Lindzen on negative climate feedback

NEW 4/10/09: There is an update to this post, see below the “read the rest of this entry” – Anthony Guest Post by Richard Lindzen, PhD. Alfred P. Sloan Professor…

Freeman Dyson: speaking out on "global warming"

This is a well written essay by the New York times on Freeman Dyson. Dyson is one of the world’s most eminent physicists. As many WUWT readers know he is…

How not to measure temperature, part 84: "Pristine" Mohonk Lake USHCN station revisited

As WUWT readers may recall back in September of 2008, the New York Times ran an extensive first hand account of the Mohonk Lake, NY USHCN climate station of record.…

Natural Drivers of Weather and Climate

Note: The full PDF of this author manuscript was sent to me via an email contact of the author, Bob Foster. He says it has been published in E&E.  Energy…

Dr. Syun Akasofu on IPCC's forecast accuracy

UPDATE#2 I finally found a graph from Professor Akasofu that goes with the text of his essay below. I’ve added it above.  You can read more about Akasofu’s views on…

Undersea Volcanic Eruption In Tonga

Guest post by Steven Goddard The Washington Post reports today: An undersea volcano erupts off the coast of Tonga, tossing clouds of smoke, steam and ash thousands of feet (meters)…

Beryllium 10 and climate

Quick primer: Beryllium-10 is an isotope that is a proxy for the sun’s activity. Be10 is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic ray collisions with atoms of oxygen and nitrogen.…

Edmonton Canada bests March 10th record low by -12 degrees, columnist questions climate situation

UPDATE: The author’s (Lorne Gunter) claim of breaking the all time March record by -12 degrees is only partially correct. The phrase “smashing the previous March low” should have read…

ICCC conference Day 3

I missed a good portion of the Wednesday session, so I’ll let Bob Carter describe it. -Anthony Heartland-2: session three by Bob Carter March 11, 2009 John Sunumu: Nature will…

Here it comes

From Yahoo News h/t to Adolfo Giurfa EPA for the first time looks to mandate reporting of the gases linked to global warming WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government wants…

ICCC conference 2009 – Day 2

Above: At left – Myself, James O’Brien from FSU, and Steve McIntyre at podium. Photo by Evan Jones This morning’s breakfast program featured congressman Tom McClintock of California. He quipped:…

Negative feedback in climate – empirical or emotional?

Here’s an interesting paper that breaks with consensus. The only problem is that it is being ignored for the most part by the mainstream climate community, even going so far…

U.S. Life Expectancy in an Era of Death Trains and Death Factories

Guest post by Indur M. Goklany In a recent op-ed in the Guardian that WUWT commented on, James Hansen of global warming fame, argued for closing coal fired power plants…

George Will's battle with hotheaded ice alarmists

Regular WUWT readers know of the issues related to Arctic Sea Ice that we have routinely followed here. The Arctic sea ice trend is regularly used as tool to hammer…

Canadian mini-satellite may solve carbon puzzle

from the Calgary Herald: Canadian mini-satellite may solve carbon puzzle (h/t to WUWT reader “Freezedried”) Tom Spears Canwestnews Service Friday, February 27, 2009 While NASA lost a $285-million US satellite…

A short primer: The Greenhouse Effect Explained

Guest post by Steve Goddard There is a considerable amount of misinformation propagated about the greenhouse effect by people from both sides of the debate.  The basic concepts are straightforward, as explained here. The…

Subcomittee of Japan's Society of Energy and Resources disses the IPCC – says "recent climate change is driven by natural cycles, not human industrial activity"

Japan’s boffins: Global warming isn’t man-made Climate science is ‘ancient astrology’, claims report By Andrew Orlowski The Register UK (h/t) from WUWT reader Ric Werme UPDATE: One of the panelists…

Bad week for hardware: Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite burns up

Satellite to Study Global-Warming Gases Lost in Space By Alex Morales, Bloomberg News Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) — A satellite launched from California failed to reach orbit today, crashing into the…

Ike's second warning, hint: it is not the "military-industrial complex"

We’ve all heard about Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning to us about the “military industrial complex”. It’s practically iconic. But what I didn’t know was that same farewell speech contained a…

Vacationing on Venus Basic Geology Series Part 1

Vacationing on Venus Basic Geology Series Part 1 Guest post by Steven Goddard Magellan radar imaged Venus – NASA Image In some ways, Venus is similar to earth.  It is…

Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate

Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate Guest Post by Jeff Id on February 3, 2009 Something I’ve been interested in for the last several months is sea ice data. What…

Ocean Acidification and Corals

Guest post by Steven Goddard The BBC ran an article this week titled “Acid oceans ‘need urgent action‘” based on the premise: The world’s marine ecosystems risk being severely damaged…

Forecasting Guru Announces: "no scientific basis for forecasting climate"

It has been an interesting couple of days. Today yet another scientist has come forward with a press release saying that not only did their audit of IPCC forecasting procedures…

James Hansen's Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic – Says Hansen 'Embarrassed NASA', 'Was Never Muzzled', & Models 'Useless'

UPDATE 1/28: Full text of Dr. Theon’s letter has been post on the Senate website and below. This is something I thought I’d never see. This press release today is…

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