

CO2 Pipelines in the Midwest: The Brewing Conflict Between Energy, Environment, and Property Rights

As the battle over CO2 pipelines in the Midwest heats up, the conflicting interests of economic growth, environmental preservation, and property rights will continue to collide.

Only one sausage per month for everyone!’ German Nutrition Society recommends over 90% reduction in daily meat eating– to combat global warming

Will the nutrition authority continue to issue certifications to canteens that offer meat beyond the recommended quota?

If We Imagine Really Bad Stuff, It Might Affect Crop Yields.

…use large ensembles to generate plausible unprecedented events, which can inform our assessment of the risk to crops

Record World Cereal Outputs Forecast for 2023/24

What climate crisis?

Relax, Fresh Plaza, Florida Strawberry Production Is Growing

Existing data refutes claims that climate change is harming strawberry production in Florida or nationwide, and when data and model projections conflict, science says believe the data.

John Kerry targets farmers: ‘We can’t get to Net-Zero…unless agriculture is front & center as part of the solution’ – ‘I refuse to call it climate change anymore. It’s not change. It’s a crisis’

We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge

Lomborg: ‘Organic agriculture’ could optimistically support 4.7 billion people – ‘Industrial agriculture’ could optimistically support 12 billion – Current global population is 8 billion

The alarmist forecast of 12 billion is only a projection of current trends

Bill Gates funded Lab-grown meat ‘could be 25 times worse for the climate than beef’ – ‘Highly energy intensive’ – ‘Meat’ grown in steel vats from stem cells from animal

Meat produced from cultured cells could be 25 times worse for the climate than regular beef unless scientists find ways to overhaul energy-intensive steps in its production.