Nigel Farage and Bob Ward CLASH over NetZero and coal usage

Date: 01/16/2023 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Nigel Farage, Bog Ward Topic: Net Zero Organisation: GBNews Video Length: 9:48 Date: 01/16/2023 Link…

Is Global Warming Causing Massive Heatwaves?

Claiming that a sudden and rapid increase in heat waves is occurring due to global warming may be good clickbait for the media and a potent tool for climate activists,…

Wind Turbine Power and Land Cover Effects on Bat Deaths

Unrecorded deaths are > 500% higher than the recorded ones.

June Update. Kidding Ourselves, Temperatures, Corals, and Kings

To be clear, the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t need saving. The mainstream media uncritically report propaganda from aerial surveys/from flybys by faux scientists who have also bought into the popular…

Russian walrus and polar bears continue to thrive US researchers tell the Washington Post

… the larger estimate seems more plausible as an average for this subpopulation, although the authors of the report did not draw that conclusion.

Who Noticed Earth Hour This Year?

Normally I publish something snarky about how we should all leave our lights on, but this year’s Earth Hour was such a non-event I genuinely didn’t notice it was happening.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #541

“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best…

Scientists Debunk Alarmist Claim That Vertebrates Declined 69% Since 1970

Two independent groups of scientists have destroyed the always improbable claim that vertebrates across the planet have declined by 69% since 1970.

Monarch Update: Early Spring 2023

The Marvelous Mysterious Monarch butterfly has been in the news again – some good news and some not-so-good news – at least, I  think so.

Journalist Receives $100,000 From Bank For Promoting Climate Alarmism

Another €100,000 (£88,000, $107,000) has been gifted to a climate journalist via the foundation of Spain’s second largest bank, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA (BBVA).

The Mass Extinction Fraud

Contrary to 60 Minutes, the facts are overwhelming that earth isn’t in the midst of an “extinction crisis.”

Nigel Farage and Bob Ward CLASH over NetZero and coal usage

Bob Ward from the Grantham Research Institute and Nigel Farage discuss NetZero and debate what’s behind the rise of coal usage.

“THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GOOD FOR ENRON STOCK!!” (Enron’s Kyoto memo turns 25)

Dated December 12, 1997, it was written from Kyoto, Japan, by Enron lobbyist John Palmisano in the afterglow of the Kyoto Protocol agreement.

COP27 Is a Down Payment on Disaster

With the GOP now in charge of the House, and thus in control of the purse strings, they are likely to block any increase in US aid, particularly if it…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #527

“[W]e compare the result of [a theory’s] computation to nature…[and] compare it directly with observations, to see if it works. If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong. In that…

Population Crash Cancels Alaska Snow Crab Season – Media Falsely Blames Climate Change

The evidence clearly demonstrates that the current large crash of the Bering Sea crab population is due to combination of overfishing and the largest La Niña event in a decade.…

Watch: Morano on OAN TV goes full World Wrestling taunts against London climate debate duckers – ‘I’m coming to London…If you try to block me out – ‘I will be there at the door!’

I will be there at the door! You will not keep me out!’

AEP, Carbon Brief & The European Climate Foundation

In short, far left political foundations, funded mainly by US billionaires, have been using their money to influence public policy for years, both here in the UK and in Europe.

Frozen Planet II repeats Attenborough’s climate change scaremongering that began in 2015

This is calculated ‘climate change’ propaganda marketed as ‘entertainment’. Buyer beware.

Australian Academy of Science Demands Dissent be Silenced

In a submission to the Australian Government, the AAS has demanded “disinformation” about climate change, the great barrier reef, and Covid vaccines be censored from broadcast news and the internet.

Is the EIA fudging gasoline demand numbers to lower prices?

Guest “Not adding up” by David Middleton Personally, I do not think the EIA is fudging the numbers, at least not intentionally… But some numbers just don’t seem to add…

New Paper Polar Bears Attracted to Garbage Dumps Blames Lack of Sea Ice Without Any Evidence

All you need to know about the motivation behind the paper comes from the authors’ acknowledgement:

No, children, the Monarch Butterfly is Not Endangered

Monarchs are officially, even by the overly cautious IUCN, considered to be of Least Concern of being endangered or going extinct. 

Putting Coal Into the African Perspective

In fact you can honestly say that by building coal powered stations in southern Africa, you can reduce CO2 emissions!

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