Mars Magnetic Dynamo: New Timeline

Guest “remote astro-geology” by David Middleton It’s very well established that in the distant past, Mars had enough surface water to erode and deposit a wide range of fluvial sedimentary…

“On the Cover of the Rolling Stone” #ExxonKnew: Earth Is Radioactive

Guest “implied face palm” by David Middleton Hat tip to MMontgomery via Charles the Moderator. From the “No Schist Sherlock Files”… This Rolling Stone article reads like the Josh “Gasland”…

NASA’s SDO Sees New Kind of Magnetic Explosion on Sun

from NASA Dec. 17, 2019 NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has observed a magnetic explosion the likes of which have never been seen before. In the scorching upper reaches of the…

Three solar storms headed for Earth

NOAA forecasters say there is a 55% to 60% chance of geomagnetic storms on May 15th and 16th when a series of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) could hit Earth’s magnetic…

Huge new sunspot may hurl flares towards Earth

Sunspot AR2736, which hurled a Coronal Mass Ejection toward Earth yesterday, is growing larger and crackling with C-class solar flares. The active region now sprawls across more than 100,000 km…

Old stone walls record history of Earth’s magnetic wanderings

From AGU 27 February 2019  Posted by llester By Liza Lester Under the forests of New York and New England, a hidden tracery of tumbledown stone walls marks the…

Shifting North Magnetic Pole is affecting everything from cell phones to submarines

Normally the World Magnetic Model is updated every 5 years, but the North Magnetic Pole is changing position so fast, regular updates are now required. Earth’s magnetic field is changing…

What are the Implications for Climate of Recent North Magnetic Pole Activity?

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball The headline says, Scientists warn Earth’s magnetic North Pole has begun moving ‘erratically’ at speeds so fast they are having to issue an emergency update…

Spotless Sun Sparks a Geomagnetic Storm

Right now, solar Minimum is in full swing. As you can see, the sun is completely spotless. But, last night the spotless sun produced a G1-class geomagnetic storm with bright…

NASA Finding: Jupiter has an extra magnetic pole

Unique in the solar system, scientists consider the possibility that we are catching Jupiter in the middle of a magnetic reversal NASA’s Juno spacecraft has discovered something extraordinary about Jupiter.…

405 thousand year climate cycle discovered related to Earth's orbit around the sun

In ancient rocks, scientists see a climate cycle working across deep time. A repeating shift in Earth’s orbit spans hundreds of millions of years From THE EARTH INSTITUTE AT COLUMBIA…

A conversation with Dr. Willie Soon – on polar bears, the sun, and Earth's climate

Science, Philosophy and Inquiry on a Galactic Scale Contributed by Grégoire Canlorbe © 2017 Publised at WUWT by request of Mr. Canlorbe.    These are the opinions of the author and interviewee.  Dr.…

NASA: Cosmic rays hitting Earth are 'bad and getting worse'

Astronauts on the International Space Station may be at risk during long missions THE WORSENING COSMIC RAY SITUATION: Cosmic rays are bad–and they’re getting worse. That’s the conclusion of a new paper just…

New discovery – 'magnetic cages' on the sun sometimes save us from massive solar eruptions

NASA’s SDO Reveals How Magnetic Cage on the Sun Stopped Solar Eruption A dramatic magnetic power struggle at the Sun’s surface lies at the heart of solar eruptions, new research…


We first reported on this possibility a few days ago. On Feb. 12th, the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2699 exploded–for more than 6 hours. The slow-motion blast produced a C1-class solar flare and hurled…

Nearing solar minimum, a sunspot takes aim at Earth – large solar flares possible

At present, we are closing on the solar minimum. So far in 2018, a total of 18 days (45%) have been without sunspots. But we have one now, a large one…

Baby It’s Cold Outside – evidence of solar cycle affecting Earth’s cloud cover

Guest essay by David Archibald News comes that the light reflected back from Uranus is affected by the solar cycle. “The atmosphere around Uranus is one of the coldest in the solar…

Geomagnetic Storm: Aurora from X9 class solar flare seen in Massachusetts last night

The particle debris from this week’s monster X9-class solar flare hit Earth’s magnetic field last night. The result: Northern Lights in the USA as far south as Arkansas. A severe…

More worrying than global warming – report on ‘extreme space weather’ shows risks to Earth

Extreme space weather has a global footprint and the potential to damage critical infrastructure on the ground and in space. A new report from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre…

Study: Northern Lights may disappear – shrinking protective bubble to put Earth at risk of solar blasts

From the University of Reading: Britain may lose the magic of the Northern Lights by the middle of the century due to major shifts in solar activity, scientists have discovered. Space…

Earth's magnetic poles may be poised to flip

Article by Phil Livermore, Associate Professor of geophysics, University of Leeds and Jon Mound, Associate Professor of Geophysics, University of Leeds The Earth’s magnetic field surrounds our planet like an invisible…

New study suggests a link between the 11 year solar cycle and the tidal effects of Venus, the Earth and Jupiter

HZDR researchers suggest a link between the solar cycle and the tidal effects of Venus, the Earth and Jupiter From the  Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres via press release:…

New insights into the solar magnetic dynamo

From NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER NASA: Understanding the magnetic sun The surface of the sun writhes and dances. Far from the still, whitish-yellow disk it appears to be from the…

Tornado of 5 million degree plasma on the sun is bigger than the Earth

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) watched the Sun’s magnetic forces twist and turn enormous plumes of superheated plasma in a tornado that is larger than the Earth. The particles observed…