My Solar Anniversary

Last week the Chico News and Review published an editorial (A smoked Red Herring) with my name right at the top, lambasting me for my investigations into climate change. That’s…

My New Toy: Global Climate Modeling on my PC

I have a new toy. Its one of the Global Climate Models that is being used to predict the future of Earth’s climate and the effects of global warming. Originally…

The adapability of man to his climate

Yesterday, the IPCC Climate Change Report was released. Now the hand wringing starts. I’ve made a lot of entries on climate change here, I’ve given newspaper interviews, radio interviews, written…

It's the Sun, stupid

The The United Nations’s IPCC Report comes out today so I thought I’d make a report too. James Carville used to remind Clinton during the ’92 campaign that “its the…

The Missing GW Link: New images shock scientists with view of sun's magnetic field power

Image above: Dubbed the “Swan” this X-ray image shows massive energy releases from the sun’s magnetic field, even while we are at the solar minimum in between sunspots cycles. Last…

This week in Global Warming

Whew! It has been a busy week, with lots of things to report. So rather than making a blog entry for each one I thought I’d condense them all into…

My 100th entry – some other views on Global Warming

I figured for my 100th entry, I’d make it a big one. Especially in light of the fact that a recent editorial in the ChicoBeat said that I’m completely wrong.…

Internal Combustion Engine could get new lease on life

Ok, everybody’s favorite modern boogeyman, the Internal Combustion Engine, has been blamed for everything from global warming, to wars over oil, to baby booms caused by backseats in 57 Chevy’s.…

No more regular light bulbs?

The California legislature may want to revisit the wording of their proposed ban on incandescents (AB 722). California assemblyman LLoyd Levine, a Democrat from Van Nuys in Los Angeles, wants…

The Sun has a dimmer switch?

Here’s some “inconvenient” news. According to a new theory proposed by renowned astrophysicist Robert Ehrlich of George Mason University, Ice ages are not caused by planet Earth’s orbital variations as…

1500 year solar cycle shows climate impacts

I’ve been saying this all along…the sun is the Big Kahuna of climate change on earth. CO2 effects pale in comparison to the effects of the sun. I’ll have more…

2006 Hottest Year on Record – So what? Part 2

Previously in Part 1 I’ve talked about the fact that 2006 was the hottest year on record according to the National Weather service. But what does that mean? Does a…

2006 Hottest Year on Record – So what? Part 1

Part 1 of 3 parts on this subject that I’ll post over the next few days. The National Atmosphereic and Oceanic Atmospheric Administration released their report on the weather records…

Scientists Predict Large Solar Cycle Coming

An erupting solar prominence photographed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). [More] In a post a few days ago I mentioned scientists discovering that global warming appears to be…

Global Warming on Mars?

Global Warming is a hot topic here on Earth, but it may be the issue will be settled not here on Earth, but on Mars. A study of the ice…

Greenhouse gas stablizes on its own – scientists confused

Multiple news sites are reporting that levels of the second most important greenhouse gas, methane, have stabilized. From Scientific American: "During the two decades of measurements, methane underwent double-digit growth…

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