The EPA suppresses dissent and opinion, and apparently decides issues in advance of public comment

The EPA apparently doesn’t care about any negative comment of their GHG Endangerment findings, even internally, so the exercise in Democracy we did yesterday apparently was for naught. “The time…

NCDC writes ghost "talking points" rebuttal to surfacestations project

UPDATE: The “ghost author” has been identified, see the end of the article. When I first saw it, I laughed. When I saw the internal memo circulated to top managers…

Just where are those grid killing tornadoes anyway?

John Kerry and Tornadoes – not a good mix Warren Meyer over at is a bit fired up over the NCDC sponsored, Los Angeles PR firm processed, Global Climate…

The climate science elephant footprint in the room

Even though written from a biased perspective, with comments such as “raving from a fringe minority”, this article speaks clearly to things like the absurdity of the Catlin Artic Ice…

The Thermostat Hypothesis

Guest Essay by Willis Eschenbach Abstract The Thermostat Hypothesis is that tropical clouds and thunderstorms, along with other emergent phenomena like dust devils, tornadoes, and the El Nino/La Nina alteration,…

Suggestions of "strong negative cloud feedbacks" in a warmer climate

I thought this post on clouds and climate modeling below from Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit was interesting, because it highlights the dreaded “negative feedbacks” that many climate modelers say don’t…

Mars Today widget now on WUWT

In the discussion thread about CO2 and Antarctic cold, some references to CO2 ice in the ice caps of Mars were part of that discussion. WUWT reader Lou Mackenzie sends…

Another Look At Polar Amplification

Posted by invitation, from Bob Tisdale’s website – original here. Photo/caption below added by Anthony. Guest post by Bob Tisdale On two occasions I’ve attempted to leave a comment at…

Gavin Schmidt's new climate picture book: Anti-Science?

Reprinted here by request from Harold Ambler – Anthony What follows is an open letter to the Salon writer Peter Dizikes, who recently published an article about a new book…

MIT: Global Warming of 7°C 'Could Kill Billions This Century'

By Steven Goddard Some readers may remember the 1961 film “The Day the Earth Caught Fire”. It could be viewed as the original “climate alarmist” film as it contains all…

Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem

Reposted from The Air Vent Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem Leonard Weinstein, ScD April 25, 2009 A theory has been proposed that human activity over about the last…

Limitations on Anthropogenic Global Warming

by Leonard Weinstein, ScD March 1, 2009 reposted from The Air Vent It is not obvious what the ideal temperature and CO2 level should be for mankind. We tend to…

Comparing the Four Global Temperature Data Sets

Reposted from Jennifer Marohasy’s website. THERE are four official global temperature data sets and there has been much debate and discussion as to which best represents change in global temperature.…

Now THAT'S a commencement speech

This speech at the 22nd Annual UVU Symposium on Environmental Ethics, held April 1st and 2nd at Utah Valley University is one of the most sensible and pragmatic ones I…

The Global Warming Hypothesis and Ocean Heat

Guest Post By William DiPuccio Albert Einstein once said, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”  Einstein’s words express a foundational…

Jim Hansen calls Cap and Trade the "Temple of Doom"

Note: this letter from Dr. Jim Hansen of NASA GISS is reprinted below unedited, exactly in email as it was received by me, including the title below. You can reference…

NatGeo: Sun Oddly Quiet – Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?

Excerpts printed below, see full story here (h/t to David Archibald) Anne Minard for National Geographic News May 4, 2009 A prolonged lull in solar activity has astrophysicists glued to…

Michigan Lake Levels Not Changed By Global Warming After All

Scratch another one from the list…. Michigan Lake Levels Not Changed By Global Warming After All Reposted from “The Blog Prof” by Chris J. Kobus, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mechanical…

Name 3 clear signs of the coming Thermageddon

OK, so my art is a bit tongue in cheek. But it does fit the disaster theme of the topic. This op-ed piece in the Herald Sun is interesting, because…

Another inconvenient TV meteorologist

From WOOD-TV, Grand Rapids, MI Chief Meteorologist Bill Steffen has been a familiar face in West Michigan since 1975. MSNBC needs to read Bill’s Blog April 26th, 2009 at 4:55…

Media addicted to "melt", when it it should be "crack"?

Guest post by Steven Goddard What is Wrong with this Picture? The picture of the Wilkins Ice Shelf cracks is itself fine, and the news media loves it so…

The Left Hand Knows Not What The Right Hand is Doing

Guest Post by Steven Goddard Last weeks’ top Antarctic AGW story was : Antarctic ice melting faster than expected due to CO2, of course. This week the #1 story is…

Bullseye Over Boulder – Another "Weather is not Climate" Story

Guest post by Steven Goddard “April comes in like a lion, and stays that way.” The University Of Colorado in Boulder and nearby Colorado State University are hotbeds of climate…

Only 34% of USA Voters Now Blame Humans for Global Warming

On the day the EPA declares CO2 a “dangerous pollutant” we have the from Rasmussen Reports Just one-out-of-three voters (34%) now believe global warming is caused by human activity, the…

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