Coral Reefs are as Good as Dead, so We Don’t have to Try Anymore?

But, but, there is still hope if we restrict fishing, reduce runoff pollution, and immediately commit to reducing CO2 emissions.

BBC’s Coral Propaganda

The BBC is corrupt, and this report is fraudulent:

The “Great Barrier Reef Is Dying” Scam

It was only a year ago that Australia’s leading reef expert, Dr Peter Ridd, reported that coral cover was at record highs:

Why Climate Scientists were Duped into Believing Rising CO2 will Harm Coral and Mollusks

The world can only hope that NOAA and all those alarmist websites will soon admit that improved science has revealed the error of their ways

The Great Barrier Reef could Die This Year?

Adam Gottschalk, a freshly minted Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics, lamenting the lack of urgency in addressing climate change.

Café Latte Coral & The Bump Heads

Would we really be able to find the famous coral – the badly bleached coral that had featured in The Guardian as emblematic of mass death from global warming.

Removing Colour, for a Sick Story

They strip colour from pretty pictures because they want to make people feel sad, specifically about the corals at the Great Barrier Reef.

The Woke Transformation of the Australian Academy of Science

The Australian Academy of Science is now a joke.

The Australian Academy of Science: Science or Wokeness?

By its wilful abandonment of quantitative analysis, the AAS has destroyed its reputation as a source of useful scientific advice… The Australian Academy of Science is now a joke.

June Update. Kidding Ourselves, Temperatures, Corals, and Kings

To be clear, the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t need saving. The mainstream media uncritically report propaganda from aerial surveys/from flybys by faux scientists who have also bought into the popular…

Invitation to Visit Mass Coral Bleaching, and see the Fishes

Too many Australians, whether young or old, voting Labor, Greens, Liberal or Teal, are mostly abrogating their capacity for reason in favour of being fashionable.

Coral Snapshot 2022-23, & All the Unanswered Questions

It is impossible to reconcile 60% bleaching based on the official aerial survey with 0% bleaching based on the official underwater survey for John Brewer Reef, with both surveys undertaken…

Happy Easter, Happy End of the 2023 Cyclone Season at the Great Barrier Reef

The available data shows that there has been a steady decline in both the number and intensity of cyclones since the 1970s.

Professor Peter Ridd – The World’s Coral Reefs are not Declining

Professor Ridd reviews the latest data on the state of the world’s coral reefs, which is extremely encouraging, especially for the Great Barrier Reef, the largest single reef system, with…

New Study Confirms Coral Reefs Are Adapting to Warmer Waters

Why are they constantly peddling such doom?

Record Great Barrier Reef Coral Cover – Time to Pull the Climate Crisis Funding?

The Guardian talking up the alleged climate risk to the reef, in the midst of a record boom in coral cover.

Aussie Scientists Freezing Coral to Protect them From Climate Change

Coral survived the dinosaur killer, the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, and the Quaternary ice age. But apparently we must spend millions on cryo-storage to protect coral from anthropogenic climate change.

Get it Right, Washington Post, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Coral Reefs

Because climate change isn’t harming coral reefs, trying to protect coral health by fighting global warming is a misplaced effort.

Australian Academy of Science Demands Dissent be Silenced

In a submission to the Australian Government, the AAS has demanded “disinformation” about climate change, the great barrier reef, and Covid vaccines be censored from broadcast news and the internet.

Peter Ridd on Great Barrier Reef Recovery: Technical Details of Coral Cover Statistics, and Background

We must then remember that this is almost certainly natural, and not allow the merchants of doom to depress the children.

Latest Survey of ‘Coral Cover’ Fundamentally Unscientific

The relatively low percentage cover is because only the reef perimeter is surveyed by AIMS, which is the equivalent of reporting on the population of Sydney after skirting around the…

It’s the Wrong Kind of Coral

As word of the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef spreads, the inevitable rationalization from alarmists appears.

Sorry, CNN, Great Barrier Reef Is Setting Records, Fearmongering Won’t Work

The evidence suggests, contrary to CNN’s fearmongering, climate change does not threaten to decimate the GBR or other coral reefs around the world. That’s something people around the globe can be…

Surprise – the Australian Great Barrier Reef has “Bounced Back” from Climate Change

I know all of you will be surprised that an organism which survived the dinosaur killer has has shown an unexpected ability to cope with a degree of global warming…