A reminder to us flyspecks on an elephant's butt

This article from NASA’s Science portal is a sobering reminder of the power of our nearest star. Given that we are in a deep solar minimum now, I thought I’d…

From AGU – the cause of Aurora Borealis and TSI questions

Scientists think they have discovered the energy source of auroras borealis and australis, the spectacular upper atmospheric color displays seen in the highest latitudes of the our planet. At the same…

Scientists trace cosmic rays to massive black holes

Above: (artist conception) Astronomers have discovered the biggest black hole orbiting a star 1.8 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia, with a record-setting mass of 24 to 33…

All Quiet Alert

“All Quiet Alert” – That sounds like an oxymoron, and maybe it is, but the sun is extremely quiet right now, so much in fact that the Solar Influences Data…

Sunspots reaching 1,000-year high

Here’s more inconvenient news from solar researchers. Even though our sun is quiet at the moment while we are in between peaks in the 11 year sunspot cycles, scientists based…

It's the Sun, stupid

The The United Nations’s IPCC Report comes out today so I thought I’d make a report too. James Carville used to remind Clinton during the ’92 campaign that “its the…

A Big Solar Storm Coming

This week researchers announced that a solar storm is coming — the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of…

The sun is blank – welcome to the solar minimum

No I’m not asking you to fill in the blank, but I am asking you to notice that at this time, there are no sunspots on the sun at all.…

The Sun has a dimmer switch?

Here’s some “inconvenient” news. According to a new theory proposed by renowned astrophysicist Robert Ehrlich of George Mason University, Ice ages are not caused by planet Earth’s orbital variations as…

2006 Hottest Year on Record – So what? Part 2

Previously in Part 1 I’ve talked about the fact that 2006 was the hottest year on record according to the National Weather service. But what does that mean? Does a…

Scientists Predict Large Solar Cycle Coming

An erupting solar prominence photographed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). [More] In a post a few days ago I mentioned scientists discovering that global warming appears to be…


Ok the first thing that went through my mind when I saw the word Yottawatts was that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine uses the phrase…yadda, yadda, yadda… But its actually…

Nuclear power in your basement

Years ago in the 50’s, nuclear energy was the big idea of the time. Clean and nearly limitless energy for everybody was the promise, and ideas such as having a…