I wonder why Greenpeace never protests in Qatar?

This is the sort of political image of CO2 emissions that you usually see presented. The Big Bad USA and Australia get most of the blame for CO2 emissions. Image…

DMI arctic temperature data animation doesn't support claims of recent Arctic warming

UPDATE: 9/8/09 The University of Colorado made a serious mistake in the press release that I cited. This press release was issued well before the paper was available, and of…

Dr. Syun Akasofu: 20 points of context on global warming, politics, and the economy of the world.

From Roger Pielke Sr. – Guest Weblog By Syun Akasofu Of International Arctic Research Center At The University of Alaska Fairbanks Dr. Syun Akasofu has provided us with a guest weblog…

Climate bill delayed and in "disarray"

From the U.S. Senate Committe on Environment and Public Works Democrats Delay Global Warming Bill – Again Obama Agenda In “Disarray” Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking…

Atmospheric Temperature and Carbon Dioxide: Feedback or Equilibrium?

R. Taylor writes in to Tips and Notes to WUWT with this. Anthony: If you shift Vostok temperatures by reasonable time lags, and use reasonable parameters for an equilibrium between…

Soot And The Arctic Ice – A Win-Win Policy Based On Chinese Coal Fired Power Plants

Via Roger Pielke Senior’s new and improved Climate Science Blog: Kiminori Itoh of Yokohama National University has prepared a guest weblog for us. It is titled: “Soot And The Arctic…

Finding an answer to the faint sun paradox: Carbonyl Sulphide?

From a University of Copenhagen News Release First, read  a primer on the Faint Sun Paradox here Normally, I wouldn’t use Wiki, but the article does include a reference to…

Scafetta: New paper on TSI, surface temperature, and modeling

Nicola Scaffetta sent several people a copy of his latest paper today, which address the various solar TSI reconstructions such as from Lean and Rind 2008 and shows contrasts from…

How Sensitive is the Earth’s Climate?

Guest Post By Steve Fitzpatrick Introduction Projections of climate warming from global circulation models (GCM’s) are based on high sensitivity for the Earth’s climate to radiative forcing from well mixed…

A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appears to exist on a global scale…

Svensmark has a new paper and it is a doozy:  Cosmic ray decreases affect atmospheric aerosols and clouds (full text PDF). The major conclusion: “A link between the Sun, cosmic…

McCain realization: “[The Waxman-Markey] 1,400-page bill is a farce.

McCain Echoes Hansen: Waxman-Markey is a ‘Farce’ (The Civil War widens among climate alarmists) by Robert Bradley MasterResource August 3, 2009 “[The Waxman-Markey] 1,400-page bill is a farce. They bought…

A simple analogy on climate modeling – looking for the red spot

This simple visual analogy that Ron House has designed can help readers not familiar with a contentious atmospheric modeling issue get a primer on the it. While not a perfect…

Cherry Picking Climate Catastrophes: Response to Conor Clarke

Cherry Picking Climate Catastrophes: Response to Conor Clarke, Part II WUWT Guest Post by Indur Goklany Conor Clarke at The Atlantic blog, raised several issues with my study, “What to…

Lindzen on Climate Hysteria

Resisting climate hysteria by Richard S. Lindzen on Quadrant Online July 26, 2009 A Case Against Precipitous Climate Action The notion of a static, unchanging climate is foreign to the…

New paper from Lindzen demonstrates low climate sensitivity with observational data

“…ERBE data appear to demonstrate a climate sensitivity of about 0.5°C which is easily distinguished from sensitivities given by models.” On the determination of climate feedbacks from ERBE data Richard…

Insufficient Forcing Uncertainty

It seems depending on who you talk to, climate sensitivity is either underestimated or overestimated. In this case, a model suggests forcing is underestimated. One thing is clear, science does…

IPCC lead author on Global Warming conclusions: "we're not scientifically there yet."

The Salt Lake Tribune – July 16, 2009 Article Excerpt: Tom Tripp, a member of the UN IPCC since 2004, is listed as one of 450 IPCC “lead authors” who…

Study: Media and environmental doomsday – like peas and carrots

In TV there’s been this saying forever: “if it bleeds it leads” referring to what story would be the lead story in the TV newscast. It stands to reason then…

Hansen unhinged on G-8 failure – "Waxman-Markey bill, a monstrous absurdity"

From the Huffington Post, Dr. Hansen is more than a little upset over the failure of G-8 to produce any meaningful CO2 cuts. Once again he tries to take the…

The Medieval Warm Period linked to the success of Machu Picchu, Inca Empire

According to Wikipedia,  the Medieval Warm Period was a time of warm weather around AD 800-1300 during the European Medieval period. Initial research on the MWP and the following Little…

EPA's Jackson and Energy Sec. Chu on the Senate hot seat

In case you missed the debate on the Senate floor today over the Waxman-Markey bill, here is a video segment of interest. Jackson agrees that the USA effect on global…

Spencer on Waxman-Markey's Cap and Trade

Cap and Trade and the Illusion of the New Green Economy Dr. Roy Spencer, from his blog at www.drroyspencer.com July 1st, 2009 I don’t think Al Gore in his wildest…

Roger Pielke Senior on Real Climate claims: "bubkes"

Real Climate’s Misinformation From Climate Science — Roger Pielke Sr. @ 7:00 am Real Climate posted a weblog on June 21 2009 titled “A warning from Copenhagen”.  They report on a Synthesis…

Tropical Tropospheric Amplification – an invitation to review this new paper

The Amplification Invitation Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A while ago I started studying the question of the amplification of the tropical tropospheric temperature with respect to the surface. After…

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