Of Simple Models, Seasonal Lags, and Tautochrones

Guest post by Joeseph H. Born Many of us laymen were fascinated by Willis Eschenbach’s recent post that touched on how insensitive to oscillation period the phase lag between insolation…

New gadget: remote WiFi Temperature & Humidity Data Logger

Measurment of temperature is getting so much easier these days. Some of you may have a need for this WiFi Temperature / Humidity Data Logging Sensor, so I thought I’d…

A Big Picture Look At “Earth’s Temperature” – 2nd Quarter, 2012 – "What Global Warming Looks Like" Update

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” In the US we are currently being bombarded with claims that “this summer is ‘what global warming looks like’” from the Associated Press and…

The folly of blaming the Eastern U.S. heat wave on global warming

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Climate Alarmists Target the Arabunna People – With No Evidence

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The Arabunna people live in the area around Lake Eyre in Southern Australia. It is a hot, hostile desert region, which is no surprise, because…

Tisdale: “Mercury rising”? “Greater L.A. to heat up an average 4 to 5 degrees by mid-century”????

Guest post by Bob Tisdale SkepticalScience recently published a post titled Mercury rising: Greater L.A. to heat up an average 4 to 5 degrees by mid-century. It’s a cross post…

An interesting graph showing solar cycle, El Niño, and surface temperature correlation in Australia

Ian H. Bryce writes at Jo Nova’s website: The thing that intrigued me about the maximum temperatures is the high peaks, which occur at the peak of the odd solar…

Comparing GHCN V1 and V3

Much Ado About Very Little Guest post by Zeke Hausfather and Steve Mosher E.M. Smith has claimed (see full post here: Summary Report on v1 vs v3 GHCN ) to…

Lucia takes on the Gergis et al hockey stick screening fallacy

This is an excerpt of a larger post that deserves the wider attention WUWT can bring to it. The image at left is from my article: A look at treemometers and…

A Demonstration of Negative Climate Sensitivity

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, after my brief digression to some other topics, I’ve finally been able to get back to the reason that I got the CERES albedo…

Time Lags in the Climate System

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Did you ever sit on a hot sand beach and dig your hand down into the sand? You don’t have to dig very far before…

The Very Model Of A Modern Major Problem

Reposted from The GWPF by Dr. David Whitehouse There has been some discussion about a paper in Nature Climate Change by Gleckler et al that says they detect “a positive…

A Big Picture Look At “Earth’s Temperature” – Peter Gleick Edition

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” I recently came across a January 21st, 2012 Peter Gleick article 2011 Climate Change in Pictures and Data: Just the Facts, which appears to…

Arctic temperature anomaly uncertainties

Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. writes of a new paper which suggest that Arctic temperaturehas even greater uncertainty problems. He writes (excerpts) New Paper “A Multi-Data Set Comparison Of The Vertical…

May UAH Global Temperature – unchanged

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2012: +0.29°C By Dr. Roy Spencer The global average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly for May 2012 (+0.29 °C) changed little from April (+0.30 °C),…

More on the wettest April in 100 years in the UK

Readers may recall how the Met Office botched yet another forecast, calling for drought but instead getting a month of deluge. Here’s the numbers. By Paul Homewood The UK Met…

Has the CRUTEM4 Data been fiddled with?

Guest post by Ed Thurstan Abstract It is apparent from the data that CRUTEM4 temperatures adjustments have, in part, been made with reference only to the earlier CRUTEM3 data, rather…

Supreme irony: wind farms can cause atmospheric warming, finds a new study

NOTE: An update has been added below, using the press release that came out today after the news stories yesterday. While ironic that something designed to reduce CO2 emissions (and…

Tisdale: A Closer Look at CRUTEM4 Since 1975

Note: I’m blogging this from Atlanta, where I am at the TWC Pioneers reunion. Bob was kind enough to provide this post so I can relax a bit (though I…

USA's record warm March 2012 not caused by "global warming"

The usual suspects in the blogs and media have been bloviating about the record warmth of March and spinning it to redline for maximum fear factor, with the “loaded climate…

The Met Office COPing response

Willis Eschenbach notes that the COP predictions from the Met Office, which I highlighted here, are all over the road. He writes: In the most recent one, they didn’t make…

A Big Picture Look At “Earth’s Temperature” – Quarterly Update

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” This format received a positive response in the previous article and apparently encouraged Skeptical Science to take A Big Picture Look at Global Warming,…

Warming in the USHCN is mainly an artifact of adjustments

Dr. Roy Spencer proves what we have been saying for years, the USHCN (U.S. Historical Climatology Network) is a mess compounded by a bigger mess of adjustments. ============================================================== USHCN Surface…

How airports like BWI help set outlier high temperature records

Mark Johnson, Chief Meteorologist of WEWS in Cleveland writes: A friend of mine, Justin Berk, a local TV Met in Baltimore, MD had this story to tell today: “There’s something…

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